Disclaimer: Own nothing but the books and the video.

Christmas with the Marauders

Sirius gulped. Sirius knew that he was heard, but he was invisible and the Death Eater didn't see anyone.

"Have they arrived, Malfoy?" Sirius could feel from the coldness of the voice that it was Voldemort.

"My Lord," Malfoy said, "there is no one here in this room."

Casey was still sound aslepp and Sirius could see Voldemort, or a shadow of him, walking towards the room, his face hidden under the hood of his cloak.

"Malfoy," Voldemort said drawily, "do not believe in everything that you do not see. They are there."

With that Voldemort raised the invisibility cloak exposing Sirius and Casey to Voldemort. Casey had just woken up and the moment she opened her eyes she saw the picture she hated to see the most.

Her father.

They were caught.

Casey held on to Sirius's hand tightly and glared directly at her father, intent in showing that she wasn't afraid.

"Ah...daughter.." Voldemort began, "you've caused me a lot of trouble, my dear. Very unlike you."

"How would you know?" You were never there for us!" Casey spat.

Voldermort undid his hood to reveal his face. Casey and Sirius gasped. Even Malfoy gasped. Voldemort - he looked well..exactly what any human wizard would look like, with pale skin, curly hair, his eyes extra wide and lips extra thin.

"Who is that young man behind you, Katrina?" VOldemort asked, looking directly at Sirius. Sirius felt like he was being dipped into ice cold water. Sirius wanted to look away but he couldn't.

"None of your business." Casey muttered. "Why should you care?"

"But you should be thankful, darling -"

"-don't call me darling." Casey interrupted.

"At least you're not the only one being tortured."

Casey looked wide eyed at her father. "W-what?! No please don't do that to him. He has nothing to do with this."

"My dear, just being here is enough reason to be part of the situation." Voldemort sounded bored. And with a click of his fingers four death eaters ame into the room, to drag away Sirius. Casey was having none of that. She raised her wand to shout a curse but Voldemort quickly got hold of her. Casey wouldn't let go of Sirius and they had to pry off her fingers from him.

Sirius was trying to be brave and he got his voice back. "Case!" Sirius shouted. "Don't worry, it'll be fine!" And he was gone.

Voldemort cackled. "I'll be the judge of that." Then turned towards his daughter. "Now Katrina, do you think that just because you're my heir means that you get away with it will you? On the contrary my dear you'll need more work than that boy. Crucio."

Casey shieked. It was pain beyond what she can ever imagine. She felt numb all over. It was only a matter of seconds, but she was already covered in sweat.

"Pain from the inside is so much better, don't you think, Katrina?" Voldemort said lazily.

A loud cry.

Casey turned towards the door and recognozed Sirius's voice all to clearly.

"Of course pain from the heart is the best." And walked towards the door.

Sirius never imagined that he could ever feel the kind of pain that he has experienced in that room. The Death Eaters were having fun with him, doing the 2 Unforgivable curses on him. The first was the Imperius.

He was made to bang his head on the wall and to beat himself up but soon afterwards he was able to break the spell after realizing that he needed to get out and knocking yourself senseless will not help.

After that was the Cruciatus curse, where he shrieked and howled in pain.

The Death Eaters didn't have enough yet when Voldemort came in. He was lying in a heap, his eyes misty.

I guess I'm gonna die now, Sirius thought Sirius chuckled. I never thought I would go down this way and at an early age too. Hmm. I guess I won't have to worry about my future.

The only downside is I'll never get to tell Casey...what she really means to me. And never got to apologize for all the things and pranks I've done but then...she did have revenge.

Prongs...I'll miss ya buddy. I couldn't imagine having any other best friend. I'll see you later buddy, much much later.

Moony...wolfman hehe see ya ok?

Wormtail...work up that courage thing alright?

Lily...take care of Prongs okay? He loves you very much.

By now, Voldemort was standing beside him. Sirius returned back to reality, closed his eyes, waited for the killing curse and hope that death won't hurt and that he'll be sent away without a scratch.

Mrs Black rushed into Dumbledore's office. Her husband was out there looking for their son. She looks very distraught, like she hasn't had any sleep all night.

"Where's my son? Is he alright? Where is he?" She asked in a high pitched voice.

"Please Rose, he will be okay." Dumbledore said calmly. "We will do anything to get them back safely."

"Them?!" Mrs Black said shakily.

"Casey Sanchez Riddle is with him." Dumbledore said. Mrs Black looked at him, shocked. He looked back questioningly. "Surely you do not blame Ms Riddle for this incident do you?"

Mrs Black felt a small ripple of anger for Casey. She knew about the girl's past, only she hasn't told Sirius about it. But she also felt pity for the girl. She has met Casey, knew she was in Gryffindor and that she was too intelligent to be a dark witch.

And she knew Sirius adored - no loved - Casey.

After a long silence, "No" Mrs Black answered "casey could never do that. I believe that she would do anything in her power to potect herself and Sirius."

Dumbledore nodded grimly. Yes, Casey might haveauthority wherever they are, because of her bloodline. They would not kill her, she is too important. She is the last remaining descendant of Salazer Slytherin.

"I believe that so."

Lily's friends weren't allowed to go out because of the current situation and Lily understood. The police already had a search on their waybut everyone is skeptical that they will find anything.

James and Remus have fallen aslepp and Lily wrapped a blanket around them ... she sat at the chait under the open window and looked out to the sky, rested her face at the palm of her hand.

Casey, Sirius, where are you? Please be all right. Please....

Suddenly, someone wrapped a blanket around her. She turned around. It was James. She must have woken him up.

"James, I miss them..." Lily said. "Why did this happen?"

"I don't know..." James whispered, and sat next to her.

"I feel so helpless..."

"We all do...."

This was a long dormant period and I have another chapter, I haven't written in the computer yet.
So bear with me
