Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from Inuyasha.

Two girls were walking down the street. One was a rather average height with long black wavy hair and the deepest blue eyes one could imagine. The girl next to her was a bit shorter. Her hair was dark brown and cut in a cute bob style. They were engrossed with the conversation between themselves.

"Oh gosh, can you believe it Kagome? We're going to visit China! By ourselves! Without anyone telling us what to do! Ohh it's gonna be heaven." The shorter one said; leaning her arm over her friend's shoulders.

"Well to be honest Kori, I'm a little nervous. I mean, are you sure this is gonna be safe?" Kagome looked at her friend with worried eyes.

"Don't worry Kagome it'll be fine. What's the worst that could happen? Besides I'm smart, you're smart; we can't get into too much trouble."

"Well are you sure that we can't just visit Japan instead? We both have family there and-"

"And we'll be sitting around the living room with them! Oh Kagome loosen up girl. It'll be fun and you know it."

Kagome looked away and shrugged her shoulders. 'I guess she's right. I mean, what really is the worst that could happen?' They reached Kagome's house and went up to her room to finish up her packing. Once they were done they left and Kagome said her goodbyes to her grandpa, mom, and younger brother. Then they went to Kori's place, got her suitcases and left as well.

Kagome and Kori got a taxi and drove to the nearest air port. After about an hour of waiting around in the lobby it was time for them to catch their flight. They boarded the plane and took off.

At exactly 3 pm they got off the plane.

"Wow. I can't believe it. We're really here! Okay well let's find our hotel." Kagome looked around the airport excitedly. 'This is so awesome. I can't believe I didn't want to come at first. Hey wait, where's Kori?" Kagome turned around and searched the crowed for her friend. Finally her eyes landed on her talking to a guy that was on the plane with them. 'Ugh that girl she almost gave me a freakin heart attack!' Kagome walked up to the pair ready to give them a piece of mind when the two broke away and the guy smiled at Kagome as he walked off.

"What was that about?"

"Well since I am so amazing I just got us invited to a party! He said that there's gonna be tons of people there." Kagome was surprised but impressed so she let the earlier situation go.

"Well then I guess we should be getting ready then!" Kagome said. The two girls left the airport and got a cab to their already booked hotel. On the way there they chatted about their plans for the next week. Finally they got to their shared room and decided to get ready. That was the hard part.

After four hours of sharing the bathroom the two girls were done. Kori was wearing a short jean skirt with black flip flops and a black tank with a jean jacket. Kagome went along with tight black dress pants, a white tank with a grey see through t shirt over it and some silver stilettos. They both did the smoked eyes for there make up but Kori decided to go with red lipstick while Kagome on the other hand had a light pink with gloss over it. Kori looked at her friend, "Ready?"

"Ready." Kagome said with a curt nod.

Kori took out her cell and found the guys number. She told Kagome his name was Naraku and that he was in America doing business before she pressed the call button. Kagome walked out of the bathroom into the room to get a snack from her purse. A couple minutes later Kori walked out the bathroom with a big smile on her face.

"They're sending someone right now to pick us up so I suggest you hurry up and smash that before they get here." Kagome got surprised but realized how late it was and shoved her sandwich in her mouth and gathered her things as she chewed. Kori looked at her and smiled.

"I didn't want you to choke, just eat faster" she laughed a little. Kagome rolled her eyes and tried smiling but it was a bit hard since she had all the food in her mouth. Finally she swallowed with a loud gulp and a gasp for air. Kori laughed so hard at the face she made and had to sit down.

"Well c'mon Kori I thought we were supposed to be in a hurry!"

"Oh shut up Kagome. It's not my fault you make the weirdest faces." she said with a playful shove.

The girls took the elevator down and when they got outside they only had to wait for 10 minutes before Naraku picked them up. He showed up in a black Mercedes which was very impressive to the girls. He got out of the car and opened the back door for them.

"Hello ladies. You both look lovely." he said with his eyes lingering on Kagome's body too long for her to feel comfortable. She repressed a shudder and got in the car with her friend. They drove for about twenty minutes until they got to a big house with cars parked along the street side and through the whole drive way. After they parked Naraku let the girls out of the cars and took them in.

There were about fifty or so people there and it looked more like a club than someone's house. Naraku led the girls inside and had them follow him up to a man who was introduced to them as Oshimika. Apparently this was his house and he threw parties like this often. Not like it really surprised the girls. 'Okay I'm getting a really weird feeling right now' Kagome thought. Just as she was about to say something Oshimika pulled out to drinks for the girls.

