Charlie was running around the cottage he and Amita rented in England in a last ditch attempt to make sure that they had everything all packed up and ready to head back to Los Angeles. He and Amita had a wonderful time in England with their visiting professorships and seeing the sites but they were both more than ready to get back to LA so see their family.

Charlie went back into the bedroom he shared with Amita; she was putting the last of her belongings in a suitcase. Charlie asked as he put his arm around her, "Are you about ready?"

Amita zipped the suitcase closed, "Yeah, I think I have everything now." she turned and gave him a kiss. "I had so much fun here but I can't wait to get back to LA."

"I know what you mean. I can't wait to see Don and my dad again. I just heard the taxi pull up." Charlie picked up a couple of the suit cases, "You got everything?"

"Yep, let's get outta here." Amita picked up the last suitcase and her carryon bag and followed Charlie to the door.

After getting through security at the airport and finding their gate Charlie sat down and dialed Don.

"Eppes." Don sounded a little groggy and his voice was hushed. Charlie glanced at his watch and realized it was only 7 am in LA.

"Hey bro! Did I wake you?" Charlie said.

"Hey Charlie! Yeah but it's alright Ben is going to be awake soon anyway, I was just trying to get out of the room so I don't wake Robin. Are you and Amita all packed up to come home?"

"Yeah, we just got to the airport a little bit ago, our flight starts boarding in about 15 minutes or so, and then we have a two hour wait in Boston before flying to LA."

"You may be in Boston longer than that, they are in for a big snowstorm out there over the weekend but I haven't heard when it's supposed to start so maybe you and Amita'll get lucky and beat it."

"I hope so. I can't wait to get home. Are Amita and I going to have a new niece or nephew by the time we get back?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know, Robin hasn't gone into labor yet. She's still asleep right now. She went to the doctor yesterday and if she doesn't go into labor over the weekend she's gonna be induced on Monday morning." Robin was almost a week past her due date and completely miserable.

"I see. Alright Don, our flight is boarding now so I'll call you when we get to Boston and let you know if our flight is gonna be on time."

"Okay, safe travels Buddy. See ya tonight hopefully."

"Later Don."


"Hey." Robin came into the living room a few hours later having just woke up. Don was playing with Ben on the living room floor.

"Mama! Mama!" Ben ran over to Robin and wrapped his arms around her leg.

"Hi Ben, come sit with Mommy." Robin sat down on the couch Ben climbed up next to her since he no longer fit on her lap to well. Don pick up Ben and sat down next to Robin with Ben on his lap.

"Hey, Sweetheart. How are you feeling?" Don asked.

"Pregnant, I really want this baby out of me. Soon."

"I know Babe, me too. I can't wait to meet the new little one."

"Were you and Daddy having fun Ben?"

"Pwayed bwocks!"

"Yeah? What else did you and Daddy do?"

"Wead books!"

"Sounds like you two have had a fun day so far."

Don leaned over to kiss Robin, "Mmhm. Charlie called earlier just before he and Amita boarded the plane to Boston. Hopefully their flights into and out of Boston won't be affected by the snowstorm."

"What time is their flight supposed to leave Boston?" Robin asked.

"5:35 their time."

"Has the news said when the storm is supposed to start?"

"I'll I have seen on TV is that it is supposed to start snowing sometime this evening out there so who knows if the weather will interfere with their flight or not."

"You never know with the weather they have back east. Speaking of which, we should try to make a trip out there next year to see my parents." Robin's parents lived in Springfield, Massachusetts where she had grown up.

"That would be fun. Maybe we should try to go in the summer for a week or two. We haven't seen your parents since they were out here in July for Ben's birthday."

"I know, I wish they weren't so far away but I'm glad we have your family here."

"Mama, babee?" Ben asked as he petted and poked at Robin's belly. He was fascinated by it.

"Yes, that is your baby brother in there. You'll get to meet him soon."


"That's right, Ben, you are gonna be a big brother when the baby is born." Don said.

Ben seemed to lose interest after that and climbed down to play with his toys.

"Are you up for some lunch?" Don asked Robin.

"Yeah, I'm actually hungry."

"I'll heat up some of that chicken noodle soup I made last night." Don got up and headed for the kitchen.


