One day, Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad, the best assassin ever, was walking in the poor town of Acre, walking to the Assassin's Bureau when suddenly, the sky turned instantly dark. It was usually a little sunny in the Middle Eastern city of Acre, so this was an extreme difference. He looked up and saw a giant, dark cloud approaching him a quite a fast speed. Before he could do anything else, Altair was sucked up into it!

In the cloud, it was pure white, almost the opposite of what it was on the outside. Altair looked around, not sure what to expect. He was walking around, and while he walked, he suddenly thought, "How is it that I'm in a cloud? Where am I? I highly doubt that this is what the inside of a cloud looks like. But…despite the fact that I have no idea where I am, I'm alright. It's peaceful here. I like it."Altair had no idea how long he was in the cloud, but a while later, the ground started to become clearer and clearer until he could see under him. What he saw was nothing like the ground he had seen for almost all of his life, the mountainous and brown terrain of the Eastern world. The ground was green, black, and there was some brown. Altair was gazing at the ground when suddenly, he started falling! He yelled and before he knew it, he hit the ground and lost consciousness. All he felt, was a painful hit to his back. Later, he slowly opened his eyes. He felt the material he was laying on. It was soft and smooth. It felt like cotton. Altair thought he had enough strength to at least sit up.

When he got up, his back hurt like hell and he felt a bandage covering his torso. He looked at what he was sitting on. It was a bed. He looked around the room he was resting in. It was a room that was completely unfamiliar to him. There were windows everywhere. It was a small room with some plants and toys around. The floor was white and there was a sliding door leading to some other part of wherever he was staying. Altair felt extremely confused and disorientated. He also felt was just about to get up and figure out where he was when a person walked into the room. She must have been about fifteen or sixteen years old. She had jet black hair and a brown face. She was wearing clothes very unfamiliar to Altair. She was carrying a class of water and a pillow. Altair, obeying his instincts, pulled out his short blade and held it up. He then asked her, "Who are you?? Where am I?? Tell me!!!"

The girl looked quite unsurprised by this man's strange mental breakdown. She just looked at him like she was amused. Poor Altair however, was quite confused. She went up to him and took the knife away from his hand. Then she said to him, "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. Don't worry. My name is Din. I'll explain where you are later. What's your name? Oh, here's some water and a pillow. You look like you haven't slept in a while." She said this all in a nice voice

Altair was taken aback by the girl's kindness and indifference to him. "Umm…Thank you. Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my blade at you. So, you were going to tell me where I am…?

"Yeah, but first you tell me where you're from," said Din

"Well…I'm from the town of Masyaf. Do you know where that is? " Altair began.

End of Chapter 1

Sorry that was so short, I will definitely make the next chapters better!! PLEASE COMMENT AND RATE!!thanks :)

Thanks so much LittleBlueNayru for everything!! And Jakebob13 for other stuff (haha) Oh and by the way, LittleBlueNayru, GOOFOO!!!!