Umm Hi! Sorry this took way to long! This has been sitting on my computer and had been neglected! The reason for my lack of up dates is dew to the fact that I am in the process of writing a colab with two other authors and that has taken a while but it should be done soon! Any way this would of been longer but I split it up so to get it you faster! Enjoy!

So are you gonna tell me what is going on and why you were following us?" Alex asked as soon as a surprised Bear was a little farther away.

"Actually Cub we were just coming out of a Pub when we saw you walking down the street. We were going to say hi when you to ran off doing your Free Running thing. You stopped and tackled Tom, then looked at us, and got this creepy look on your face then you were gone!" snake gasped for breathe as he stopped surprising Alex, for Snake was always the quite one.

"Wow Lex you sure attracted trouble!" Tom grinned at him earning a playfully shove from Alex.

"Do we want a repeat the last time you tried to shove me?" Tom, who was going to shove him back, took a small step back. Everyone went silent when Wolf's phone began to ring he pulled out a rather bulky black phone and answered.

"Yes Ben?" Alex perked up at the mention of Ben. "Of course I remember CUB!" Alex listened in interest until his own phone rang.


"Hello Alex its Tulip!" Alex winced.

"What do you want?" he snapped back.

"There is a problem with your account please come in," she stated slowly, he could almost smell the peppermints on her breathe.

"You see I'm kind of busy…"

"Now!" she interrupted before hanging up. Sighing Alex stuffed the phone into his pocket and turned to Tom and K Unit who were still on the phone with Ben.

"Bye Tom," he muttered while Tom nodded slowly with a supportive smile on his face and a quick don't die. He turned and walked down the street before grabbing a bus to Liver Pool Street. Getting off he looked up at the Royal and General Bank and wondered what was in store for him know. Some man in China trying to take over the world with Teddy bears. He thought grimly walking up the steps while avoiding the place he had been shot at by a sniper.

His thoughts went back to why Mrs. Jones seemed so frantic, she had always been the calmer one with little to no emotion, and there must be something really wrong then. Sighing he walked over to the elevator and pressed the button to the seventh floor, standing still as the scanners scanned his body for any weapons. The doors dinged open and he slowly walked down the hall to Alan Blunts office. He opened the door.

And was completely caught off guard at what he saw, It was empty with no Blunt in sight. His worry grew as he sat down and waited his stomach turning, about ten minutes latter the door flew open and in rushed a an even stranger sight. A one Allen Blunt with a slight over whelmed and Frantic look with his normally neat hair and clothes in a slight disarray, and behind him came in an even more flustered Mrs. Jones who was currently holding a pair of not so sensible pair of Prada heels in her hand and slightly panting. Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Alex," Blunt said sighting gratefully in his chair.

"What is going on?" he snapped crossing his arms over his chest in a form of defiance. Blunt sighed and carefully put the folder on the table.

"What is going on Mr. Rider is that we have a serious problem," he opened the folder and pulled out a picture and handed it to Alex who studied it. The picture was from a CCTV camera and was grainy yet he could easily make out the figure that had been zoomed into. He was tall and about 32 years old with whitish looking hair and piercing eyes that even in black and white Alex would know any were. Shocked he put the picture down on the table and looked at Blunt and then to Jones, finally understanding there grim and flustered faces.

"Wha…? How?" it was all he could say, his mind still in shock.

"Yassen Gregorovich is alive and coming to London, and it seems he out for blood," sitting back in the seat Alex buried his head in his hands before looking up at him.

"This is all your fault!" he sneered at Blunt who had a surprised look on his face. "If you never brought me into to this then none of this would of even happened!" he slammed his fist on the desk.

"Alex just think of all the people who would be dead if it wasn't for you!" Mrs. Jones retorted trying to calm the panicking teen in front of her, it didn't help and he began to curse them in every language he knew.

"Rider! Shut the bloody hell up!" Blunt roared startling both Alex and Jones. "Remember who you are cursing at! We control you, if we wanted to we could send you of to some foster home were they don't give a damn about you and take all of Ian Rider money!"

"Your threatening me knows are you?" Alex yelled back standing up and went to door and tried to open it only to receive a large shock that sent him stumbling back his whole body.

"Si t down Alex," Mrs. Jones said leading him back to the chair while Alex cradled his throbbing hand.

"Are you done know with you childish antics?"

"You know I could go to the police about child abuse?" Alex growled.

"Unfortunately we control the police," god he really hated blunt and hoped one day to find out one day that Blunt had a bullet in his brain. "Know lets get down to business, you can come in know!" Alex turned and watched as the doorknob twisted open and in stepped k-Unit, or rather they fell in.

"Are you ok sir? We heard yelling?" Wolf asked his eyes scanning the room for threats before landing on Alex. "I should have known."

"Alex meet you protection detail." Blunt began and Alex groaned, how could this day get worse?

hey please dont hurt me please! I havent updated anything at all and I feel terrible! right know I'm working on enter two idiots. Thanks for all the reviews!

guépard not saying anything! Iamawesome- thanks I feel tons better! flyingdutchman- glad you like it! longer?- I'm sorry this is also terribly short! I'm glad you like it! armanifan101- there you go! Mistress Helium- I love watching free running its amazing! NienKevh- I'm glad you like it! GenuinelyEnigmatic- Fear no more! its here the next bit! darkroge- Here you go! She-Who-reads-too-much- I'll try to hurry! FoxGlade- Yes that Top Gear was epic! Yeah the two guys were sooo going to beat captain slow!. aLEX- not saying anything!

Thanks everyone! Know be a sweety and review!