Okay… this is my first fanfic. So… I hope you like it, if you don't just say so gimme some advice on how I can make it better….. and oh yea there's adventure in this too. Okay here it is.

Hey guys, this is current AJ92, now Daria Dixon. If you're new to this series, I just thought I'd let you know that I am aware of the way this is written. I wrote this years ago and I wasn't very good at writing. I have improved, so if you can just bear with the lack of punctuation and some bad grammar for this story (and the one after) then I appreciate it. If not, that's okay too. Thanks.

Chapter 1

"Alright guys great job" Sierra said to her advance dance class "Not bad for your first run through of the routine"

"Are you being serious or are you just saying that to make us feel good?" Sierra's best friend, Lauren, asked

"Oh please, would I lie to you?"

"Well yeah you would if it was necessary" Alex chimed in

"Alright Alex you got me" Sierra laughed "Well guys that's it for tonight" She said as she fiddled with a strand of hair that escaped from her now very loose bun "I will see you tomorrow"

"Sierra do you need a ride" Alex asked

"Nah I'm walking I have to stay behind anyway"

"For what?"

"Well you guys want awesome choreography don't you, what do you think I do here"

"You can't come up with any of that awesome choreography in the safety of your own home" Lauren told her

"Yeah I'm sure Dimitri can drive you home"

"Guys I'll be fine and besides whenever I sit in the car with you two I'm constantly reminded of something I don't have, the love of a man"

"Alright fine" Alex said finally giving up

"Now go and I'll see you tomorrow… in one piece I promise"

Alex and Lauren leave Sierra alone so she can prepare herself for another hour of dance

The turtle are out on their nightly patrol as always, but tonight just seems quiet.

"Well tonight was a bust" Raph grumbled. Leo rolled his eyes but he agreed, their nightly patrols usually consisted of purse snatchers, drug dealers, rapists, and car jackers.

"I guess we scared them off… for now at least" Leo said

"So… what do we do now" Don asked

"I know" Mikey exclaimed "Who's up for a game of ninja hide and seek"

Leo, Don, and Raph looked at each other than back to Mikey. Raph finally shrugged and said "It's better than nothing, but you're it Mikey" Before he even had a chance to respond they were gone.

Leo thought he found the perfect place to hide. In what he thought was an abandoned building. He climbed through the window to the darkened room filled with clothes, shoes and masks.

"I wonder what all this was used for" Leo said forgetting what he was doing there in the first place. Suddenly he heard music playing. And that's when he saw her. Her slightly tanned skin, her lean muscle, slim body, he thought she was beautiful. And when she went into a series of turns and flips, he watched as her hair fell to her waist finally freeing itself from the pins and hair tie.

Leo felt his heart speed up and he could swear he could feel it beating through his plastron.

"Wow she's amazing" he thought to himself. He watched her as she danced to two other songs, mesmerized by her movements when she stopped exhausted from her workout, she walked up to the mirror, pressed her palms up against it and hung her head as she started to catch her breath. When she did she looked up he saw her green eyes and it was as if she could see him. Her gaze had a lock on him and he couldn't look away. Just then Leo's shell cell snapped him out of his reverie.

Sierra stepped away when she heard ringing coming from the other side of the mirror. On instinct and curiosity she ran to the door in the corner of the room. She hesitated before opening the door slowly.

"Is somebody in here" she said stepping into the room

When she received no answer she said "Hello" Still no answer. She walked back out, grabbed her bag and left.

"That was too close" Leo thought to himself when he made it outside. "Hello Mikey" Leo said annoyed when he finally answered.

"Dude where are you?" Mikey asked

"I'm hiding… isn't that the point"

"Come on bro I'm done looking we're heading back"

"Alright I'm on my way"