Thank you all so much I hope that you have enjoyed the series! Good news on the bottom of the page!

Marcel had settled his disagreement with Ari, but that didn't mean he had forgotten what had led them to that place and the danger that was still lurking for them. Voldemort had brought her back from the dead for a reason and though while they all had their suspicions no one knew for certain why. Marcel clenched his fists; he would settle this once and for all.

After all it was sickening how good he had been behaving lately. He was getting soft from working in the confines of NCIS it was time that he remembered that he wasn't a real teammate that he was using them. He would also do well to remember that he was not a normal person and had abilities beyond them all. He would no longer be content to play a weak role. He smirked as he loaded his gun with a satisfying 'click' everything was going to be settled soon.

Ari had known Marcel since he was five and knew that the dark look on his love's face was not foretelling good times for whoever had placed it there. Though they had settled from the upheaval Ari's little revelation had caused Ari knew that he was not entirely forgiven. The fact that Marcel still came home to him at night meant that forgiveness would becoming for now he would have to be settled with Marcel's understanding. He closed his eyes and prayed that it would all be settled soon.

The week passed and the team moved fast on their strategizing, they knew that they had to move fast or else the Dark Lord would move and he would be lost to them again. He would continue to cause problems using magic until the Muggle world had no choice but to acknowledge the presence of the Magical world and that could not happen.

Severus was quite amused at the operations of NCIS he spent most of his time with either Abby or Ducky both of whom he was able to respect. He personally thought that Abby seemed more than a little devious and was slightly concerned when he saw her set of 'figurines' of which he had spotted one of himself. He made a note to himself to keep an eye on her. He doubted anything she was planning would be too nefarious, still, when her black lips curved into a smile he couldn't help but think of the Cheshire Cat.

Abby had decided that she would have to change her plans. She had thought that Ari was no good for Marcel if there was no exchange of power between them. However after watching the security cameras she saw that Marcel was more than able to assert himself if needed. She was satisfied with this and moved to fulfill her other motive. She loved Gibbs like family, and he had been alone far too long. He always chose women who were bad for him. She smiled at her little figure of Severus and decided that she needed to shake up his perspective. She knew that he would never love another woman the way he had loved his wife, so what he needed wasn't another woman to replace her, but a man to help him move on.

Ari noticed the exact moment that Marcel decided to act on his own. It was lunch break and Marcel was subtly checking his weapons then turned to Gibbs smirking as he said "I'm going out for coffee…want your usual?"

He got a raised brow in response as Gibbs said "Yes…and be back before break's over." He was clearly suspicious of what Marcel was up to, but was willing to let him do what he must.

Ari however was not as lenient and followed his young love out of the building. Marcel completely ignored him until they had past a small alley. Ari then grabbed Marcel by his shoulders and pressed him up against the alley wall "What are you up to my beloved? Surely you are not doing anything without me?"
Marcel narrowed his eyes at Ari and jerked out of his lover's grip "I'm doing what I must to get this entire business behind us." He hissed angrily " Severus told us several locations where they might be, I don't see why we're still sitting around and strategizing, we should at least be staking out the locations to find them!"

Ari's dark eyes looked into the bright green ones of his love as he said "I understand your impatience, but why wouldn't you take me with you? Surely you realize how dangerous it would be to do this alone?"

Marcel smirked in response "Just because I didn't chose you doesn't mean that I'm going alone." He gestured to a form who was watching them from the end of the alley. Severus stepped forward and said "Harry asked if I could be of some assistance and I agreed, we think a two man team will be plenty for the…stake out."

Ari could not stop the flash of jealousy that went through him at the thought that Marcel was going on such a dangerous mission and he had not chosen him to cover his back. He narrowed his eyes darkly and leaned forward so that only Marcel could hear saying in his native tongue "Be mad at me all you want my little love…but never forget who you belong to…"

Marcel pulled himself once again out of Ari's grip and answered in the same language "And you beloved, should remember that everything is a choice." He returned to English and finished "Now I promised Gibbs I'd be back before lunch was over with his coffee…don't want to make me a liar do you?" Marcel was pleased when Ari understood the implications of his words and he motioned for Severus to follow him "We'll have to move fast." He said as they apparated from sight.

Ari waited a few minutes after they left to angrily punch the brick wall, only a little pleased when some of the brick chipped away from the force. He knew that he had betrayed his Marcel by not sharing information with him. They had never had something this serious come between them before…and he was uncertain of how to make it better again. The sinking in his gut told him it might take time and distance for Marcel to put this behind him. That was not something that he was looking forward to.

Severus was slightly surprised to see that Harry or rather Marcel, he reminded himself, was still angry at Ari. Then again…Severus smirked slightly; Marcel and Ari had a rather complex relationship that relied implicitly on trust. He decided he would think over Marcel's relationship later when he showed Marcel the building that he was certain the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters were waiting in. He was sure without Harry's ability to speak Parsletongue the Dark Lord would have killed him long ago. With that gift Harry had been able to shut down the connection between him and the Dark Lord. However he would forever be left with the Dark Mark. Severus agreed with Marcel, it was time to end this.

Marcel's attack was quick and merciless, surprise was the main element he used and it served him well. Behind him Severus covered his back, some of the Death Eaters were still uncertain if the Potion's Master was truly on their side or not. They got their answer as he sent blinding green balls of death at them. Voldemort hissed in fury but a dark smile twisted his lips as he sent his little 'creation' after them.

Marcel looked up when he smelled decomposing flesh. He looked up and saw that Ziva was standing before him; obviously the combination of muggle drugs and magical potions was not doing well in her system. She was basically a mindless minion with the skills still intact from her former life. Marcel thought only for a second of sparing her for Ari, then she raised her weapon at him and all choice was taken away.

