Chapter 5

Updated oh my god! Oh my God... Oh my God! (thank you john Stewart) I updated this story again. Proving while im not dead just... really... really lazy.

P.S. Kiddies if your below 18 this chapter is not for you.

You know when to stop.

Last time I'm saying it.

Bra pulled away as the mention of her mother's name snapped the daze the woman had put her in while probing her mind. "What how do you know my mother's name?" The veiled woman laughed still hiding her features as she gently tapped Bra on the head.

"I guess it truly is fate that you came here then isn't it?" Sighing with relief the woman looked to the onlookers and waved her hands. "This doesn't concern you all I'm sure you have something to be doing now!" She shooed them away and the crowd with some reluctance did leave as the woman turned to the four women who had spurred Broly on. "Keena dear would you take him inside." Her finger pointing to Broly. "Please do be gentle with the boy my magic is powerful but he's not exactly weak." Her gaze turned to Silver who refused to even acknowledge her. "Darling please don't edge this man again, I understand your frustrations deeply but if you continue to act this way you will pay dearly for it and it won't be just you who suffers. I won't always be here to bail you out so please take care with your emotions." Pointing at Eve and Yora and pointed at the large building where they had come. Dejectedly they hung their heads and went inside as Keena picked up Broly in her arms.

"Oh my he is a heavy one!" she exclaimed marveling at his weight, caring her cargo to the door the veiled woman turned back to Bra.

"I knew your mother dear Bra, she was here on this planet for many years."

Bra was stunned, her mouth agape and her mind filled with questions but unable to form words to ask them. "But... how... She died!" Bra exclaimed as the woman laughed and shook her head.

"Oh no she wasn't dead, the planet that was destroyed that supposedly held your mother did but she escaped well before it was destroyed. By good fortune she made it here... along with your older brother."

Bra was left speechless as the woman nodded. "I knew you would react this way but that's fine, come along now I'll tell you everything you need to know. I always thought the day would come that I would meet Bulma's daughter but I can't believe it was so soon. You know your mother was..." Bra followed the woman inside listening to everything, after all these years she couldn't believe it. Her mother was alive!

Bra had situated herself down with this woman who referred to herself as 'the one' her gifts as a child had lead to her being the leader of these people. Her word was law but she rarely executed her own authority as she felt it wasn't her place to toil to much in peoples lives and let the world run its course with little interjection by her. She pushed for the solitude of the world and due to her abilities remained alive for a long time, claiming to be well over three hundred years old but she didn't feel like a day had changed in her since turning thirty.

Explaining herself to Bra took time as she elaborated about her mother's arrival. A mother along with her fifteen year old son Trunks crash landed on their planet and had lived here for two years before departing for her home world of Chinkyuu. She hadn't heard from Bulma since but she explained that her mother had been a great woman on this planet in her short time. Her knowledge easily enhanced society, and with her technical expertise she was able to create a lot of the defensive devices on this planet. The pitfall trap had been one such creation of hers, the redevelopment of the cities running water and electrical supplies were also there. But her gravity machine that she had left on this planet had greatly accelerated the development of strong fighters, while natural methods usually took several years to be in fighting shape the Gravity machine cut that time to just a fraction. Six months in that machine had produced results like Eve and Yora who were both sixteen and capable warriors in their own right.

It wasn't Bulma alone though, Trunks had played a larger role in changing the acceptance of men in society. Most men were caged and treated like dogs, 'the one' elaborated on the poor suffering Trunks endured. He was a devilishly handsome boy, a prize on this planet with small male population. His use of ki energy and flight impressed people, most of all his great strength and reserve to use it made him a figure like no other. Bra also learned an important fact about Silver's anger, she had been spurned by Trunks who just couldn't find it in his heart after all that he had gone through to love someone. Despite a romantic fling on Trunks birthday when he turned sixteen he turned Silver down. Despite Silver being almost twenty seven she was more than in love with the lavender haired sayjin.

