She was walking through a long, long hallway… A white sheet was the one thing covering her bare body. There was a bright light at the end, but the closer she moved, the farther it seemed. The floor was cold underneath her feet, and her ponytail danced a little through her back as she moved. Somebody was watching her… Movement was sensed through the path she left behind.

"Dang it Hewie!" giggled Fiona Belli as her dog Hewie licked her face, awakening her from her dream

She petted him on his chin, and he licked her hand back as if saying he was enjoying that.

Fiona then walked to the bathroom passed a little cold water through her face, tied her hair up in her usual ponytail, and dressed up very informally with a white top, blue jeans and a pair of white shoes. Then she made her bed, and exited her rented house, followed closely by her faithful dog Hewie. At the exit she commanded him to sit, and so the German Sheppard did.

"You keep a watch on the house while I'm out boy!" she said and the dog barked back at her as if saying 'Roger that!'

The she walked down the street to catch the bus that led her to her college.

It had been a while since she had dreamt of Belli Castle. She had managed to escape that horrid nightmare exactly one year ago. One year ago she had left the castle she had inherited, along with all of the bad experiences, memories and horrors that had happened there. Her mom and dad were gone, but she had chosen to proceed with her life, and become the nurse she had always told them she would be when she was done with college. But the fact that she had dreamt again with the place of her deepest nightmares, was something that could be considered as a rather odd surprise.

But her life was calm now… She had decided to move to Cambridge, and there she was: Struggling to have a life like any college student would. With Hewie as her only support.

She placed her head on the cold glass of the bus, watching as the clouded sky announced that there would be rain on that day.

"Rain again…" mumbled Fiona to herself as the bus made its way through the small town.


"Damn it…" said Leon S Kennedy as he watched the time in the clock

9:00 am…

It was so confusing to him, how he was waking up at the precise time the people in America were going to bed. He glanced at the breakfast Judy, his maid, had left him at the table near the window of his room.

"How can they eat for breakfast what WE have for lunch?!" he asked himself as he stood up and picked up one of the French fries, and drove it to his mouth.

A strange country England was…

He even laughed quietly to himself when he remembered how confused one of the citizens was when he asked for the directions of his "apartment". He later knew that the British people had some words in their vocabulary that distinguished them from Americans. Instead of "apartment", he should have said "flat" when he asked for directions.

Leon was slowly realizing that he wouldn't be having the same life he had back at the United States. He had only moved there temporarily, due to a promotion he couldn't deny, due to personal discomfort.

Ever since he had rescued the President's daughter, Ashley Graham, from Spain, his popularity had gotten out of control.

As expected, he was a national hero for returning with her alive. Every single one of his co-workers glanced at him with envious eyes, because he was the proud of the nation. Now he was receiving all the praise for being the President's daughter's "guardian", while the millions of cops in America fought bank robbers, drug addicts, and criminal organizations, among other problems that disturbed the world every day. And practically none of them had their name on the news. Nor did they receive an ovation from the White House. And they were never ever officially recognized as "National Heroes" on TV.

He couldn't do his job normally anymore, due to the fact that the President had hired him as Ashley's "Guardian". Permanently. And no one else had tried to even harm a hair on Ashley's head. She made her life normally with him behind her as her puppy. He even had to put up with all the parties she went with her friends.

At a certain time it was a real headache to him doing the same thing every day, and being hated for that reason. Yes, the envy against him from most cops in America only grew. They even criticized him publicly saying it was a shame that he was receiving such praise due to the fact that he "Went to Spain for a few days as a holiday, picked up the girl like someone picking a kid from school, and returned". The frustration that he felt was more painful than when he had the plagas inside his body during his mission in Spain. What did they knew about what he had done in the mission? If they were in the dangerous mission, fighting against the Los Iluminados, would they have even survived? Or would they have ended up having a fate like those two Spanish cops that had come with him (or who knows even worse)?

