All characters owned by ABC Daytime

At the moment this is just the tease for a Niz/Lik story. Feedback is appreciated.

"Daddy look!!!!" Jake Spencer ran headlong down the steps on the docks. He and his Daddy had been walking down to the launch for Spoon Island when he saw a sail boat in the distance. So, instead of turning off onto the correct pier, the little boy ran down to one of the piers closer to the boat.

He moved up so that the very tips of his toes met the end of planks and stuck his head out just slightly. He liked boats and Uncle Nik brought him out to look at them sometimes when he played with Spence. The rules were that you aren't allowed to get any further out than he was now. Daddy taught him to swim, but Uncle Nik said that there are things in the water that can pull you under.

He heard people in the alley, but he didn't pay them any attention. They probably had cars in the alley, but boats were way cooler. Daddy called his name so he turned around and started toward him. His hand was just slipping into his daddy's when a loud pop came from daddy's other side. Jake screamed as Daddy fell.

Daddy had a real bad booboo on his back. He was bleeding a lot and breathing funny. Jake kept screaming as he looked up and saw a man with a gun. Daddy had a gun cause he was a police man, but Jake had never been allowed to touch it. He recognized the man. He was mommy's sad friend. He always seemed sad when Jake saw him, like someone took his toys, or he wasn't allowed to play with his friends. Jake was scared. Mommy said that only bad guys and police men used guns. He knew that Mommy's friend wasn't a police man, he didn't have a badge, and he told him that he wasn't when he asked him once. Jake started to panic. His breaths were coming to fast. Daddy wasn't getting up. Mr. Morgan, that was his name, was still standing there with his gun. Jake started to cry.


"Daddy, get up!"

"JAKE!!" Came a yell from far away. It was Uncle Nik.

"Uncle Nik! Help!"

Mr. Morgan flinched and moved the hand with the gun. Now it was pointed closer to Jake. Jake screamed again. He heard Uncle Nik's running steps coming closer. "Daddy's hurt Uncle Nik! Hurry!"

When Jake looked up again Mr. Morgan was gone and Uncle Nik was running down the steps. Then he was on the ground with Jake and his Daddy and he was calling 911. The next thing Jake knew Uncle Nik was holding him and he was crying too. Crying was for girls, but from the moment his daddy fell, Jake never stopped.