"Oh no thank you I don't feel like drinking; I'm exhausted from today. We just got here from the states and it's been a long day." Kagome said with a certainty.

"Kagome don't worry. Naraku already informed me of it. These drinks are non alcoholic. You can taste them too if you'd like."

Kagome agreed and took a sip of it. 'Kool aid? Well that's what it tastes like. Oh whatever it's a party. Might as well let loose once in my life.' Kagome took the drink and walked over to the crowd of people dancing and joined in. Once she finished her drink she went to the kitchen to get another. In the kitchen, Naraku found the green drink that Kagome had and put three drops of a clear liquid in it. He started to laugh a bit at his genius as she walked in.

"Oh Kagome here you are. I've gotten you another drink. I saw you were coming this way and noticed that your glass was empty so I thought I'd get you some more." He said smiling at her. She smiled thanks, took it, and went to go find her friend. Kori she discovered was happily getting herself drunk as she held a bottle of beer in one hand and the other around some stranger's neck. Kagome shook her head and walked off.

"Whore." But after awhile Kagome started to get a bit dizzy. She grabbed a seat and just chilled out for a few moments. Only thing was that she started to feel worse, and worse, and worse. Before she realized it her eyes were closed and as she willed them to open up she saw Naraku and Oshimika heading her way. She was about to get up to ask them for help when she realized she couldn't move her arms. In fact she couldn't feel them either. 'What's wrong with me? Oh god I can't move my body. I can't even feel my body. Ughh.'

She was surrounded by blackness as the strength to keep her eyes open shut off. She didn't notice that she was being lifted up, or that she was being carried off, or even that her head dropped on the floor before quickly being picked up. All she could see was a blackness and every once in a while brightness from beyond her eyelids. All she could feel was her fear- no terror- at the position she was in. 'What's happening to me? Where did Kori go? Why can't I sense anything? What happened to the music? Am I going to die? Oh god I am. No, no I'm not. This can't be happening…' Finally she was unconscious.

"Oshimika, she finally passed out. Good, now let's get her friend I have a feeling she's in the same state as this one if not further." He smiled at Kagome's still body, "You have no idea how rich you're gonna make me. I wish I could keep you for myself but what your worth is too much to pass by. Oshimika come we have lots of work to do."

"Okay boss" The men quickly went downstairs and noticed the other girl laying on the floor passed out with her legs spread open and her skirt ridden up just above her waist. The man she was seen making out with before they took Kagome was walking up to them.

"She's cute I'll give her that. But she's a slut. Although, I'll admit I had a fun time with her. But for someone her age I would've thought she'd be tighter." he laughed and shook his head. "I don't think you'll get too much off her. Honestly it seems like she more work than she's worth. I think we should just get rid of her." He looked at Naraku.

"Hmmm…well luckily for us the one up stairs will be more than enough for both of them." He turned to look at Kori, and then looked toward Oshimika. "You and Nachi get rid of her. As usual I don't care how but-" he paused and thought for a second, "actually, put her somewhere where she can't get out. Just in case the one upstairs gives us any problems we can use this one to our advantage. I can't touch the other one; she's too much a prize for that. But blackmailing her friend's safety will be much easier."

The three men laughed together and then split up. Nachi and Oshimika to get Kori; and then Naraku to go upstairs and visit his new treasure. He walked up to the room she was in and paused for a second, thinking of who he should call to tell about his next upcoming auction. After a moments consideration he found the perfect candidates. He made himself a mental note and walked inside to Kagome's form. Taking out his cell phone he dialed a number well used and waited for an answer.

"Kanna, I have a job for you. I need you to come to Oshimika's home asap. You will be paid handsomely…..okay…..good…alright then I will see you tomorrow morning." He hung up the phone smiling.

Turning to Kagome he grabbed her wrists and tied them together. Then he put a piece of cloth in her mouth and tied her ankles together as well. He looked at his phone. The time was 12:00. A little early but he had a big day tomorrow so he lay next to Kagome and went to sleep; trusting that his minions would take care of Kori.

At 8:00 in the morning his phone rang, waking him up.

"Yes Kanna?…You're here?…well then I will send Nachi to pick you up shortly. You know where to wait." he hung up the phone and turned toward his prize. Slowly her eyes opened up. She looked so peaceful if only for a moment. Then suddenly her eyes widened and she jumped up; or at least tried to with the fact that she was tied up.

With eyes wide with fear she hopelessly tried to scream but no sound came out louder than a hum. Naraku sat up and decided to explain what was going on. He had been in this business too long and had the mindset that if he told the girls what was gonna happen, they'd learn to accept their fates sooner and make it easier for him.