Charlie and Amita were at the hotel airport in Boston. Their flight out of LA had been canceled due to the weather but they had a spot on the next flight out of Boston to LA as soon as the weather cleared up.

Charlie hung up his cell phone; he'd called his dad and Don to let them know their flight had been canceled.

"It doesn't look like it's going to clear up until tomorrow night." Amita said as she checked the weather on her laptop.

"Just think, as soon as the weather clears a bit we will be on the first plane back to LA."

"Thank god. Has Robin gone into labor yet?" Amita asked.

"Not yet. They're hoping she'll go into labor before Monday morning but nothing's happened yet." Charlie wrapped his arms around his wife and started kissing her slowly, "Speaking of which, since we're stuck here for the time being, how about we work on making our own baby."

"I like that idea." Amita replied as they fell into bed together.


Don was watching a hockey game with Alan and Larry while Ben played with his toys on the living room floor late Sunday afternoon. Robin had been sitting with them but had excused herself to the bathroom.

During a commercial break Don flipped the channel over to the Weather Channel to see what the scoop was on the blizzard back east. Charlie had called them about an hour ago saying that he and Amita were about to board a flight that would get to LA around 11 pm that night.

"I'm glad Charlie and Amita will be back tonight," said Alan. "I haven't gone this long without seeing Charlie since he spent a year at MIT."

Don was about to say something but Robin emerged and spoke, "Don, I think it's time we head to the hospital."

"Did your water break?" Don asked, "Everything you need is in the suitcase in our room right?"

Robin nodded, "My water broke a few minutes ago, and yes, the suitcase is packed and ready to go by the closet."

Alan helped Robin out to Don's suburban while Don ran upstairs to get everything they needed.

"Dad do you mind staying and watching Ben? Otherwise I can call Cassie to come watch him for the night." Don asked as he put the suitcase in his SUV.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I don't mind Donnie. Go take care of Robin." Alan shoed his oldest into the SUV.

"Thanks Dad." Don backed out of the drive way and headed to the hospital as fast as the speed limit would allow him.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Don glanced over at his wife.

"About 8 minutes." Robin answered right before another one hit.

Several minutes later Don pulled up in front of the hospital entrance, he got a nurse and a wheelchair to take Robin up to the maternity ward before parking his SUV and filling out the paperwork.

It was close to 10:30 and Robin had been pushing for about an hour now.

"One more push and the head will be out." Doctor Paulson said.

"You're doing great Robin. It won't be too much longer now." Don assured his wife.

"You're only saying that because you're not the one doing all the work," Robin's death grip on Don's hand got even tighter as she pushed when the next contraction hit.

"The heads out, he has lots of dark hair. Just a couple more and it will be over Robin. You're doing great."

A minute later the cries of a newborn baby were heard. Don cut the umbilical cord. The baby was cleaned up and weighed before being wrapped in a blanket.

"Here's your perfect, 7 pound 7 ounce, baby boy." the doctor laid him in Robin's arms.

"He's so beautiful." She cooed as she stared at her second born son. Don had sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped on arm around his wife while gently touching the baby with his other.

"He's amazing." Don agreed.

"What are you going to name him?" Dr. Paulson asked.

"Levi Alan." Don replied not taking his eyes off his son.

"He looks like you." Robin said as she ran a finger down Levi's cheek.

"He has my nose." Don conceded. "He looks a little like Ben did when he was born."

"Speaking of Ben, we should call your dad and let him know he has another grandson."

Don pulled out his cell and dialed his dad. "Hey dad, you have a new grandson as of 15 minutes ago!"

"Donnie! That's wonderful! Congratulations! What's his name?" Alan asked, Don and Robin had been insistent that they would not reveal the babies name until he was born.

"Levi. Levi Alan."

"Oh Donnie." Alan didn't know what to say, "Thank you."

"It's our way of saying thank you, for everything you've done for us in the last year. We never would have made it without you."

"Donnie this means the world to me. How is Robin doing?"

"She's pretty tired but I don't think she's going to be sleeping anytime soon. She's doing okay though."

"Good. I'm glad everything went well. Is alright if I stop by to see Levi? Larry volunteered to stay here for a little while so I could see my newest grandson."

"Yeah, that's fine. We'll see you in a little bit then."


