So, I typed this on my iPhone, which might explain any formatting or editing mistakes. Just a little thing, stuck in my head, had to get rid of it. Sorry it's so long. Characters=Joss, Plot=Me

Giles focused on the letter that had been thrust under his nose. It looked official. He let his gaze travel up the arm that held it to look at the face of his favorite person. Only today she wasn't smiling. "Well? Aren't you going to read it?"
"Of course," he took it from here and held it a more manageable distance from his face. He read it through quickly and then again more slowly, afraid he had misunderstood the first time; he hadn't. He felt his heart sink. "Congratulations Buffy it sounds like a wonderful opportunity."
"That's all you have to say?"
Giles scrutinized the woman across from him trying to divine what she wanted him to say. "Buffy you deserve this; you'll get to work in a job that utilizes your degree."
Buffy sat back defeated. She had hoped he would express disappointment at the idea of her moving so far away. She gave it one last stab. "It's an awful long way away."
Giles turned away to keep her from seeing his face. "Yes it is."
She sighed deeply in resignation. He wasn't going to try and keep her there. She had to go. He was right it was a good opportunity and if she stayed she would have to explain why and that was something she never planned on doing without a sign from Giles first.
The goodbye party was nice. There was cake dancing and best yet no apocalypse. Giles had stood back from the group of mostly giggling girls. He was scared to death of what might happen if he allowed himself too close to her. The last time they had been separated for longer than a week was years ago and it had nearly damaged their relationship beyond repair. The party was winding down when she came up to him a glass of champagne in each hand.
"Toast with me?"
"Of course." he could think of a million things he would rather do.
"To Buffy." she mirrored his movements her hazel eyes never leaving his green. He could see emotions swimming in them but wasn't able to read them all.
"Could you take me to the airport tomorrow? I could use a little more Watcher time before I go. Keep me from making any wrong decisions."
Considering he thought going was the wrong decision he wasn't sure he was the best person for the job but he would do anything for her. "Of course Buffy."
Despite wanting to spend her last moments with him Buffy was silent during their trip to the airport. She couldn't think of anything to say that wouldn't come off as melodramatic. She was too use to be the strong one that she had no idea how to be weak in front of him. Instead she nervously fiddled with her fingers and stared out the
Giles could tell she was worried. So was he. He didn't want to lose her. He looked forward to seeing her everyday having dinner training together and that was all ending. He needed comfort as much as she did. Finally he steeled himself gathered up his courage and reached across the console and stilled her hands with his own twining his fingers with hers.
Buffy ceased fidgeting and allowed herself to enjoy the feeling of contentment to wash over her as the warmth from his hand spread through her. Still in the back of her mind she knew that letting go of him now would hurt that much more.
Giles carried her bags for her, well some of her bags, and waited patiently while she got her boarding pass. After making sure she had her passport and making her promise to call when she landed they stood in awkward silence. Finally Buffy threw her arms around him hugging him until he couldn't breathe anymore. "I'll miss you," she whispered into his neck before releasing him and hurrying to the security checkpoint furiously brushing away the tears that spilled down her cheeks.
Giles watched her go absentmindedly rubbing his ribs. Only once he'd lost sight of her honey brown ponytail did he turn and exit the airport. Halfway home he pulled to the side of the road to let out the sob of grief that he'd been holding back since she announced she was leaving. After giving himself ten minutes to grieve over the love he'd just let go he dried his eyes and got back on the road. He was filled with the now familiar ache that comes from doing things that fall under the heading of for their own good.
Giles closed the file he was looking at and stared at the clock. He had been trying to read it for the last hour and hadn't made it past the first page. It had been impossible for him to get any work done all day. He was too excited and nervous to concentrate on anything; Buffy was coming home today.
He looked down at his outfit specially chosen and bought for her return. He'd been working out and had even gotten his hair trimmed. He knew he looked good for a man his age but the real question was did he look good for a man Buffy's age? He paced his office as he waited for the clock to strike six his notice that it was time to leave for the airport to get her. Finally unable to wait any longer he left the office and hurried to his car.
He was in such a hurry that he barely noticed the man waiting by the entrance.
"Forgive me I'm terribly sorry."
"Don't worry about it Mr. Giles you were just the man I was looking for."
"I'm afraid I'm in a terrible rush. Please call my office tomorrow to set up a meeting."
"There's no time for that Mr. Giles."
Giles stopped and turned to get a proper look at the man. He looked normal but there was something not quite right about him. Giles began to reach for the gun he kept strapped under his coat. "What's so important then?"