"Well, miss Kagome. You sure are in a predicament. Listen I'm not gonna beat around the bush I'm not your average kidnapper so to say. I have a striving business like I said to your friend before. I just never said what it was. I'm a slave trader. You now are a slave. I hold auctions for my catches and the next naïve girl to be auctioned will be you. I believe that you will make me a lot of money. So I'm getting an auction together as soon as I can just for you. Your friend is my captive prisoner so to speak and is unharmed as long as you do what I say. If you disobey me for anything, depending on what it is will be how harsh we will torture her.

I've destroyed all of your identification and all you have now are the clothes on your back. Today I am having an assistant of mine coming to look at you and take care of you. You will treat her with respect; if not your friend will suffer. I am going to take out your gag but if you scream your friend will be beaten to half consciousness by a wooden bat. Do you understand?" he stopped talking and looked at her as she took it all in.

Slowly she nodded her head and he took it out. Kagome opened and closed her mouth a few times and then licked her lips. Naraku stood up and left.

Kagome looked around the room. 'A bed, a night stand, a ceiling fan and a closet that looks empty. Oh god! What am I going to do?' she started to cry and speak incoherently. "Ihb oha dahhh." she cried out loud some more for who knows how long. There wasn't a clock in the room or any windows either. Finally the door was opened. A pretty girl with white hair walked in followed by someone that Kagome recognized as the guy who was making out with Kori. He lifted her up and when she began to struggle he gave her a shake.

"Stop struggling or your friend will pay the consequences." She stopped moving after that. Then he took her out of the room and led her to another with a large tub in the middle. Next to the tub Kagome saw a bed that resembled one that would be found in a doctor's office. The only difference was that there were chains on each corner of it. 'Oh I just know that I'm gonna end up in that for some reason.' She thought sadly. Without a warning she was dropped into the tub. Water splashing everywhere and her body and clothes soaked.

"Get undressed and wash. After that Nachi will be examining you to see how much you're worth. Don't try anything, we're gonna watch the whole time." was the first thing the pretty little girl said. She had a quiet voice and Kagome doubted that she was very threatening. But with Nachi in the room she would behave.

She found all the toiletries and started to bathe as fast as she could. When she was done she just stopped moving and waited for the other two to get the hint. If they want her to behave she would for Kori's sake but there was no way in hell she'd cooperate as if she agreed with their policies. After about a minute or so with her sitting there Nachi grabbed her and put her on the bed. He held her down as Kanna put her hands and feet into the cuffs and locking her in. Kagome looked down realizing that she was still undressed and started to blush a deep red throughout her entire body it seemed. She tried to see Kanna but the girl was behind her messing with her hair.

Kagome didn't have to look to know where Nachi was though. She felt his hands on her feet. Then he guided his hands upward feeling the curves of her calves and her thighs. He paused noticing her clean shaven area, looked up at her and smirked as she stared him down with pride.

'Stupid bastard; examining me like I'm a piece of meat and then giving me that smirk as if he knows some sexual secret of mine.' She spit at him just missing his face. He paused his actions and looked her in the eye.

"I'm gonna let that one slide. But don't push it. Do that again and I will personally rip your friend's hair out." He ignored any remark she made and continued his journey up her body. Feeling just how flat and toned her stomach was and then he ran his fingers over her breast, giving one nipple a tiny squeeze. Kagome could feel the tears of shame coming to her eyes. She hated this. Then it got worse. He grabbed each breast in his hands and squeezed.

"Hmmm. Impressive. I swear if I had the money I'd be one of the lucky men vying for you." he took out some measuring rope and got her size, "34 B almost a C. Very nice. Now for my personal favorite part," he left her chest alone and looked at her womanhood.

Then with 3 fingers he tried to push himself inside her. The tears came out and with the intrusion a whimper.

"Oh my, very nice. You're a virgin. Well Kagome if you weren't something before you're definitely are now. Naraku is gonna be thrilled when he finds this out. Won't he Kanna?"

"Yes he will. Its not often we get girls in this position that are so innocent. Especially with your looks hunny. He'll make a killing off of you. And my job will be easier as well." Kanna looked at Kagome with a sincere smile.

Kagome was shocked to say the least that they treated her so casually. They kidnapped her! Violated her! And planned to sell her off to god knows what but they had the audacity to sit and act like it was no big deal? Kagome was lost in her thoughts as the two talked to each other about how much money they would be getting off of her. She didn't pay attention to what they did anymore either. Just locked herself away in her mind where she was safe from their evil. Then she felt a pinch and looked at her arm. Apparently, they put an IV in it. She tried to move her arm away but it wouldn't budge. Then she fell fast asleep.