Charlie and Amita were waiting for their bags to be unloaded. Charlie pulled out his cell phone and turned it on, there was a picture message waiting for him. Charlie opened the message. It was a picture of a new born baby with a blue stocking hat on. Underneath the picture it simply said 'HI UNCLE CHUCK AND AUNT AMITA'.

"Robin had the baby!" Charlie said to Amita as he showed her the picture before dialing Don's cell numbers.

"Hey Bro congratulations!" Charlie said when Don answered.

"Thanks Charlie." Charlie could hear the smile in Don's voice, it had been the same way when Ben was born, neither Don nor Robin stopped smiling for a couple of days at least.

"Yeah, we are waiting for our luggage then we are going to take a cab to the house so you don't have to leave Robin and I'm assuming Dad is watching Ben for the night?"

"Actually Dad is at the hospital now, Larry is staying with Ben for a little while so Dad could come see Levi." said Don.

"You named him Levi? How long ago was he born?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah we named him Levi Alan. He was born at 10:37. Robin's water broke not too long after you called before you boarded your flight so it was pretty quick."

"Well that's good. Amita and I are going to hail a cab and head home but we will stop by in the morning to see you all since its getting so late. I'm sure Robin is tired."

"Alright Charlie see you in the morning. Tell Amita I say hi."

"Night Don."

"Night Buddy."


Charlie and Amita arrived back at the Craftsman around one am. Charlie opened the front door and stepped inside looking around, "Man it's good to be back."

"I'm so happy we are finally home. I loved England but 6 months is way too long to be away from home." Amita agreed.

It didn't take Charlie or Amita long to fall asleep. Both were exhausted from the flight and jet lag.

They awoke the next morning around nine and after showering and getting ready they made their way to the hospital to see Don, Robin, and the newest addition to the Eppes family.

Charlie knocked quietly, not wanting to wake Robin or the baby in case either was sleeping.

"Hey Charlie, Amita! Come on in." Don said as he stood up and pulled Charlie into a hug before giving Amita a hug.

Charlie leaned over to give Robin a kiss on the cheek, "You look great, Congratulations! This must be the new little guy?"

"Thanks Charlie it's great to see you! Yes, this is Levi. Do you want to hold him?" Charlie nodded and Robin settled Levi is his arms.

"Welcome back," Robin said to Amita as they hugged.

"He's so precious." Amita, who was now holding Levi, gushed.

Just then there was another knock and Alan entered carrying Ben.

Ben saw Don first and exclaimed, "Dada! Dada!"

"Hey, come here Buddy." Don took Ben out of Alan's arms and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Mama!" Ben stretched his arms out toward Robin. Don sat Ben down next to Robin on the bed. Ben wrapped his arms around Robin tightly.

"Mommy missed you Ben."

"Luv mama!"

"I love you too Ben.

"Hey Dad!" Charlie greeted his father.

"Charlie! Amita! How are you? How was England?"

"We're doing good, pretty tired still though. England was great!" Charlie answered.

"We had a great time in England but I'm so glad we are home now." voiced Amita.

"I'm glad the weather cleared up and you were able to get on a flight back last night."

"I know I was worried we weren't going to get out of Boston until at least today."

Levi started fussing in Amita's arms so she handed him off to Don. After Levi stopped fussing Don asked Ben, "Ben do you want to meet your baby brother?"

Ben was sitting on the bed with Robin so he gave Levi to Robin then picked Ben up and sat down on the bed next to Robin with Ben in his lap.

"Baybee?" Ben asked.

"Yes this is your baby brother Levi." Robin explained to the 18 month old.

"Wevi." Ben tried out the new name.

"That's right Ben. You are Levi's big brother now."

Don, Robin, and Ben all sat together peering down at the baby, oblivious to the people around them.

Alan smiled wistfully, he knew Christmas was still three weeks away but he felt as if he'd received the greatest Christmas gift yet, another grandson and the safe return of his youngest son and daughter-in-law. It thrilled him to see Donnie smiling so much, since marrying Robin, starting a family, and taking the SAC position Don was so much happier and less troubled than he had been for a long time. Alan was also thrilled to have Charlie and Amita back, he'd missed having them around the house and to finally have them back was wonderful. The only he would have different would be to have his wife here with him to share this with. He wished Margaret was still here to share this with him; she would have been a wonderful grandmother to Ben and Levi. Alan was grateful for what he had.