"It's about your slayer."
Panic gripped him as his fingers began tightening around his gun. "What have you done with Buffy?"
"Absolutely nothing," the man said as he smiled at the man rapidly losing consciousness before him, "yet." Giles felt fear stab his heart before slipping into unconsciousness, his keys slipping from his grip and clattering under his car.
Buffy looked around as she cleared customs but frowned when she didn't see any familiar faces. She was expecting Giles to meet her and had even dressed nicely despite the international flight. Trying to think optimistically she made her way through the crowd toward baggage claim. She had nearly given up hope of seeing anyone familiar when she passed the man in a three piece suit holding a sign that read "Ms. Summers".
"I'm Buffy Summers."
The man fastened his hand around her arm and pressed what she was certain was a gun into her side. Knowing there were some things even slayer-healing couldn't take care of she let him lead her to a limo that was waiting outside. Before she could protest or fight back she was pushed inside and the door was shut. There were no handles on the inside and the glass must've been bulletproof because even with her boots on she couldn't break them.
She could feel the car pull away and was more upset about the fact that Giles could be there waiting for her than the fact she had just been kidnapped. The partition between the compartments opened. "I suggest you get some rest, we have a long drive ahead of us." Her response was to kick the partition. "I would prefer not to use this, it causes the most frightful headaches, but you leave me no choice." A canister was thrown in and the partition raised as it began to expel some sort of cloud. Buffy struggled against the glass for as long as she could but was soon overcome and collapsed on the floor of the car as it sped her unknowingly toward a mysterious destination.
Giles clutched his head and moaned as he began to come to. He reached for his glasses but couldn't find them. As more clarity returned he realized he was somewhere in the pitch black. He tried calling out but there was no answer. He stood up and began to take some tentative steps forward his arms stretched out in front of him. His hands met with smooth stone. Now he knew he was being held in a room. It seemed to be fairly large but he felt no doors or windows and wondered if he'd been dropped in from above.
He sat down to ponder this new predicament. He was fine being trapped alone in a cave at least for the moment but he was worried about Buffy. The man who had taken him knew about her who she was and what she did. Was she also in danger? If she wasn't in danger then she was probably waiting for him at the airport. He wondered if she would be disappointed that he wasn't there.
It was hard to know how much time had passed in the dark when he heard a commotion. Suddenly he was blinded by light as the door opened and someone else was thrown in struggling. There was a brief flurry of sound as fists met flesh and cloth and then nothing but the darkness and the sound of heavy breathing.
"Buffy?" He was both relieved and frightened at her appearance.
"Giles!" Buffy was up and running able to find him even in the dark.
"Wait Buffy stop! Find the wall and I will come to you."
"Why is there some sort of freaky pit in the center?"
He smiled, "not that I'm aware of but it pays to be cautious."
"Well I've found the wall. You move to your left I'll go right."
They each made their way against the wall until he felt her fingers tangle with his own. He sank to the ground indicating with a tug that she should join him. He felt far more secure sitting than standing.
"It's so good to be home. I missed you." She wasn't trying to be funny but her first statement made him chuckle despite their circumstances. Part of him thrilled at the knowledge that despite her career change having taken her halfway around the world she still considered England home. She laughed along with him until they lapsed into silence. She gave his hand a squeeze as if to emphasize her declaration.
"I missed you too Buffy. Although I professed this wasn't the homecoming I had imagined."
"So being alone with me, in the dark wasn't part of your plan?"
He knew she meant it as a joke but he was glad for the darkness that hid his blush. He had imagined many situations that involved being with her in the dark but none of them had involved kidnapping. "Er yes I mean no. I think Willow procured a cake and Xander was talking streamers when I left this morning. Yesterday morning?" He realized he wasn't certain how long he'd been there.
"Do you think they'll notice we're missing?"
"Eventually. I imagine my mobile is ringing...wherever it is."
"So what do we do?"
"Wait it out. At least until we can discover who took us, where we are and what they want us for."
"You sound tired. Why don't you get some rest? I'm still on American time. Don't worry I'll keep watch."
Now that he thought about he was exhausted and his head still hurt from whatever they had used to knock him out. "Right well then, be careful." Giles stretched out in the ground his back to Buffy and his arm curled to support his head.
What felt like hours but was probably minutes passed and he couldn't sleep. That's more he knew Buffy was tired, he could hear her yawn. "Buffy you don't need to keep watch. I can tell you're tired."