"Whatever hatred she had grown up with for men after being abused by a raiding party when she was twelve before being rescued had doubled since Trunks turned her away. It was the fact that he said he could never find love when he knew his sister would be suffering in hell alone and he was too weak to do anything." The one told Bra who felt her tears well up at the statement by her brother. "He refused to fall in love until the day he was strong enough to rescue her. Silver respected his decision but it still broke her heart that he wouldn't be there as he left a year later. Although I'm sure that she'll be much happier once she realizes that you're his sister."

Continuing her story she explained that Bulma had lived here and worked on locating her home world in hopes of finding survivors and relocating there and finding the dragon balls to restore everything she had lost. Unfortunately Bulma had learned from her that her world had lost Kami, its guardian and there would be no way of reviving her people. That hurt Bulma a great deal as she told of how often she wept at the notion that Vegeta would not be there beside her. He was lost to the void and awaited her death, she felt terrible telling Bulma all of this but she would not give her false hope. She was a Seer and she would tell the future as she saw it, while not set in stone she could not undo what had been done... however she could change the past but for a terrible price.

Bra pressed for what she meant by that but The One shook her head and said that was not for her to know. Though she continued telling Bra that her Mother had left here almost eight years ago, though few photos existed of her because her fear of someone from Frieza discovering that she was still alive would drive her fear even greater, the One offered her a small photo of Bulma and Trunks on Trunks seventeenth Birthday.

Bra broke into a fit of tears upon seeing her mother and Brother again in almost a decade. She could see they were happy but behind their smiles she could see the pain of their lives written behind their eyes. The knowledge that Bra was still in shackles, Vegeta was dead, and there would be no way to change that. Well until now as Bra knew her thoughts trailing back to Broly who was still asleep on the bed behind her. A machine was hooked up to him keeping him sedated for awhile while Bra learned the truth. The One couldn't stop Broly a second time with her magic, while it seemed so effortless she couldn't cast another spell and drop Broly like earlier she would need a full day to cast a spell like that again but she felt he had calmed down but thought the boy needed a rest.

Next she began to explain how she had come to know Broly, while not physically seeing or talking to him she had felt the anguished cries across space. Broly was a sad, sad being and it tore at her every night as he screamed and cried out in agony. Like listening to a caged animal that lived for freedom could not break free, his nights of torment anger and hatred had boiled over into her. She had listened and peered into his mind openly. She felt exhausted after each session as she felt what he felt, the strain of the controller draining and exploding in his veins she couldn't believe what this boy had endured. Until recently she had felt that sorrow and pain evaporate and fill with trepidation, fear, and loneliness. The later cries of love and joy that she now could see came from Bra, her surprise not hidden that not only was Bra Bulma's daughter but the love of the legendary super-sayjin. A fate that she consider was tied with her mother who had tamed a monster named Vegeta and she had tamed the Monster Broly. Though her peer into Bra's mind also gave her pause as she saw the deteriorating mind that Broly was going through. His obsession with Bra had taken a more severe turn than she imagined as Broly's love and affection created a need complex within him. He could not function without her as he was now and if Bra were to ever be separate from him whether by choice or not Broly would destroy the universe. She had seen that twisted side of Broly and it was just a shell, a deeper and darker power lurked beneath his exterior. Telling Bra that she had been given a great love and curse all in one. Her love for him could never change, her feelings could never wane and it would be returned to her equally but should she falter in anyway it would lash out against all creation. Broly's destructive nature was kept in check by her but it wouldn't last forever unless they could find a true peace Broly would remain a terrible threat to everyone and everything.

"I will leave you with a warning Bra, you will have a difficult choice ahead of you. You will have the love you know behind you suffer terribly because of you, though your intentions are pure he will suffer a tragedy in his heart and exactly what will happen I don't know. But take caution Bra his love for you is a greater weapon than you know but also a terrible threat." The One didn't wait for questions from Bra before leaving her alone with Broly and her thoughts as Broly slept. Getting up she walked over the bed with Broly her hands gently running across his face.

