Title: To Captain Jack
I don't own Torchwood. No money is being made and no copyright infringement is intended, etc., ect.
Rating: FR-15
Jack/Captain Harkness
1x12: Captain Jack Harkness
Jack makes sure that the real Jack Harkness gets the best last night of his life he could ever wish for.

Written as a sort of fix it-fic and is set after the scene in 1x12 where Captain Harkness comes back to Jack. My first Torchwood fic, so I'd love some friendly feedback.


"I thought you'd gone. This could be your last chance."

"That's why I came back."

"I might have to leave before the night is over."

"Well, then make the most of now."


For a moment I thought Jack was going to say 'no' when I suggested that we'd go somewhere else, but he agreed and led the way out of the room. Once we were alone again I took his hand and twined our fingers together once more, squeezing them reassuringly. This was the last night of his life - and had a feeling he suspected it - and I was going to make sure he would remember every moment of it right up to the end.

We found another empty room and I made sure to lock the door before I turned back to Jack. I could tell he was nervous, but also that he wanted this. I walked slowly over to him and a second later he was in my arms. I kissed him and I felt him relax against me, wrapping his strong arms around me. I held him close and had to fight back my tears. This man was going to die tomorrow and there was nothing I could do about it.

We broke apart and looked into each others eyes for a long moment before I carefully began to remove his jacket.

"Are you sure you want this?" I asked and looked into his eyes. I didn't want him to regret anything.

"Yes", he said without hesitation and I kissed him again as I slid the jacket off his shoulders.

I made sure that we took it slow and I took time to really explore his body. For so long he'd been no one but the man whose name I took as my own so many years ago. I wondered sometimes about who he was and I can't believe that I actually got the meet him. He was a great man and I wish that I could have spent some more time with him, but, to use his words, I just had to make the best of now. We had to make the best of now.

Afterwards I held him in my arms for a while but then he insisted that we should go back. We got dressed and for a short moment I was worried that he regretted it, but then he smiled at me and I let myself relax. He didn't.

When we came back to the dance hall I looked for Tosh and saw her sitting by one of the tables. And smiled to let her no everything was fine, and then, to my surprise, Jack asked me to dance with him. He took me to the middle of the dance floor and I shut out the rest of the world as we swayed to the music. I held Jack close and a part of me wanted the moment to never end, and when the rift opened and Tosh begged me to come with her it was very hard for me to walk away, even though I knew I had to. I think I surprised us both when I went back to kiss him one last time, but I couldn't just walk away. I don't think I would have forgiven myself if I had just left him like that.

I don't think I'll ever forget Jack Harkness and I'm glad that I got the chance to get to know him. I just wish it had been during different circumstances.


"He would have been so proud that you took his name, cos here you are, saving the world. To Captain Jack."

"To Captain Jack."

The End