First fanfic blablabla

I was bored, and I luv LuNa and since there is not enough LuNa and way too much yaoi on this :more than 0 (coz i'm a guy and i'm straight). Anyway I was bored at school today and I wrote some shit in my notebook and I ended up writing it at home.

So.... tell me what ya think.

Rated M for impending smut (probably)

When Luffy Feels Hurt


Rays of bright sunlight shone boldly through the windows of Nami's room while the orange haired beauty lay on her side on her bed thinking. She was thinking about the events that took place one week ago:


Nami stood up from her latest session of map making, her hand was beginning to feel a bit sore from all the drawing, nevertheless she felt quite content with the amount of work she had gotten done.


The rubber captain was glaring angrily at the ships cook, who was forcing him to go ask his precious Nami-swan if she was hungry. "Just go do it shithead!"the cook spat at the pouting captain of the ship. After about 10 seconds he added: "Or you'll go without dinner tonight". Luffy didn't know how fast to get to Nami and he took of running, Sanji said smiling to himself : "it always works." before going back into the kitchen.

Luffy was running towards Nami's door at lightning speed, already excited at the prospect of certain food if she said yes. He wasn't really paying attention to the door when it happened.

He was about to burst through the door his mouth already half opened to ask her about lunch. And at that particular moment Nami decided to open her door to yell at the crew.

Time slowed down.

Mouths collided, crushing against one another as the captain and his navigator collided. They flew back into Nami's room as they fell to the ground, Luffy on top of her as their lips remained connected. It took a few moments for Nami to realize what was going on.


She felt amazing, it felt like the world around them had suddenly stopped moving and she had become the center of the universe. She just lay still, completely relaxed as she allowed the wonderful feeling to completely engulf her, igniting a fire deep inside her that she never knew she had. After about 30 seconds in bliss she started to process it, thinking what might be making her feel so good, determined to experience this again. She opened her eyes and found herself staring into Luffy's confused eyes

The captain had never felt this good before, but when he opened his eyes he was confused what was happening. Luffy had absolutely no idea about sex or kisses, or romance for that matter. But when she opened her eyes he suddenly realized that she'd probably be very, very angry with him about this. Startled he jumped off her, wide-eyed while uttering: "Sorry Nami! Gomenasai! But he wasn't beaten to an inch from death by the girl. Instead she slowly stood up, hooded eyes as she walked towards her captain slowly. As she reached him he prepared himself for the final deathblow, praying that he would survive. But instead of killing her captain as one would expect she brought her hands up to his face, yanking on his hair as she hungrily kissed him, moaning at the feeling of bliss she was experiencing once again.

As he realized that she was apparently not angry for a reason, he began to relax into the kiss, pulling her closer as she raked her hands through his hair, clearly in ecstasy.

Hungrily she sucked on his lips, trying to trigger a reaction from her captain. Luffy's notorious instincts kicked in, and he responded by sucking on her lips and caressing her tongue with his.

After ten minutes of heavy kissing the two broke for air, feeling incredibly satisfied, somehow they had ended up on her bed. Shortly after, she had come back to her senses and she blushed as she realized what they just did. Suddenly she stood up and left the room. Leaving Luffy there, feeling awfully hurt for some reason

-End of Flashback-

After some heavy blushing in memory she looked sad. She was confused, she realized that she loved Luffy, even needed him. But for some reason she just couldn't bring herself to tell him, or to think about his feelings. She hadn't even spoken to him since, thinking he was avoiding her, she felt a little angry with him, then she realized that she was unconsciously avoiding him instead. She looked even more confused.

Luffy chose this moment of course to talk to Nami about what had happened back then, and why she had been avoiding him for the entire week, he wasn't stupid, he realized that he had feelings for her almost immediately after she left the room. But as Luffy was, he had no idea what to do now.

The door to her room opened and Luffy came in. "Hey..." he said to her, not sure what to say right then. She jumped from being startled, but as he began talking about last week, suddenly, for some reason all her confusion turned into anger. She suddenly started to yell at him and insult his stupidity, she didn't even know why she did.

