Title: Farrago
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Sai
Summary: 300 one-sentence prompts about Konoha's infamous Team Seven. No particular order. Manga spoilers up to ch. 459. Some AU-ish.


Farrago: n. A confused mixture; an assortment; a medley


Sakura is sinking; drowning in sorrow sounds ridiculous but she clutches the old photo and suddenly she can't breathe.

They can't tell it yet, standing at training ground three with bleary eyes, but this is the start of something huge and there's no going back.

Sakura is quite sure she could never stomach one of her awful pills again; Naruto does so without flinching and she feels sicker with guilt.

Sasuke agrees to half of Naruto's antics because he points out that the idiot doesn't have the brains to pull off his own outlandish schemes, and nobody questions why he agrees to the other half.

There's an almost satisfied smirk on Sasuke's face as Kakashi drops his book and vanishes; Sakura and Naruto gape in awe while he sets the grasshopper back on the ground.

Sakura is exhausted beyond all reason but she still has a few hours on her shift; she blinks and then there's the subtle smell of ink and a steaming cup sitting at her side.

At the edge of the cliff the three all grab hands and jump; Sakura's laughing and Sasuke is pretending this is nothing but Naruto knows then that this is what it means to feel alive as they plunge into the icy water.

Sakura complains enough for both herself and Sasuke that she's sick of ramen; after Naruto leaves it's all she eats when she's alone.

Naruto grins from up in the tree and tosses Sakura one of the juicy fruits, the other aimed for the back of Sai's head.

Naruto, in an idiotic attempt to be flirty, goes to brush his toes against Sakura's leg as they sit at the table; he accidentally gets Sasuke instead and the two have a kicking match under the table (Sakura doesn't tell them that she aims a good jab in once or twice).

He doesn't openly admit that he's afraid but Sakura and Sasuke don't push Naruto away when he edges closer to them.

Sai watches Naruto and Sakura banter and isn't sure what to do; Sakura decides for him by waving him over with a broad smile.

Naruto is ranting about being Hokage again (and Sasuke is pointedly ignoring him), but this time Sakura notices a change and this time she actually believes every word he says.

Two figures can be seen kneeling in front of a grave marked Uchiha Sasuke; the two are crying but they only talk about the happy times (when there was no Orochimaru or Akatsuki and the world was right).

Sakura stands in front of the Godaime Hokage with determination in her eyes; with this the circle is complete and maybe they really are getting closer to Sasuke.

The kunai in his thigh is nothing compared to the thought of watching them die and that more than anything motivates Sasuke to move.

It's the first time Kakashi has ever seen Sakura so numb, and the thought scares him a little.

Sasuke's blade is aimed straight for Naruto's heart and Sakura panics- her kick is far too hard to just disable the Uchiha and he crumples.

Their sensei drops like a brick and they run, because Kakashi is too invincible and too legendary and he can't die because they can't lose someone else.

Sakura bends backwards to avoid what would have been a crushing blow to her jaw and later can't understand why her teammates can't look her in the eye.

Sakura's eyes are as green as her healing chakra as she murmurs no, sensei, I'm not losing you too.

Kakashi looks at this crazy little team that managed to pass his exams (the kids that remind him of his old team) and hopes that this time around, fate is much kinder.

Sasuke is slowly but surely killing all three of them; Sakura wonders if they should just forget him and she's more sickened by the fact that she agrees with that thought than thinking it in the first place.

Honor holds them to duty as Konoha shinobi, but it doesn't ask of them to be this unprofessionally close; they ignore the whispers because they just work the way they are.

Sai gives them a real smile and Sakura thinks that maybe, just maybe, this can work.

His former students look at him with pride in their jōnin vests and Kakashi feels more world-weary than he has in a long time (but also he feels just as much pride as they do).

The first time Sai calls Sakura anything remotely sweet she punches him in the arm and grins dangerously, warning him that lies aren't very nice.

Kakashi feels something he hasn't felt in a long time as he watches his students stargazing and wonders if maybe they can have the peace that he did not.

It was a particularly rough mission but the three of them stand tall in the Hokage's office, Sasuke helping Naruto stand and Sakura grinning behind the both of them.

Naruto's eyes are like sapphires, Sakura's like emeralds, and Sasuke's like the purest onyx; (they look at the stars like diamonds and feel a little comforted) they may not be in the same place but they are still under the same sky and that's all that matters.

It's Kakashi's subtle shield from normal conversation and his students respect that (most of the time, anyway).

Kakashi isn't sure what's more frightening to him: the fact that Sakura has a date and can't come to training, or the fact that Sakura's no longer a child.

