I know I haven't updated in a while, but here are my excuses:

1) At the beginning of April my best friend's mom passed away after about a year of suffering with cancer. I've spent most of April with my friend trying to make her feel better and take her mind off of things.

2) March was the year anniversary of my friend passing away, so it was tough.

3) MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System for those of you non-mass people) are going on this month so I've been working on not failing those

4) I've been having more dance practices lately because it's close to recital time and I have a few competitions, so I'm always at the studio

5) Schools almost over and instead of lightening the load my teachers want to cram as much into our brains in the month we have left.

6) Writer's block up the wazoo

I know, I know, I'm full of excuses. I just haven't had time lately and my writer's block is killing me /:

But thanks for reading and reviewing as usual!(: