I feel no sympathy,
You lived inside a cave!
You barely get by the rest of us,
You're trying, there's no need to apologize,
I've got no time for feeling sorry!
-Feeling Sorry {Paramore}
"Marie, can you come down here for a minute?" i heard my mother call up the stairs. I turned off my ipod and threw it onto my bed. I stood up from my chair and walked out of my room. The stairs were right there, and I don't see why she can just say what ever she needs too.
"What, Ma?" I yelled, refusing to take a step. I didn't want to walk all the way down stairs and to the living room, just to be told to clean my room.
"Down here! Now! We need to talk about something." Argh why did she have to be so pushy?! I made my way slowly down the stairs, taking my sweet time. She could suck it for all I cared. If she wants me so bad, she can wait. I walked into the living room and my mother was sitting still on the couch. She gestured her hand toward the chair across from her, and I sat silently.
"Marie, when you were born, my dream for you would be that you grew up to be wild, independent, fun, hyper! But now I'm regretting that wish. I love you of course, but I'm getting sick of your attitude. You went from an A+ student who wears floral shirts and skirts, to a D student that wears heels and revealing tank tops and to much make-up. What the hell happened to you!? I wanted a happy medium, not an impersonation of Adrien from Secret Life! You've been suspended twice for smoking on campus, and you've yelled at your teachers so many times that some are actually afraid of you! Why are you like this?!" My mom cried. She was desperate, I could tell. But she wasn't going to crack me. No matter how many tears she shed.
"Okay Ma. I had no friends when I was an A+ student! Carey didn't even really like me! I have friends now, though. Drew, Selena, Emma, Lacey! They all actually like me! You told me to try a new, more spontaneous attitude, so I did! This is who I want to be! So what if I get in trouble?! Those teachers are idiots anyways! And don't even try to tell me you didn't smoke! I know you did, and you thought you were cool when you did it! Who fucking cares! You can cry and beg all you want, but I'm not changing back! The more you beg, the worse I get!" I screamed. I was sick and tiered of her nagging. She needed to get over it.
"That's why you aren't staying here anymore." Her head was buried in her hands, so I could barely hear her, but I did. She was kicking me out. "I'm not going to just push you out the door. No, your father wouldn't have liked that. I'm sending you to Washington. You'll be attending Forks High starting in two weeks. You're staying with your aunt and uncle. I hoping and praying that they might be able to fix you." I mom whispered, barley audible. I couldn't believe it. She was kicking my out, and guilting me into going to my aunts. She played the "dad" card. Of course he didn't want his daughter on the streets, but he also wouldn't have tortured her by sending her to Washington. Where the hell was Forks anyways!
"Fine. I'll go pack. When am I leaving?" I said stubbornly. I wasn't letting her in.
"In two days." She said, still not removing her face from her hands.
I stomped up the stairs and slammed my door shut. I can't be moving. It's not possible! What am I supposed to do about Drew and Sel and Lace and Em? They were my best friends, and I only had two days to be with them. This was retarded. My uncle and aunt weren't going to have any effect on me. This was pointless. They would be sending me back home in 3 days tops. They have two nerdy fifteen year old boys, they can't handle me. They'll be ripping their hair out soon enough. It'll just be a matter of time.
I walked to my closet and pulled out my suitcase. I unzipped the pockets and started loading all my shit into it. I was going to need a couple more bags if I was going to fit all of my crap. My shirts alone barely fit the first bag. It took three other bags to fit my clothes, and a back back held my favorite books, my ipod necessities, my phone charger, my DVD collection, and my laptop charger. My laptop was proped open on my desk, still off. I would pack that last, after my night of Forks research.
By the time I got off my laptop, I detested Forks with an extreme passion. It was the rainiest and place in the continental U.S. Forks High was just as lame. The school website said that it had just joined with the "La Push Res High School." Apparently, La Push was a little Indian reservation on the beach. The school had caught on fire, so now the students needed a place to "continue on with their studies so they too can pursue their dreams of the future." That sentence made me hate anything that was related to the school.
