I don't own Naruto

Gaara coughed as he tried his best to regain stable breathing so he could explain his situation to Tsunade. Preferably before she decided that Gaara's existence was no longer required. "I love my sister more than I love my own life. Recently, she has undergone emotional pain caused by a member of the opposite sex and the sight of seeing her so hurt and vulnerable pains me more than a thousand kunai ever could. I want to do something for her, and that is why I have come to Konoha."

Tsunade stayed quiet as she marveled at the eloquence of Gaara's speech. It wasn't too long ago when Gaara was but a psychopathic murderer who did nothing for anyone but himself. "So what does that have anything to do with Naruto joining your task force?"

Shifting in his position, Gaara said, "I was hoping that you would allow Uzumaki Naruto to come to Suna and give a relationship between my sister and him a chance. There is no other who would honor me more than to call a brother than him, and if they were to fall in love with each other, my sister wouldn't be in better hands than his."

It took everything in Tsunade to keep her expression neutral. But somehow she did it, even though inside she was about to burst. An evil matchmaker lies within every woman, and currently, the Hokage's inner love cupid is screaming in ecstasy. "So let me get this straight. You came here without a formal invitation or an appointment, lied and discredited my staff, and then made irrational demands." The Hokage took a moment so that Gaara could stew in uncomfortable silence before resuming her tirade. "And you expect me to give up one of my most powerful shinobi because you 'love your sister.'"

Without hesitation, Gaara responded, "Yes."

Tsunade's eyebrow twitched in irritation. "Well, unfortunately for you, my answer is no." Gaara opened his mouth to respond, but she stopped him by raising her hand before he could speak. "However, I will compromise with you here. Even though you acted tactlessly and disrespected me, I do feel a small semblance of sympathy for your sister. Konoha and Temari have always had good relations and even though I dislike meddling in affairs concerning relationships, I will help you." The evil cupid within Godaime rubbed her hands and cackled evilly. It wasn't too long ago she tried to hook up Naruto with his temporary squad leader, thinking they were similar in many ways. She thought she succeeded when she caught them in a compromising situation, but according to Naruto, appearances weren't what they seemed. Since failing, Naruto has been wary of any females the Hokage mentioned with Naruto in the same sentence.

Gaara took a moment to silently sigh in relief. The things he were going through to make this Kage-sized matchmaking didn't do his health any good, and he was extremely fortunate that even though the Hokage didn't enjoy playing matchmaking as well, she was willing to help him and leave his head and whatever else she wanted to detach, attached to his person. With a slight nod he said, "I thank you for your generosity and appreciate any help you can give to this situation."

"Oh, don't thank me yet."

Gaara suddenly felt wary when she said that with what many would consider an evil smile. "I do not understand."

"I will help you, but it will be under my conditions." Once again, Gaara started to speak only to be interrupted by another raised hand from the Godaime. "You forfeited any rights to make demands on this situation. We will do things my way, and you will agree wholeheartedly. That is the consequence of you coming in here and attacking me." Wanting to point out that it was her that technically attacked him and not the other way, he started his rebuttal only to once again have the female hand come up again and stop his tirade from even initiating. Gaara mentally commanded his sand to not chop off the Hokage's hand and nearly missed her next statement. "You will have Temari transferred here."

Before she could raise her hand, Gaara firmly said, "No."

Crossing her arms in front of her and leveling a glare at the redhead, Tsunade said, "I believe I just said you have no say in this."

Being a gender with the XY-chromosome, Gaara was doomed to once again be thrust under the deadly XX-chromosome death beam. "I believe you said that as well, but I do not see how this will help Temari."

"With Naruto here and Temari transferred here, they can find love here in Konoha." With a bright and happy smile, Tsunade allowed her inner joy show on her face a bit.

"I am sorry but I cannot afford transferring Temari here."

Smile still on her face because she knew that she had Gaara trapped, she responded. "I thought this wasn't about you and all about Temari. I was under the impression that you were willing to make any sacrifice for her. And I thought there was that teeny tiny agreement we made where you had no choice in the matter." The last sentence was said with a straight face that expected no denial.

Assuming that coercion was the Hokage's word for agreement, Gaara said, "Yes, I am willing to make sacrifices for her. However, I do not see the necessity to make needless sacrifices."

Extremely irritated that the annoying brat in front of her was trying his best to become an annoying dead brat, Tsunade just barely controlled herself in her response. "Okay, that's fine then. This will require a lot of effort and time on my part. Instead of sacrificing Temari, you can always sacrifice yourself by doing my paperwork for me."

"I will have Temari's transfer papers in by tomorrow." Gaara showed no hesitation and no remorse in forsaking his beloved sister.

"I'm glad you see it my way. I'll have her place ready by the end of the week."


Gaara was quietly scribbling on scrap paper to make it seem like he was doing some kind of semblance of work. Noticing the turbulent mass of chakra heading straight for his office, Gaara kept up his charade of hard work. Once the angry chakra blob reached the building, he realized he clearly underestimated the malevolence level of the person. He quickly changed from scribbling to writing his will when he grasped the fact that he was about to come face to face with what the apocalypse wished it could look like.


"Hello sister, I see you have received your papers."

"Don't 'hello sister,' me! Why do you have me transferring to Konoha?"

Finishing up his will, he looked straight into his possible demise and calmly said, "Please Temari, calm down and close the door behind you. We have important issues to discuss." Not calming down and using wind from her fan to slam the door shut, Gaara noticed that Temari never once took her angry eyes off of his. Seeing his chances of survival rapidly diminishing from pathetic to nonexistent, he said, "Please have a seat beloved sister."

Slamming both of her hands down on Gaara's desk and causing Gaara to pee his pants, she screamed, "DON'T BELOVED SISTER ME! Hurry up and tell me something now before I somehow lose my fan up your ass."

"The transfer is a cover. I have a top-secret mission that only you and I will know about. You have an infiltration mission." Gaara quickly stumbled out.

"Suna and Konoha are at peace. They keep no significant secrets from us, just like we don't keep any from them," Temari said slowly and angrily.

"You are correct, they keep no secrets. However, they have something Suna requires that they refuse to grant."

Finally calming down somewhat, Temari sat down and asked, "So you want me to gather intelligence on the artifact that you need?"

"No, I already have all necessary information on the mission target."

Crossing her arms in front of her, she huffed. "Then what the hell is my mission?"

Looking square in her eyes, Gaara made a dramatic pause before answering. "Temari, your mission objective is to seduce Uzumaki Naruto of Konoha."