When she woke up in a chair, she stretched.

"I can move!" then she stood up and fell. "Why do I have stilettos on? What the hell am I wearing!" She looked over and saw a large mirror in front of her. She was dressed in a dark blue nighty. It was made of lace and she had on a matching thong underneath. She had on 4-inch silver heels and she saw that someone did her toenails. She would have like them any other day but not today, because she knew why they did them.

Then she looked at her face. 'Wow…I look beautiful." She had dark blue eye shadow on. Then thick eyeliner below her eyes and above; thin at the inside corners but thickening as her eyes went out. At the far corners of her eyes, the eye shadow was black and blended into the eyeliner. She had fake eyelashes she assumed because they had never been that long or thick. There was a very light blush on the apples of her cheeks. She had a very light pink lip-gloss. It was shimmery and glossy as well. Her hair was done up in a ponytail and was straightened. Then they had a few strands of hair framing her face and they were curled.

If it were any other time, she would have felt so good about herself. She was a sight to see. When she finished soaking in her image she decided to look at her surroundings to see if she could possibly escape. Although looking the way she did probably wouldn't get her, somewhere much better she thought to herself bitterly.

Then there was a knock at the door. Kanna walked in and began to speak, "Sit down and listen." Kagome did as she was told and Kanna continued, "I have decided that I would like to give you some advice. Naraku told me of how this all happened. You seem to in no way deserve this. It is much more a path intended for your friend but you are so much better so it was you instead. I know that you're not gonna enjoy this auction and when I leave you will probably try to make yourself look ugly if by ruining your hair and make up to marring your face so no one will want to buy you. Well you should think about this.

If nobody purchases you today, you will be stuck with Naraku for even longer. So that's why you should want someone to get you. Also, try to get them to pay as much as they can for you. Think about it. Who do you think would give you a better future: the richest man in the room or the poorest? And it's not like you will be doing much except answering any questions but don't be so feisty. There are some people who are rumored to just buy slave and give them as gifts, or keep them but give them lives better than they had before-" she was cut off by the door opening and grabbed Kagome's hair and pretended to tend to it. Naraku walked in.

"Kanna your work is almost done. You may leave after you lead her out." he walked out leaving the door open behind him. As soon as Kagome looked toward the exit, she saw Nachi with a gun in his hand. Any last thoughts of escape were out the window.

Kanna took her hand and let her to a room with big mirrors. Kagome already knew what or who was behind them. She whispered a thank you to Kanna and the woman gave her a slight nod, and then pushed her forward into the room. Kagome understood that she was on a long narrow stage that ended in the middle of the room widening out into a small circle. There was a spotlight shining there and a microphone. Slowly she walked up to it. Then she heard an announcement.

"Kagome Higurashi. Age 19. Size 34 B. 5' 6" tall. Weighing 124 lbs. Hair length reaches her back. Specialty…she is untouched by man." every man behind the windows smiled when they heard that, "we will let the bidding begin at 100,000 dollars." She felt so used at then. However, she would not cry. Not in front of all them. Not after what she was going through because of people like them. Then she heard a Bing, and the speaker went off again.

"200,000 dollars," bing, "300,000 dollars," bing ,"600,000 dollars," Kagome's eyes widened significantly as she heard the amounts being called. "3 million dollars." Then Kagome heard a pause for 5 seconds. "Going once, going twice, so-," bing, "4 million dollars. Going once, going twice, sold."

The spotlight that was turned on her dimmed significantly and she had no idea what to do. So she just turned her head. Then when she looked to her left she noticed that above all the mirrors there where little red light bulbs. Only one of which was on. She looked at the mirror underneath. A light was turned on and she could see beyond it into the room.

Inside the room, there was a chair in the center. Surrounding the chair was Naraku grinning ear to ear, Kanna with a relieved look on her face, and Nachi looking at the man in the chair with slight jealousy.

Finally, Kagome turned her eyes to the man who she knew was to be her owner. She summoned her best glare and lowered her eyes to the man. What she saw took the glare right off her face and turned it into a look of surprise.

'He is beautiful' she thought to herself. The man in the chair was looking her dead in the eye. His look captivated her and she dared not turn away for fear he might disappear and reappear as someone from a horror movie. He had eyes of gold unlike she had ever seen before and his hair was up in a ponytail. He leaned forward into the microphone near the edge of his seat and spoke.

"Hello Kagome, it is a pleasure to be meeting you, and I must say although the price was high, I feel that I'll be the richest man walking out of here. My name is Toga."