"Mother what would you do?" She asked to the picture she still held in her other hand.

Feeling her eyes grow heavy she knew it best, undressing before climbing alongside her lover. "Sleep well." She said kissing his lips gently bringing a smile to her face as she laid her head atop his chest and gently let herself be overtaken by sleep.

Stirring in his mind finally as Broly had been sleeping peacefully for now, the spell that bound him to sleep slowly faded allowing his eyes to finally open. He could feel Bra's form against his own her head gently laying atop his arm sleeping peacefully next to him. His rage that once all consumed him before collapsing had faded, this planet was spared its fate though as Broly removed Bra from him. Though rarely he would do this he wouldn't disturb her sleep. He needed to attend to some duties...

Emerging a few minutes later from the bathroom Broly looked to the balcony window sensing that he had a visitor. Looking to Bra who still slept quietly he only growled in his mind, he wanted to return to her warmth but he wouldn't keep his uninvited guest waiting. Walking outside his vision was cast down upon two beings who were sitting outside of his balcony. "What do you want from me?" He grumbled not attempting to hide his disdain for both of them. The veiled woman and Silver stood in front of him, Silver wasn't looking at him her face looking off to the side and the veiled woman looking at him.

"Nothing to major my dear Broly." The One said offering him a slight bow as she walked up to him.

"I'm in no mood for this. I should break the both of you two in half!" He spat as his eyes glared daggers at the both of them.

"Oh I don't believe that you will, I do believe your sweet Bra would be devastated to not find out more about her dear mother and brother who were here years ago. Could you really make the poor girl cry knowing that she had lost her only real lead and home of her mother for years? Oh I could just imagine, and you'd be responsible for all of it!" The One pointed her finger at Broly who scowled but looked away. "Well good now that I have your co-operation I just need you and Bra to attend our little ceremony tomorrow, with the arrival of Bulma's daughter and the Legendary Super-sayjin I figured we would hold a little celebration for the both of you!"

"What's the catch? I see it behind your veil witch there's something behind this."

"You'll have to show up to find out, but I know Bra will drag you there regardless I just thought I tell you before she did." She moved as if preparing to leave but seemed to remember something as her finger pointed straight up. Looking back to Silver, "Ah how could I have forgotten, you do owe our guest something."

Silver looked away as Broly turned around he knew what this was meaning but didn't want to hear it. "Don't leave yet!" The One cried out but Broly opened the balcony door leading back to his room.

"Prove it to me, don't tell me." Coldly spoken he closed the door behind him disappearing. Earning a breathe of relief from Silver who didn't want to ever apologize to anyone for what she thought was right and especially to a man.

As Broly closed the door and returned to his bed his eyes caught sight of Bra, he had obviously awoken her as her glassy eyed gaze back at him made him. "Company?" She questioned before yawning her arms giving a slight stretch as she felt her muscles tighten.

Broly gave her no answer but looked over her and only let a grin spread across his face. Bra wasn't oblivious to him but smiled laying back down her arms going above her head and her legs opening, having stripped down before sleeping with him she welcomed him openly.

Broly didn't look for permission before quickly climbing over her dominantly as always, his very nature preyed upon his strength. No sayjin male would want to be submissive, aggressive passion was in his blood and Bra was more than willing to let him be that way. Quickly moving to capture her lips she moaned in his mouth as his large body pressed against her own. The rigid feel of his muscles against her body was exciting as he pressed harder against her his lips moving even faster as his tongue swept past her lips to capture hers.

Savoring her taste he engrossed himself in her mouth he believed that the most beautiful part of a woman was their lips. Though in some cases it could be the most lethal, he had never felt so much tenderness and passion anywhere else except when he kissed Bra. Sure the rest of her body was beautiful and stunning enough for any man but just the feel of her lips against his own were just amazing and gazing into those passion filled blue eyes that he loved so much was almost all he could ask for in his life.