The school website had an online year book, and I went through it quickly. A few people caught me eye, and they seemed either gorgeous, nice, or slutty. under the gorgeous category, there was Edward Cullen, Renesmee Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Alice Cullen, Isabella Hale, Jasper Hale, and Rosalie Hale. Alice, Edward, Isabella, and Renesmee also fell under the category of nice, along with Rebecca Allen, Shawn Cook, and Marcus Livington. The slutty category went Racheal Malord, Tracey Stanford, and Alicia Marks. I guess I could try the Cullen's first, then maybe the Hale's, then I'll find out who the others hang out with.
I started to plan out my first day of school. This is what I ended up with:
I pull into the parking lot and find a space at the far end of the lot. I walk into the office and wait behind four others, just so I can get a map and a schedule or some sort. I then go to my first classes, introducing myself to anyone that falls under my three categories. People look at me funny and whisper about me as I walk by. I end up tripping or falling or something, and I get laughed at. I get to the cafeteria, find either a prechosen person to sit with, or a new friend. If it's the Cullens of Hales, then I'll most likely get rejected and sent to some loser table where the most exciting thing to happen would be for someone to sneeze. I would leave lunch early and go to the bathroom. I'd be late to every class and each teacher would make me introduce myself. I'd die of embarrassment. And when the day finally ended, I'd get to my car and it wouldn't start. It would be raining and I'd have to walk to the house, leaving my baby at some stupid school. I would run to a room, cry my eyes out, then annoy my aunt and uncle till they send me back to my friends. Oh I was so excited for this! NOT!
I was pulling my suitcases down the stairs one at a time while my mom started to rethink her decision. "Oh Marie, maybe you should stay just a few days longer." She suggested longingly. "Not happening, Ma. You wanted me gone, consider it almost done." I said, bringing my last suitcase to the front door. Lace, Em, Drew, and Sel were all bringing me to the airport. I had called them the night before telling them about what had happened. They refused to not see me off, and I wanted anyone but my mother there, so I enthusiastically accepted their offer. My mother almost had a heart attack when I said I didn't want her there. She's been trying to convince me to "stay just a little longer." It almost broke my heart to see her sitting there, almost begging, but she had taken one to many steps near the edge the other night, and once you start falling, you can't stop and get back to the cliff. No choices. You just have to let the fall happen.
I heard a beep from the driveway, and then Lacey's voice scream "Hey, little whore! Get out here now!" I laughed at her impatience, and opened the door, only sticking out my hand to flip her off. I turned around grabbed two suitcases and ran to Drew's car. I threw them in the trunk and ran back to the house to get my last suitcase and my carry-on. "Bye mom." I mumbled and I grabbed my bags and sprinted out the front door. I threw the suitcase into the trunk, slammed in shut, and climbed into the back seat with Emma and Selena.
The car ride was fun, but like any emotional moment, Emma decided to bawl her eyes out. I love her, but she gets wicked emotional. "Em, It's okay. I'll text you like every day." I said hugging her. Her purple and black hair smelled like vanilla and her perfume smelled like lavender. By the time we got to my terminal, the tears had stopped, but I knew as soon as I was supposed to leave, even I would cry.
"I swear to god, if you find a single hot guy you call me right away! I want to know everything about Forks and the highschool and the kids and...well...everything!" Lacey squealed, hugging me. She was truley my best friend. I mean I loved them all, but Lacey is the one that I just have made it without. She was my closest friend ever and it killed me inside to go somewhere without her. I was going to miss her more than anything in the world.
Ness POV:
Aunt Alice went into a trance in the middle of her turn. We were playing chess, and I was winning, since she can't see me. I knew what was happening. She was having a vision.
"Shit!" she said, a look of horror on her perfect face.
"Aunt Ailice, what happened?! What'd you see?!" I asked reaching out and grabbing her arm.
"Oh, um, nothing. Look just don't tell your father I had a vision, okay. I wanna tell him without him in my head." She whispered. There was no point though, everyone was out hunting but us, so no one would really hear her.
"Uh, okay Auntie. But how do I hide it?"
"Think of something your dad hates or something. As long as he doesn't see my vision, or that I even had one." Alice said, staring at the chess board again. She took a minute, but finally moved her piece. When she removed her hand, I grabbed my king and screamed "Check Mate!" as loud as I could. Aliced face fell, and I didn't need to have psycic powers to see what was coming next "REMATCH!" she yelled. I just sat down, laughing at her quietly.