"Too cold to sleep."
He knew he was going to regret asking her this but she was his primary concern. "Lay down. We can keep each other warm."
She was certain he was trying to kill her. How could she be that close to him, touching him and manage to get any sleep? She didn't have much of a choice. Who knew how long they were going to keep them there. She was going to need her wits about her if it came to a fight and she wouldn't if she didn't sleep. Sighing she gave in and laid down. Scooting until her back was against his letting her feet rest against his calf muscles feeling how strong he was from years of training and daily runs. This was going to be impossible.
Apparently it wasn't as impossible as they thought because they woke up in a most compromising position. Giles had rolled onto his back and Buffy had pressed herself against him one arm thrown across his chest and one leg nearly on top of his morning wood if it even was morning. Not for the first time were they glad of the darkness as they disentangled their limbs from each other and stood up. This led to another problem.
"Um Giles? How do we, I mean I really need to..."
He knew what she meant. "Yes there does seem to be a lack of facilities."
"Well I don't think I can hold it any longer."
"Right well I'll walk this way you walk the other way."
"Ugh I don't even like camping Giles. You know me Buffy is not the roughing it sort of girl."
"I know Buffy but what do you expect me to do magic you a toilet?" His tone was sharper than he meant it to be but he was used to the luxuries of life too.
"Geesh Giles bite my head off. It's not like we have another option. I'll just go this way shall I?" she began to move along the wall trying to count her steps. Suddenly her knee ran into something cold and solid. Her hands groped through the darkness. Relief flooded through her, it was a toilet. "Giles there's a toilet here! You just stay where you are so I can at least pretend I have some privacy. This was so embarrassing. She sat down, "um Giles could you like sing or something, anything to make it seem like you're not a pervert listening to me pee?"
He let out an exasperated sigh but he did agree with her. "Row row row your boat gently-"
"Do you have a request?"
"Sorry just I don't know."
"No it's ok." he paused for a moment while he searched for a song. "There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold and she's buying a stairway to heaven."
Buffy finished her business and quietly made her way back to their spot. She loved listening to him sing. His voice was wonderful even when he was talking it could mesmerize her but when he sang well she couldn't do anything. "I love your voice Giles."
"Can I take your resuming conversation as a sign I can stop?"
"Only if you really want to." She wished she could hear him sing all the time.
He felt himself swell with pride. "Well I promise you I'll sing with joy when we get out of here." he began making his way around the room until his knee hit the toilet and he let out a stream of curses as he knee throbbed. "Perhaps you could do me the same favor?"
"Sing? Or something. I don't want to be the only pervert here."
"Oops I did it again-"
"No absolutely no Britney Spears."
"Fine do you have any requests?"
She had to think but finally a song came to her. She cleared her throat dramatically. "It's not the pale moon that excites me. That thrills and delights me. Oh no it's just the nearness of you." Buffy closed her eyes as she sang thinking about how true those words were. She loved being near him. Well who was she kidding? She loved him. She was so caught up on the thoughts that song produced she didn't notice he was done until he sat down next to her.
"That was lovely."
Time passed in the world outside but they had no way of knowing how much. Buffy's stomach was beginning to gnaw at her and she imagined Giles was just as hungry. It seemed unlikely that their captors wanted to starve them to death. If they had wanted them dead they wouldn't have bothered with this kidnapping farce. Still no sustenance seemed forthcoming.
"Do you want to play 20 questions?"
"Giles I might just go insane if we don't do anything. I just need to take my mind off my stomach. I feel like I haven't eaten in days."
"You probably haven't." finally he acquiesced but when she kept thinking about food and she go frustrated with him using this as a lesson in demon identification they returned to silence. Giles couldn't help the despair that washed over him. She'd only been gone two months and already they'd forgotten how to talk to each other. "Tell me about your new job Buffy."
"Not much to tell." She hated it actually but suspected that it wasn't so much the job as it was not getting to see her friends and Giles everyday.
"Well what about your social life? Met anyone lately?" He dreaded her answer to that question.
"No I um I mostly keep to myself. It's been the first time in a long time that I've been around people that don't know about who I am and what I do."
Giles wove his fingers with her and brought them to his lips for a chaste kiss. "Well I know all about you. And I'm very glad you're home."
Buffy's heart fluttered and she sighed gently and put her head on his shoulder. "I missed you Giles so much."
Once again silence closed in around them. Giles was glad for it. He was so close to confessing everything to her. Instead he just squeezed her hand to reassure them both and rested his head on hers.