Severus watched as Harry killed Ziva for the second time. He knew that the young killer had no choice; because of his training Harry or rather Marcel would see anyone who raised a weapon at him as an enemy. Even if it was Ari Marcel would have to attack because that was the only option he trusted. Severus turned his attention back to the battle at hand, wondering how much longer of the 'Lunch Break' they had left.

It came down to Harry and Voldemort, just as it was always meant to be, just as Harry had always known it would be. Marcel mentally shook his head; Harry Potter had died that day with the nun when he had become Marcel Haswari. Marcel was the killer; Harry was the one who wouldn't have been able to survive.

Harry had been panting from killing his way to Voldemort but his breath quickly equaled out as he prepared for the fight of his life. As Voldemort raised his wand Marcel briefly wondered how angry Ari would be with him when this was all over. He had never intended to do a simple 'stake out'.

The office was quiet besides the soft sound of others eating lunch. Ari had no desire to eat his mind was still puzzling over the issue with Marcel. He was certain they would overcome this; they had just never had a real fight before. This left Ari on unfamiliar ground which was something he did not like. All thoughts of their spat flew out of his mind when his watch began to flash a little red light and a piercing beeping noise hit his ears. He looked down and saw that it was reading from Marcel's life signals. Something wasn't right.

Marcel sweated as their magic clashed, a soul fighting against itself. Harry had destroyed all the other artifacts that held Voldemort's soul, he knew that he was the only one left and hoped that it wouldn't cost him his life. Ari would be pissed if it came to that. He smirked when he saw something flicker in Voldemort's eyes and knew it was time to press his chance. He was going to win.

Severus finished off the last straggling Death Eater and turned breathlessly towards the final confrontation that was taking place. He marveled for a moment that the final battle was taking place in a warehouse in America of all places. Severus didn't have much longer to think as a bright light sprang forth from Harry's…Marcel's wand and encompassed him and the Dark Lord.

The wheels screeched as they pulled in front of the warehouse. Ari saw the light flash from inside it and he went still when the alarm on his watch silenced. That meant that either Marcel had fixed whatever was draining him of so much magic…or he was dead.

Ari entered the warehouse and saw Severus Snape kneeling next to the small form of his partner. Ari growled as he went over to Marcel's side, taking a calming breath when he saw that his lover was still breathing. He leaned down and checked Marcel for injuries, his beloved was injured, but it was safe for Ari to pick him up. As he did so bright green eyes fluttered open and a cocky smile crossed his love's lips as Marcel whispered "It's done."

Once again Ari found himself waiting by Marcel's side in a hospital, this time however the hospital was magical since no ordinary hospital would have been able to help Marcel with his condition. Ari was pleased to find out that Marcel was not as bad as he appeared to be, he had merely used too much of his magic at once causing him to collapse and remain unconscious for a little while. Ari was pleased because this meant that when he punished his lover he wouldn't have to hold back.

The NCIS team also waited to hear the results, as imagined Gibbs was pissed that a member of his team had gone and acted on their own. The real reason might have been because he never got his promised coffee. He had been aware of what Marcel was planning the second the teen had double checked his weapons.

Severus saw that Tony and McGee were placing bets on what would happen, whether or not the two trained assassins would leave or stay with the team. Severus was a little disturbed to notice that Abby was also at the hospital as well playing once again with her 'dolls' he was not comfortable with the look she kept giving his replica at all.

Marcel woke up slowly and smiled when he saw a familiar face at his bedside. He reached up and caressed Ari's cheek "I took him down…but I have a feeling that I've been here longer than just a lunch break…Gibbs is going to be pissed about his coffee."

Ari wanted to growl at his beloved, but decided that now was not the time. He leaned down and placed a tender kiss to Harry's lips "Can you please not mention another man's name after I have been patiently waiting by your bedside for three days to see if you would ever wake up or not?"

Marcel smirked, something told him that he and Ari would be just fine, they were over the fight, though they would certainly have to fix some of the damaged trust. He licked his tongue against Ari's lips and whispered "How about you give me a reason to say only yours?"

Ari neglected to mention the group outside that was also waiting to hear Marcel's results but they left quickly after hearing the noises that were coming from the room. None of them were very eager to hear the…activities that were taking place. Well Abby was but Gibbs dragged her off by her pigtails.

A week later Marcel and Ari showed up from work after Marcel was released from the hospital. He looked a little pale but Gibbs was certain that had more to do with 'sleepless nights' then his stay in the hospital. Not one to beat around the bush Gibbs stepped forward and looked levelly at Ari and Marcel. "So…will you be staying or do I have to find replacements?"

Ari looked down at his little lover, they had already talked about this decision but he thought that Marcel was the one who should say it. His dark eyes were bright as he looked over the face of his mate, the lightning scar was gone, along with the part of Voldemort's soul that had been buried inside of him and Ari had never seen his beloved more carefree.

Marcel looked back at Gibbs, he tried to keep his face level but a wicked smile appeared on his face. "Oh you'll be seeing use Monday through Friday and the occasional weekend when we do over time. You guys are just too bloody interesting."

Severus had come up from the lab with some paperwork for Gibbs and smirked "I suppose…that means I shall be staying as well if my presence in the lab is not a bother." His dark eyes looked up into Gibbs's.

Gibbs looked over the three most recent additions to his team, his eyes lingering on one in particular "Good…then get to work." And the matter was settled.

YAAAY Final Chapter! Don't be sad though! I've decided that I don't like writing sequels but I will be writing a 'companion' story that will tell more about Gibbs and Severus! Hope you all enjoyed t as much as I enjoyed writing it…I always get sad when writing a last chapter.