Naruto gives Kakashi a heartfelt smile; "I think," he murmurs, "this is what having a dad feels like."

Team Seven has never had any modesty around its members because they're closer than family and on the battlefield, there's no time to pussyfoot around society's rules.

In his dying moments, all Kakashi does is tug his mask down his face and give them a smile.

Naruto kneels in front of the Raikage to beg for Sasuke; Sakura can't explain why she's colder than normal but she hopes he's alright.

The barn they're trapped in is musty and dark but Sakura doesn't mind, instead she grabs Sai's and Naruto's hands and pulls them down to lay out on the hay.

They says each person must take their own journey but Kakashi watches his genin team travel side-by-side with hands interlocked and wonders if that's really true.

Sakura has a trademark grin on her face (her teammates dutifully weeding the garden, as was their mission) and she lifts a dirt clod, wondering just who will be her first target.

There's blood on Sakura's clothes that don't match up to any of her injuries; the moment they're back for their mission Kakashi finds Kurenai and pleads for her help.

In the field the three of them lay and think of simpler times; Sakura sees cosmos flowers and blue eyes, Naruto sees manga and potato chips, and Sasuke sees fresh-baked bread and a mother's smile.

Naruto watches Sakura walk away with Ino and thinks of what he can't have while Kakashi watches him and wonders if he'll ever figure it out.

They're dirty and blood-splattered and smelly but Sakura has never been happier to see her team.

It was an unspoken rule that Sakura doesn't wear white shirts just like it's an unspoken rule that Naruto puts down the damn ramen for once and Kakashi still wears that infernal mask.

Naruto is soaked to the bone but he knows he had to get back up because Sakura is counting on him and Sasuke needs him and maybe even Sai can be pulled out of his shell.

Sakura kisses Sai's forehead while she waits for the rest of the team to arrive to transport the body- she swallows and curses herself for not being faster.

Naruto returns to the village stronger than ever, but he stills holds his promise close to his heart and feels all the weaker that he hasn't kept it.

Naruto's pretty sure that he can handle being betrayed by a teammate again but he watches Sakura's fist close around Sai's shirt and isn't so sure that she can.

Sai tucks a blanket over Sakura after she falls asleep and volunteers to take first watch with a smile.

Sakura will wait for Naruto and she will wait for Sasuke, but she refuses to wait in silence and she marches into the Hokage's office with a set jaw.

Sakura holds the hi-ate in one hand and the cup of instant ramen in the other while she looks at the gates and tries not to feel left behind (again).

Naruto claims that Yamato is creepy but Sakura looks in his eyes and sees what Sai might have been and feels ill.

Naruto decides, very loudly, that Sakura's namesake doesn't fit her at all because she's not so delicate and she's rather prickly sometimes but the last part of his statement earns him a thump over the head.

Sasuke lies in his room and stares at the wall, wishing things could have been different.

Kakashi sees their chase after Sasuke as a game of cat-and-mouse but she is adamant that it's a dance because all dances have an end; Sakura doesn't admit that it's because she's always thought Naruto and Sasuke were closer than they should be.

Naruto's head is in Sakura's lap, and Sai's face is squashed against her shoulder; Kakashi's fingers bush the top of her head from the tree above and Sakura just lets them sleep.

Kakashi watches his students and knows that someday, someday, this little bunch of misfits will change the world.

One day Sakura decides to drag Naruto and Sai to where Shikamaru is laying in the grass; those few hours they're not shinobi but they're them, and the feeling is one of freedom.

They've all killed before but Sakura watches Naruto cradle Sasuke's body and knows this time is different.

Sakura is a kunoichi and she has a whole different set of skills her male teammates will never need; she looks at her boys and is suddenly very, very glad that they won't.

Sakura waits for Naruto to come back and shouts and screams and curses but she doesn't worry because he will come back, he's Naruto.

They all lie back and look at the stars and for once, the first thing on Sasuke's mind isn't revenge but peace.

It's a true measure of Kakashi's patience when Sakura places a crown of flowers on his head while he rests and all he does is smile.

When Kakashi wakes up in the hospital he's alone, but his favorite book rests on the table along with a note in Sakura's loopy handwriting and the lingering smell of ramen.

Out of the people on the battlefield, Sakura looks the least threatening, that is, until Sai narrowly misses a kunai and she flings herself at his attacker with a look of killing intent on her face.

Sakura places the Hokage hat on Naruto's head and gives him a tender smile; You've come so far, she murmurs (I've gone nowhere, he replies with a sigh).