Buffy felt herself dozing off when a door opened. They were blinded for a moment but the light disappeared just as quickly. Buffy hadn't even had a chance to stand up. "What the hell?"
"They must've put something in here. Do you want to investigate or should I?"
"I think we should both go." they each stood up and began moving away from each other around the room. When Buffy guessed she was where the light had been she dropped go her knees and began feeling around. She could feel a tray with a bottle of something and oh my god, "bread!" A moment later He was with her their heads bumping together as they tried to figure out what they'd been given. "I suppose we probably shouldn't eat it, probably poisoned."
Giles laughed at the note of longing in her voice. "Not with anything lethal. If they wanted us dead there are million other ways they could've done it by now."
"So we're looking at a band candy type situation then? Or maybe getting turned into a demon like those times with Ethan?"
"Yes but we will have to eat at some point and we are relatively safe here. No one will accidentally slay us," here he paused and could imagine Buffy's blush, "and it's nearly impossible to make the Slayer do something she doesn't want to do."
"If you're sure." she reached for the bread and took a big bite groaning at the taste of it. Giles joined in although it was more to keep his mind off the sounds Buffy was making than anything else.

In no time the food was gone and Giles felt a pang of guilt when he realized he should have had the forethought to save some of it. He could hear Buffy gently patting her stomach the way she always did after enjoying a big meal. "Satisfied?"
"That was pretty good for prison food."
"Does make me wonder what their plan is."
"Don't care really I feel like I need to sleep for years now."
"Me as well," he yawned "I guess this explains what they put in the food. Nothing else for it I suggest we sleep and see where we end up."
"Alright," Buffy stretched out on the ground once more and Giles joined her. However sleep did not come.
"Buffy relax and stop fidgeting."
"It's too hot I can't get comfortable."
It was hot he could feel the sweat beginning to gather on his brow. "Well try." Buffy sat up and began to take her shirt off. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to get comfortable." she laid back down pressing her skin against the coolness of the stone floor. Closing her eyes thoughts sprang unbidden to her brain. It would feel so nice right now if Giles were trailing an ice cube across her body. She could hear him next to her struggling with his own shirt. "What are you doing?"
"You're not the only one who gets to be comfortable."
Buffy reached out to squeeze his arm but misjudged the distance instead dragging her fingers across his chest. She heard Giles' breath catch and more sexy thoughts invaded her mind.
Giles rolled onto his side and stare into the darkness where he knew Buffy was. He could see her in his minds eye her skin glistening wearing only her jeans and bra. God how he wanted to touch her. He felt himself grow hard and took a deep breath trying to refocus on anything but her.
Buffy couldn't purge her mind of the thoughts of Giles that were bombarding her. All she could see were his hands strong and gentle and his very sexy mouth. She could feel herself getting wet and when she moved the seam of her jeans were a pleasurable torment. She couldn't help but whimper.
Giles groaned, "Buffy are you alright?"
"I don't know I feel... I feel..."
"Extremely aroused?"
"Yes." she wiggled for a moment, "you?"
"Yes I seem to be suffering from the problem as well."
"What do we do?"
"Just try to think about something else?"
"I already tried that Giles but I can't."
He reached out to her but as soon as his hand touched her heated flesh she moaned and he was hard-pressed not to do the same. "My god Buffy you're burning up!" He took his hand away.
She cried out when he stopped gentle stroking of her forehead. "Please don't stop!"
"Buffy I don't think that's a good idea."
"Please Giles I need you to touch me."
Did she have any idea what she was asking him to do? "I can't Buffy please don't ask me to do this." If he started to touch her he wouldn't be able to stop himself, especially in his current drugged state, he would have to have her.
"Giles if something doesn't happen I think I might explode!"
He knew how she felt, he didn't think he'd ever been so hard before even in his youth. "Believe me Buffy I understand how you feel but I don't think I could forgive myself."
Even through her aroused fog she recognized the gentleman him and loved him a little more for it. But that didn't solve their current problem. "Arghh!"
"Perhaps if you tried taking matters into your own hands as it were."
"I couldn't do that in front of you!"
"But you were ready for me to fuck you?" He softened his voice, "Its not like I can see you anyway."
"Will you do it too?"
"I...I it wouldn't be," his hand was already making his way to his zipper.
"Giles you must be feeling this just as much as me." She was reckless and daring and reached over moving her hand into his lap, "I thought so."
