"You want me to take Sam home from the dentist?" Freddie groaned from over the phone.

"Yeah, why not?" Carly replied, "As much as I'd like to cherish every moment of my best friend's first trip to the dentist, I can't. Spencer needs me to pick up some more supplies for his art class. Apparently, they're making a giant pair of pants…"

"…Fun," He commented.

"So, you'll do it then?"

"Whatever, fine!" He gave in.


"Wow, her teeth look a lot better," Freddie admitted, staring down at Sam.

"Yeah, I replaced the missing tooth and filled in a couple cavities," The dentist explained.

Sam opened her eyes, giggling, "You're blurry…Pretty, blurry boy."

"Why is she looking at me like that?" He asked, slightly disturbed.

"We had to give her some nitrous oxide to calm her down."

"Laughing gas?"

The nurse nodded, "It won't last too much longer. She'll be ready to go soon."

And with that, they left him alone in the room with Sam, staring at him with a ridiculous grin plastered to her face.

"How you feeling?" He said, trying to make conversation.

"Oh my god...We have to get out of here. I have to go the dentist!!" The cheerful blonde announced.

"We're at the dentist…"

"Whoaa! That was fast," She reached out and hit his head as he sat down on the edge of her chair. Then, she noticed something weird about her hand, "Aw, man, it's gone!"

"What is?" He replied, concerned.

"My thumb."

"Don't worry. I'm sure you have both of your thumbs," Rolling his eyes playfully, he opened her hand up so all 5 fingers were visible. Then, he intertwined it with his.

"Oh, yeah!" She smiled gratefully at him, "You know, I don't say this enough, Freddork, but you're just so smart. And funny and sweet and hot," Sam pulled his head in tightly against her boobs, "Let's be best friends forever!"

"U-uh, okay, Sam…" He tried to sit back up but she always seemed stronger.

"No, wait!" She said, wrapping her arms around him and rocking side to side, "I have to tell you a secret."

Freddie sighed, not totally uncomfortable with his position, "Fine, what's the secret?"

She leaned so close to his ear, her lips grazed it when she talked, "I. Like. Fr…ied chicken."

Finally, he was free from her grip, "Ooh, how am I gonna sit on that story?" He said sarcastically. "Everyone already knows you like fried chicken."

"I know…" She began fiddling around with the buttons on his shirt, "I just got scared to tell you my real secret."

"Which is…?"

She paused, grabbed his shoulders, and brought her lips to his. When he felt her kissing him, he didn't exactly know what to do. Did it mean anything or was she still acting on impulse from the "wacky gas"?

"I love you," She whispered in his ear. He froze, desperately wanting to say it back. But would she even remember? And was she even serious?

"I've always loved you," She went on, "Since the first day I saw you, I knew you were the one for me and all I've ever wanted to do was tell you."

Then, she gave him one last kiss and he couldn't help but kiss her back, savoring the taste.

"Oh, but remember. You have to shhhh!!" She emphasized so loudly, spit sprayed out in his face, "Don't tell Freddie…" She giggled.

He smirked to himself, "I'll take it to the grave."


PLEEEASE REVIEW!!!!! And tell me if I should another chapter to this (and maybe what you'd like to see in it, other than Seddie, which is a given)!