
The plot bunnies have taken over my house now and this story came to me during the time when i had no internet. I've been wanting to do a space adventure for a while now. You should now by now what characters I ship. but for those of you who just discovered my stories, let me enlighten you.








Connor/Kira (appearing briefly for this story)

Most of this adventure takes place in space...except for the brief time spent on earth.

There will also be a surprise character for this story. (I'm not telling. it will be a surprise and the last person that would be expected on a space adventure...see if you can guess who it is)


Angel Grove California 1997

Tommy Oliver hurried out of the store with a bag of diapers in hand. It was the last stop of the night before he went home. Kimberly, his fiancé and mother of their daughter had called earlier that day asking him to get her some more diapers.

He was tired from the school day he'd just had and the battle with King Mondo that had come after. He was just worn out…but he didn't mind. He loved his daughter Crystal and her mother. Fatherhood was his new adventure and he loved every moment of it. Even the nights he spent walking the house with his baby girl were good times for him. He loved the way she so trustingly looked into his eyes before falling asleep. She was just beautiful…as beautiful as his bride.

He got into his jeep and turned over the key in the ignition and the jeep roared to life. He released the emergency break and put the vehicle in gear. Then he hurried home. He was looking forward to climbing into bed with his wife and holding her close. He yawned at the thought and then smiled at himself at how sappy he'd gotten since meeting Kimberly all those years ago. Love really could soften a man up.

He got home to their little house that had been a gift from all his friends who had pitched in and found the little two bedroom house. Their parents had pitched in and Kim's new step dad had taken care of most of the expense. His friends had helped paint and furnish it for him. The girls and even Katherine had helped paint the nursery and supplied it with all manner of stuffed animals.

He smiled when he saw the houselights on. Kimberly was waiting for him with their daughter.

He got out of the car reaching in for the bag and then walked up the small path and then stopped short. The door was partially opened. Immediately the warrior and him came awake. He opened the door slowly and walked in putting the bag on the floor.

Standing still and being very quiet he listened for a moment for the sound of movement, any movement.

"Kimberly? Are you up there?"


He shut the door and locked it. If there was an intruder in the house , he or she was not getting away. He would kill anyone that put his family in danger.

He walked up the stairs still being quiet and peeked his head into the small nursery. The place was a mess as if stuff had been quickly packed and that worried him.

Tommy then walked into the room he shared with his Beautiful. Nothing. The sheets looked twisted as if their had been some sort of battle. He smiled. If Kim had been kidnapped. He could see that she had put up one hell of fight. His smile faded. It was obviously what had happened since their daughter was gone too.

He walked up to the bed and saw a note hastily written. Kimberly always used a fluid cursive when she wrote. He picked it up and read her words.


I never meant to let this happen. I don't want to put any pressure on you. So I am taking our baby with me. I know how important you job is as a power ranger. I'm only a burden to you and I'm not happy hear anymore. I don't love you.

I'm sorry for hurting you and bringing you pain. I'm sure you'll latch onto Katherine soon anyway.


Ps. Don't worry, I'll take care of Crystal. She'll be fine.

Tommy crumpled up the letter and threw it to the floor.

Bull Shit. That's not my Beautiful. If she didn't love me we would never have let me touch her much less make love to her. She loves me and our daughter.

Tommy then picked up the phone and called the police…and then Jason his best friend and then the rest of the team…then he contacted Zordon. Nothing would stop him from getting his bride back.