Luffy stood there dumbfounded and after about three minutes of yelling and insults, he ignored her and left the room feeling hurt, leaving a very confused navigator behind.

Hours later at the dinner table, Sanji called for everyone to get their asses over here, and swooned over her and Robin. But Luffy never came. That night Usopp, Chopper were drunk and dancing while having a lot of fun. Everybody must have heard that from the volume of their little song.. but Luffy never even came to join them. Everyone found it strange but just shrugged it off as one of his whimsical decisions. Nami however became a little worried, fearing he had done something dangerous, like fall overboard and die or something similar. When the crew went to bed that night Luffy never appeared in the men's room. Getting worried, had a meeting at breakfast the next morning.

Zoro: "Oye guys, has anyone seen Luffy yesterday?"

Usopp: "Last I saw him was yesterday, an hour after breakfast, he was sitting on the rams head, apparently in thought as he kinda ignored me."

Nami's eyes widened :"that's just after he came to see me!" she thought, now really getting worried about the rubber boy she loved, deeply regretting her actions towards him.

Chopper:"i saw him around 10 minutes after that, roaming aimlessly around the ship, haven't seen him since thought" the little reindeer said with watery eyes."

Zoro:" So he's been missing since one hour and 10 minutes after breakfast yesterday"

Afterwards they started a search for their idiotic captain, hoping he hadn't done something stupid again.


Luffy sat in the dark, hiding out in a perfect place, they would never find him here, he didn't want to see anyone right now. Normally, their insults to his smarts, his appetite, his behavior and his actions didn't mean anything to him. It was like throwing pebbles at a skyscraper. It had absolutely no effect. But it was different this time wasn't it? He now loved Nami, and realized he always had, he was fascinated by the way her hair looks, by her captivating smile and her soft skin, by her knowledge of almost everything, her sensual body and the bravery that she had. When he realized this her opinion became a thousand times more important. And when she threw huge amounts of insults at him, the effect was like missiles hitting the large building that was Luffy's confidence and ego. Until finally it broke down an the entire building collapsed.


They searched for hours but didn't find a trace of him. Extremely worried about their captain, they posted guard at the fridge, he had to eat eventually right?

Zoro was first, he especially stayed awake the entire time because this was serious, after that Usopp relieved him, nothing, Sanji, nothing, Chopper, nothing.

The next morning they all ate in silence, no one was in the mood to talk. All being worried enough to occupy their minds fully.

But none of them felt near as bad as she did, she felt that this was all her fault, that he went missing because she insulted the man she loved without the slightest hint of a reason to do so, and it was tearing her up inside. She had even cried at night, in the morning her pillow was wet with her tears that flowed even when she finally was asleep. She felt like crap, she wanted so much to have him here right now, to be able to look at that beautiful smile of his, to see his gleeful face. Memories of previous week flowed back into her mind, this time however she didn't blush. She longed for him, She needed him.

"He couldn't be dead, right?" Robin asked looking extremely worried, and sad at the thought of her hero having left the earth. She was taking this really hard, she hadn't slept for two days, and couldn't think about anything else than her worry for the man who gave her a place in this world.

Nami softly gasped, realizing what she had heard.

He was dead.

Never again would she see his smile.

Never again would he annoy her.

Never again would he look at her with those eyes that made her feel like she was the most important person on earth.

He was dead.

Never again could she kiss his lips.

Never again could she hear his laugh.

Never again would he get excited over an adventure.

And it was all her fault.

Sanji frowned, noticing the state of the objects of his affection. He could see they both were far worse of than the male members of the crew, their hair had lost its shine, their eyes seemed empty , not filled with any joy at life. They were depressed.

Usopp broke the silence with another point of worry :"I don't think he's dead, Yet."

Everyone gasped at his words, looking shocked.

"What the hell do you mean asshole yelled Sanji" Seeing Nami's eyes begin to water and Robin's Head slumping onto the table.