"Fuck Buffy," he couldn't stop his hips from thrusting into her hand.
"Oh god Giles."
That was it his control snapped. He still refused to take her but he planned on getting them each some relief. "You like that? I'm hard just for you Buffy. And I can tell you're wet for me."
"Yes." This was a new side of Giles but she wasn't going to complain.
"Touch yourself Buffy. Tell me how hot you are."
And she did. Clothes were quickly shed, Giles waiting only until his pants were low enough to free his straining member before taking it in hand. Buffy had stripped down to nothing but still felt consumed by the heat. She listened to Giles' every word far more obedient than she had ever been before as he told her how to touch herself. However she surprised even herself when she spoke up. "Are you touching yourself Giles?"
"Fuck yes!"
She would have known if they'd been able to see but the darkness added an erotic tension to their moans and cries. Buffy was so close to her climax she felt like she might explode. "Giles!"
"Cum for me Buffy."
"You too."
"I'm there Buffy I'm waiting for you. Cum with me. Now! Oh fuck!" His shout rang through the empty cavern mingling with her shout as their climaxes spread through them. He didn't ask her if she had followed him he could tell from her heavy breathing she had.
He groaned inwardly he knew what she was going to say. "I know Buffy."
"It wasn't enough."
He knew. He was still hard in his hand and was already beginning to thrust his hips in an attempt for further relief. "I know Buffy."
"Giles we're going to have to do it."
"No Buffy there has to be another way."
"Well it's not like you can research us out of this. I need you Giles please."
"Buffy I can't. You don't know how hard it is to say but I can't cross that line with you." He wanted to but not like this. He wanted her to beg for an entirely differently reason.
"Just because you're not attracted to me you won't help?"
"Buffy that's not it at all."
He had been too caught up in fighting his body to pay attention to what she was doing until she was right next to him. He didn't even have time to protest before she lowered herself onto him. "Christ Buffy."
He couldn't believe he'd protested against this. Having her moving against him felt like the most natural and wonderful thing in the world and he wanted more. He rolled them over thrusting hard and deep. Once again he could feel his climax nearing and he opened his eyes. Was it getting lighter? He stared at Buffy tracing the features he knew so well. His heart broke and he hated himself, she was crying. Before he could stop his climax rolled through him. As soon as he could he pulled out and rolled from her brushing his own tears away.
The need to sleep was almost overwhelming but his desire to make sure Buffy was okay was greater. "Buffy I'm so-"
"Don't say it."
He reached out to touch her shoulder even as he held back a yawn, "Buffy-"
"Don't touch me!"
He drew back cursing himself and his complete lack of control. Trying to help without actually touching her he gathered up her discarded clothes and placed them next to her. He leaned against the wall sleep beginning to claim him. With one final yawn he closed his eyes. "I am so sorry Buffy."

Willow and Xander had been worried sick. When Buffy and Giles hadn't showed they assumed it was because they had gone some where to catch up. They hadn't been worried until the airport called about Buffy's unclaimed bag. Willow had gone into full panic mode when they found Giles' car and keys in the council parking lot. No locator spell could find them which indicated they were being hidden by magic but no amount of threats to the demon population could reveal where or why.
Giles woke with a start on a park bench just as the sun was rising. Buffy was tucked under his arm still sleeping and for a moment he enjoyed the feeling until the memories of what they'd done came back. He groaned and Buffy woke immediately pulling back and away from him wrapping her arms around herself.
"Where are we?"
"The park I think." he stood up and stretched wincing as his joints popped. He looked around. "We need to go that way."
Buffy stood and followed him making sure to keep her distance from him. The house was only a few blocks away and they walked in silence the entire way. They'd barely gotten in the door when they were attacked by the redheaded witch and a slightly less hands on Xander.
"We were so worried about you! Where have you been?"
"How long were we gone?"
"About four days. What do you mean underground?"
"Some one took us. Separately but held us together. Don't suppose you two have heard anything?"
"No and I even beat up a couple of demons trying to figure it out."
"So what's the plan?"
Everyone turned to look a Buffy Giles avoiding any direct eye contact and she realized they were all waiting for her to come up with something. "I need a shower and then I plan on getting some sleep. You guys can research if you want but I doubt you'll find anything. Besides I leave the day after tomorrow so it's no big deal."
"Buffy's right we don't have anything to go by. And I could use a shower as well. We can talk more in the morning."
Xander and Willow watched bemusedly as Giles trudged up the stairs after Buffy. What happened to them?