The critics however grew worse, and so did his obligations of protecting Ashley, like she was some sort of crystal doll ready to break, even if someone placed a tiny finger on her.

Until a promotion from the British police had came. And he, willing to exit from that cage he called his country, and with some friction from his boss and from the President, accepted it without thinking twice.

He needed a change. He needed a life without so many pressures. And that opportunity came with that promotion.

Leon took the fork lying next to the dish with his English breakfast (bacon with French fries and eggs), and glanced again at his breakfast.

"Guess it's always better than being on some crazy diet…" he said and five minutes later the plate was clean

Minutes later Judy had arrived again at the apartment room he had bought temporarily, took one fast glance through the room only to find Leon still laying on his bed watching his small cheap TV.

"Went out to eat Mr Kennedy?" asked the almost 40-year-old maid with her British accent easily noticeable

"I already ate!" replied Leon pointing to the plate where his breakfast was

"But that was your breakfast! You need some more food!" protested the maid concerned of her recent boss

"I don't feel so starving today…" said Leon playing with the remote on his hand

"And they say you Americans eat like pigs!" commented Judy as she undressed her coat and went to the kitchen stands to get the vacuum

Leon stopped when news regarding the White House came on.

"And now we are catching a glance of the President and his family as the President walks to speech in a year of elections!"

And standing beside her mother and a guy Leon assumed was her brand new bodyguard, was Ashley. She didn't seem very happy.

Half smiling to himself Leon rose himself up with a lazily grunt.

"Going out to follow my advice Mr Kennedy?" asked Judy as she turned on the vacuum cleaner.

"Just feeling like strechin' my legs not eating!" said Leon putting on his jacket and leaving, unsure if she had heard him or not.

It was a rather cold day. The environment in England was far colder than the one he had caught in Spain. He could now see his breath coming out of his mouth in the shape of a cloud. His hands were now buried deep in his pockets. It was rather strange to him walking around without his handgun. But his job would only begin in two days. He had therefore two days to adapt himself to this new life.

In two days it was "back to risking-you-skin" day. Who would have thought that his first grand promotion was in such a cold shallow country like London…

Meanwhile at 'Angel's Lair'...

"Miss Belli! Table 3 on the double!"

"Right sir!"

"Belli! They are still waiting for their tea on table 5!"

"I'm on it!"

Today was being a busy day at the café where Fiona worked for a part-time. She was already sick of having to hear her bosses' rough arrogant voice calling either "Belli" or "Miss Belli". She needed some money to keep eating, despite the fact that her parents had left her quite a budget. But she knew she couldn't consider herself lucky for being a "daddy's little girl" or a "momma's little piggy". A good and easy life was won with effort!

She walked to the kitchen, placed her back against the wall and rested for a while. Definitely the adventure on Belli castle hadn't risen up her strength. She was feeling more tired than when she ran for hours from Debilitas, Riccardo, Daniella, even from Lorenzo.

"You okay there Fiona?" asked Lucy, her co-worker, and god friend handing her a glass of water

"I'm alright!" replied Fiona back taking a quick sip of water "But the Man sure is cranky today!"

"Heh… You're telling me!" said Lucy chuckling in a low voice

"Good thing I'll be out of here in about half an hour or so…" said Fiona walking to continue with her job

"Yeah... You would knew what Hell was if ya worked full-time!" exclaimed Lucy

"You don't even know of the hell I knew..." thought Fiona to herself

As she served coffee, she smiled gracefully to the customers. She barely showed any emotion, but when she smiled, people knew immediately that it was a smile that was coming from her heart. Some customers had told her that indeed, and most of them becamue usual custommers, thanks to her charm.

"Belli, you're dismissed!" said her boss after a while saying the words she was longing to hear after a busy day on service

"Thanks!" she said almost hoping of relief

So Fiona placed away her waitress uniform and just when she was getting ready to leave, she crossed paths with a peculiar-looking young man on the exit…

So what did ya think?

Please review if you believe I'll make good twitches :P