They twisted and pressed against one another their mouths leaving each others to only gasp for air before diving back into each other with a frenzy. She could feel the strain coming from him as his massive girth pressed against her stomach, she could feel his hips already grinding as he only wished to join their bodies together but she would make him wait. Bra pressed her hand against the back of his straining neck and he pulled away. Giving him a wink he relquished his position as he let her flip them over, changing her position though as she looked down at Broly's straining mass. "Ever impatient as always..." She said softly as she ran one pressured finger from base to tip.

Eliciting a sharp hiss from Broly in pleasure with her actions her mind would often twinge when in this position. She very clearly remembered the horrible days in her prison days where she would be forced to blow every soldier that she was thrown too. Her mind hated everything about it, their disgusting faces, their filthy remarks, and their sick enjoyment of it. She hated everyday of it until she bit one poor bastards dick almost in two, she wished she had done that sooner as never again would a man dare flaunt himself in front of her... though it had been awhile since those days she didn't mind it if it was Broly. She knew his taste, his feel, and his size. He was a real sayjin and he had been more than willing to show her multiple times.

Leaning down she let her tongue lick his tip of his cock gently swirling around his head as her free hand went to gently stroke his base. Her simple actions earned her a loud growl from Broly as his chest heaved and his hands gripped the sides of the bed as he held himself back. Self restraint was one of Broly's weak points as he would often skip her foreplay and dive into the main event. Still stroking him she looked back with a pout to him. "Please?" She said using one free hand to expose her flower openly to Broly who scoffed at her notion looked away. Before she could retort a grin came over his lips as he pulled himself upwards his tongue plunging into her heat with fervor earning him a cry of pleasure. Her mouth hanging agape as her throat raggedly cried out in pleasure. She couldn't move as her body locked up as Broly held her stomach in an iron grip not allowing her to escape. She could only wail as Broly's ministrations filled her up. Her cries echoing loudly as Broly smirked pulling away from her as Bra's body shuddered feeling limp.

Feeling herself being picked up Broly kicked open the Balcony doors to Bra's horror. "Oh no! We are not doing this!" She said adamantly but Broly shook his head very slowly.

"I will let them all know you are mine. By mornings end the entire world will know our names..." Broly snickered as Bra tried to pull free but Broly planted her against the stone frame. His hands gripped her tightly and before she could wriggle free he forced himself inside her. Her body tensing up as his massive shaft was shoved inside her, biting down on her lips she held back her voice as Broly leaned his face alongside her. "Oh you can try and hold it back but it won't last just let go now..." He purred as his tongue licked up her cheek.

Her eyes flashed death at him but he only laughed as he pulled back to only slam back inside her, the force he used almost shook the very building as Bra bit down even tighter on her lip. She wouldn't give in to his sick game, while normally not one to hide her shame especially since being free, she was a guest on a foreign planet and how could she look these people in the face if she was busy screaming all night because her lover wanted to screw her outside.

"Ne-ne-Ev-er!" She rasped as Broly only roared in laughter.

"Scream it!" He yelled his voice booming as Bra's eyes caught sight of lights flicking on in the city. With a firm grip around her waste Broly pushed harder his mass pulsing inside her and Bra bit down bottom lip drawing a trickle of blood as she screamed in pleasure. Trembling in ecstasy her body shook with her climax but Broly did not give her rest. Flipping her over he pushed her back down against the railing as he continued pounding her small frame.

"I'll just push you until you break bra..." With a grin his hair spiked upwards and in flash his body was now a glow with its golden hue. Bra's body spasm again in orgasm as Broly pumped his ki all over her skin, her every inch of flesh being heated and pricked and prodded by his energy. Reacting in the only way she could she screamed out a pure howl of pleasure. Her limbs locking around him as she desperately sought something to grasp. "good girl..." He said pulling back and Bra felt his power lapse and her body go numb.

However, a quick flash and another slam into her womb caused her to cry out again as she looked into Broly's flaming teal eyes. "Were not done... you haven't said my name..."

R&R Smut to finish it off? I guess so...