"You know how much he eats five times a day? Well he hasn't eaten at all in two days now." stated Usopp.

Nami's head shot up as she looked wide-eyed at him. Then she suddenly stood up and ran out of the dinner room, the entire crew after her. She went down into the body of the lion ship, while weeping loudly. Not even knowing where she was going she just ran forward, turning corners at random while screaming: "Luffy! Luffy! Where are you? Luffyy!"

And suddenly there he was, sitting behind some crates. When she saw him she felt immensely relieved, knowing he was still alive.

But when she got a better look at him her mood went down as fast as it went up, eyes beginning to water at the sad scene in front of her.

Luffy sat curled up in a corner, red puffy cheeks as he sat in a pool of his own tears, clothes soaked with the salt water, looking extremely pale. His breathing was shallow and uneven as he was still crying even in his heartbroken slumber.

She slammed her hand to her mouth as she saw the sight of an immensely sad, barely alive Luffy before her, and immediately knew that everything was her fault. She loved him, and yet when he came to talk to her about his apparent feelings for her she kept insulting him breaking the heart and spirit of the only man who ever cared for her. Who believed in her even after her betrayal, and had risked his life to save hers countless times. And she didn't even have a reason to do it.

She first told herself that her captain didn't have any feelings from other people's words, that he didn't even care what they said about him. She had been wrong, he cared, and when the woman he loved insulted him with every horrible word. His normally unbreakable spirit broke down, and it was her fault

Her spirit just broke down under the immense pain she felt right now her heart felt like it was being squashed very slowly.

She cried, it started out softly, sobbing as tears flowed down her face, then became louder as she weeped in agony and pain. She was so sorry, sorry for every bad thing she had said to him. She let out a long, loud sorrowful cry as she cried.

When the crew heard her cry they came running, Sanji having told them to stop following her before, dropped his cigarette as he took of at lightning speed to his beloved Nami-swan. When they arrived at the source of the cry, they stood shocked, they hadn't expected THAT had happened.

Was sitting there, crying, with Luffy's head in her lap, his drenched hair soaking her clothes as she looked pained, Luffy still crying in his painful slumber.


One Hour Later


Chopper came out of the infirmary with a frown and a sad look.

"We got to him in time, he was completely dehydrated and his body was running out of nutrients, he was also entirely exhausted. He had been crying for about one and a half day before he felt asleep. I don't know what happened but he appears to have been very sad."

But she knew what was wrong. They wouldn't know though. Not before she had told him of her love for him and apologized to him. All that was left was waiting by his side for him to wake up. They had told her she needed to sleep, but she shrugged them off, she simply stood up right out of her bed when any other person would have instantly fallen asleep. Because she couldn't sleep, not anymore. Not before he had waken up and everything would be all right again, when he would be hers, and she would be his.

After about 8 hours Luffy finally groaned as his fingers twitched he slowly opened his eyes, still crying, as he woke up he remembered again and started to cry more again. He closed his eyes again

then Luffy opened his eyes again as he felt a familiar sensation over his lips. And his eyes widened to an impossible degree as he saw the navigator he loved so much kissing him, her cheeks red from tears, as she looked as if she was using her last strength to make sure she didn't fall asleep. She was so beautiful, so incredibly beautiful, even as her cheeks were stained with red, irritated skin, even as her eyes were befouled by dark rings. She slowly pulled away, ripping him from his train of thoughts.

"I'm so sorry Luffy, it was all my fault! I yelled at you and I insulted you without reason and I could have killed you if I hadn't found you there. I'm sorry, I got angry because I was confused as I just found out that I......i.... I love you Luffy, I need you. Forgive me, be mine Luffy." she was quiet for a while and then spoke softly:"i can understand if you won't forgive me anymore..." and she started sobbing again.

Luffy's mind was racing at a million miles an hour, all the events of the day's flashing through his mind, then he notice her sobs, and he did the first thing that came to mind. He pulled her to him. Claiming her lips with his, it was the first time she was sure he loved her back. She hiccuped into his mouth as she whispered, her voice wavering from a mixture of sadness, joy and exhaustion.