Sakura walks into the room to find Naruto and Sai in a very compromising position; wordlessly, she exits because that's one road she doesn't want to walk down today.

Sai isn't sure how to say what he feels (feeling is a new concept to him) so he draws and he smiles and he tries to let his team know, if only a little.

There's only one topic other than Sasuke not covered by Team Seven and it's only because they're still too young, Kakashi is too tired, and they already know enough as it is.

It shocks the members of the team to find out Sai has a favorite anything but from that point on Sakura always manages to pack a few for longer missions.

Kakashi is sick for a week straight and never once is he alone in that hospital room.

By blood they might not be related but they are family, even if Kakashi is the most unreliable father ever and Sakura is the most temperamental sister and Naruto is the most annoying brother (Sasuke still counts, after all, what family doesn't have a black sheep?).

When they meet yet again Sasuke isn't sure that Sakura is different until she punches a hole straight through a wall in order to get to him.

Hinata is welcomed into their tight-knit family with open arms, and she's welcomed with a crushing hug and a 'thank you' from Sakura.

Sakura drops in the field and all three of them run to her at once; she tells each of them in turn that she loves them and to be careful without her, she can't heal them anymore.

Tsunade looks at Kakashi over her sake and tells him of the rumors she'd heard, about the highly unprofessional nature of Team Seven, and of their closeness; sighing, she promises not to split them up because they work together and hell, they need each other now.

Today marks the third birthday he's had since Team Seven fell apart and Naruto can honestly say it doesn't get easier.

Whenever they're injured, Sakura heals her boys, and when they're sick, she nurses them back to health because that's just how it is.

Kakashi teases Sakura about the twisted triangle Team Seven is in; she shoots back that's it's much like the affair with him, Anko, and Iruka (she leaves him speechless, of course, how did she know?).

Kakashi watches over them as they sleep, because he said he wouldn't let his comrades die and this little rag-tag team of genin is no exception (they had to be special to worm their way into his heart).

Sakura goes on a solo mission, her first ever, and she hates every moment of it because she doesn't have her team.

Naruto's not the brightest ninja in the world but he looks at his team and knows how much of an idiot Sasuke had to be to give this (them) up.

Sai thinks it's easier to be relaxed around them, as time passes, and maybe things are changing, if only a little.

Sakura wears the Hokage robes with a somber look, eyes fixed on Naruto's grave, and wonders when life went so off course.

Kakashi holds their child in his arms with wonder; Naruto is grinning even in his sleep and Sakura watches him with a knowing smile.

Sakura keeps it short to remind herself of how far she's come and how much further she has to go.

Naruto may not be smart or subtle but he's always honest and it brings hope to the washed-up dreams of fellow shinobi.

Sasuke stands at training ground three and almost can't carry out his revenge; he hits the ground with a thud when Naruto tackles him and then he really can't move at all.

They are (team seven, the three musketeers, a family) found on the decimated battlefield, surrounded by blood and kunai and little bits of their souls- Sai just stands guard over the intertwined bodies until Kakashi can be found as well.

Three dozen eggs, two bags of sugar, and several charred lumps dough later, the three sit down with a batch of homemade cookies and Sakura giggles at the flour on Naruto's cheek.

Sasuke ignores the ANBU flanking him and instead look at his former teammates with broken eyes but he's suddenly surrounded by pink hair and tears and the smell of ramen; the bindings bite into his wrists and he murmurs that's he's sorry he can't hug them back.

Team Seven fractures and wobbles and yields but each member hopes that one day they'll be whole again.

Sakura can count on one hand the people she considers family but she can't even begin to count the times they've let her down; she stands by them because what they have done for her far outweighs what they haven't.

Naked skin meets naked skin as the four of them lay in the tangled sheets (it's the only time any of the feel whole).

Naruto searches for Sasuke and he searches relentlessly because he's got precious few bonds to keep and no human could let those go.

Sai touches their faces with the look of a child on his own; he finds every dimple, every curve, and commits them to memory.

Kakashi stands guard over these children as they sleep and he thinks that maybe he missed having a family more than he thought.

Naruto is like a sun; he pulls the team to himself like it's nothing and brightens their day like it's all he lives for.

In her eighties Sakura can't remember her parents' names and the only ones that come to mind are Kakashi and Tsunade, nor can she remember a time when she considered herself an only child.

Sasuke looks at his reflection and knows that he'll only be able to forgive himself when Naruto and Sakura do (and he dearly hopes they will despite the fact that he doesn't deserve it).