"I'm so sorry Luffy, I forgot that you have feelings too. I'll..."

He raised a finger to her lips as to stop her from saying anymore. Suddenly feeling quite weak, his body still without food he leaned back onto the bed, taking her with him. They started kissing again, and with an arm around each other and their lips laying half an inch from one another, they both fell asleep.

It had been enough, Chopper couldn't get this go on any longer, he had to make her sleep, even if it meant having to inject her with Valium, he stormed into the infirmary, preparing a needle when he saw it. He saw Nami cuddling up to Luffy, looking completely happy and relaxed, and Luffy having one arm around her, and the other on the back of her neck like he'd fallen asleep kissing her, looking completely opposite from 5 hours ago, contend and happy.

He blushed and left, locking the infirmary, telling no one

The next day Luffy still had to stay in the infirmary to recover his body from near death. Sanji was about to bring him lunch, he was a bit sad because Nami decided to skip lunch. He opened the door, and his cigarette fell out of his mouth at the sight that greeted him.

Luffy and Nami were on the bed, passionately kissing one another, lips passionately moving against each other. Nami softly moaned as Luffy plunged his tongue into her mouth, liking her lips from the inside while battling against hers. Luffy had his arms around her, pulling her tightly to him, as if trying to crush her, Nami held one arm around his neck, while raking the other through his hair. Momentarily they parted slightly, battling tongues in mid-air before pausing slightly. Nami panted:"I'm so sorry for hurting you Luffy, I really love you." Luffy panted even louder, his body still not entirely recovered: "It's okay, you didn't mean it right?"

"I still can't help but to feel guilty about almost killing you with insults"

"I love you Nami, and I realized I always have, and when I heard you say that I began to feel nauseous, then I was really sad, and I couldn't stop thinking about the insults, and I couldn't stop crying. But it's alright, true love forgives anything.

"Oh Luffy, Yes! Yes!" she purred as he moved his hand through her hair, and his other one under her shirt, running up and down over her smooth backside sending shivers up her spine and sending her into the deep end. She moved her hands over his toned muscles, her arousal growing every second. Slowly she started trying to undress him, wanting to feel more of him.

Then Sanji finally understood why Nami took Luffy's disappearance so badly, it had been three times as bad for her because she, loved him, and it was her fault he was missing.

Sanji stiffened, shivering at the thought of Luffy taking advantage of Nami-swan while in her fragile state of guilt, anger started to boil up directed at his rubber captain, when suddenly.

"No, Nami, not now, luffy whined" Her mood dropping as she stared at him wide-eyed, her sadness flowing back into her , eyes beginning to sting with unshed tears, as the man she loved was rejecting her, telling her to stop, not understanding why, he said he loved her, right?

Then he continued:"Let's keep it at kissing for now, let's not go farther, at least until i've rid you of your guilt. I love you Nami, I don't want to see you regretting anything, even if it means making you sad, I don't want you doing this out of feeling guilty for what you did, I want you to do it only if you love me."

Sanji smiled softly, his anger long forgotten as he left the plate there and walked away, he needed a smoke.

Nami's cheeks reddened to a bright red color. She felt so lucky right now. Even as he was recovering from a broken heart by her hands, he didn't want her to make him feel better by means of sex, because he thought she would do it out of atonement, and regret it later.

"Luffy..." she said affectionately. "I'm so lucky to have you, then at least promise me, when you've recovered. You'll have me, and you'll be mine?"

"Yes Nami, I promise. But only if you still want it then, I won't force you into anything you're not ready , or not willing to do, but I will always love you."

And at that they continued, not knowing that by now the whole crew was peeking inside the room, however not particularly caring about that either.

Well how was it? XD I was bored at school and I started daydreaming, is simply delight in LuNa, and I wrote some shit at school so I decided to give fanfiction a try, there will be a second chapter though, and it WILL be containing smut(if I like what I write, if not, tough shit)

please R&R