Giles tried to talk to Buffy several times the next day but she was very good at avoiding him and the few times he did get her alone she pushed him away running from him with tears in her eyes. Buffy was gone the next day before he could try again. As soon as he knew she was gone he locked the door to his room and opened a bottle of scotch. He didn't come out for two days, not until the bottle was empty.

"Willow maybe we should call first. She might be busy."
"Too busy to see us? Her bestest friends in the whole wide world who've traveled across an ocean to see her? Besides I wanna know why she hasn't come back to visit."
"Well she said every quarter but couldn't this time and it's only the second quarter she's been away."
"After what happened last time can you blame her? Even Giles hasn't been the same."
"If it was so bad why didn't they tell us?"
"Maybe that's why they didn't tell us."
Willow stared back up at the skyscraper that housed their best friend. She should be out any minute, Buffy was never one to miss lunch, and they would surprise her. Instead Willow was surprised to hear their friend's voice coming from across the courtyard. Willow started toward her. "Buffy!"
Xander took a minute to examine their friend. "Willow wait!" But it was too late; Buffy had heard her and turned around hr face instantly changing from the happy smiling girl she used to be to one of worry.
Buffy hurriedly excused herself from her companion and approached Willow and a nervous looking Xander. "What is it? Has something happened?"
"What? No everything's fine we just wanted to surprise you. But never mind that Buffy you're pregnant!" Willow stared at the bulging stomach trying to figure out just how far along their friend was.
"I think she knows that Will."
"But how? Why? Who?"
"You know what? I bet Buffy has work to get back too. We just came to invite you to dinner."
"Dinner sure I get off work at five." Already her mind was working furiously. What was she going to tell them? The truth was obviously out of the question. And she knew whatever she said would get reported back to Giles. Oh god Giles. What would he say? Her heart broke at the idea of telling him. She had never been able to articulate her feelings to him so how was she supposed to tell him that their one time of drug induced screwing had left her pregnant? Shit she hadn't even talked to him since returning to work. She wasn't even sure she would keep it.
Dinner was nerve wracking but they made it through. Buffy had told them it had been a one time thing and hadn't even planned on telling the father. She was thinking about giving it up for adoption.
That bit of knowledge landed with a bit of a thud during dessert. Xander had seemed to understand. Buffy said it was unfair to leave a child an orphan and she wasn't expected to reach the average life expectancy by anyone. Willow was certain she would feel differently in time and continued to talk about how cute babies were.
Xander drove the silent party back to Buffy's place. He could tell Buffy was tired. He had just turned his head to stay something when the car came through the light and slammed into the passenger side.
When he came to it was in the back of an ambulance. They wouldn't let him sit up and they couldn't tell him anything about Willow or Buffy. At the hospital there were tests and x-rays and then he was moved to a room. He needed to be kept overnight for observation.
Willow, who'd been in the back seat escaped with a broken arm and a black eye, was the first visitor. "Hey Xander."
"Hey you ok?"
"Oh fine except for feeling like I got beat with a baseball bat."
"And Buffy?"
"No one will tell me anything."
"We have to call Giles."
"Are you sure? They haven't spoken since the last time she left. I don't think things are good between them right now."
"It doesn't matter he will want to be here."
"Are you two the ones who came in with Ms Buffy Summers?"
"Willow Rosenburg and Alexander Harris?"
"Yes what about Buffy is she alright?"
"She's unconscious but there don't appear to be any broken bones. Of course we'll know more once she wakes up."
Willow breathed a sigh of relief but Xander spoke up quietly from the bed. "And the baby?"
"Is fine. Is there anyone else we should notify? The father?" The nurse looked at Xander a suggestion in her eye.
He blushed but shook his head, "no we're all she has. Can we see her?"
"Of course. She's down the hall, room 325."
As soon as the nurse left Xander stood up and made his way down the hall with Willow to Buffy's room. He always hated seeing her in the hospital. It happened so rarely. This time was worse. She was pale and bandaged, her hand resting on her swollen tummy. They were close to losing her this time. Too close.
"Do you have your phone?" Willow nodded in the affirmative. "Call Giles, he needs to be here."
Giles picked up his mobile on the third ring. "Rupert Giles."
"Oh Giles um hi it's Willow."
"Yes Willow I know. Where are you?" he knew they'd gone to visit Buffy. Although it pained him he had to admit he was jealous. He missed her fiercely and wished he could've gone to visit her.
"Um at the hospital."
"Are you okay? How's Xander?"
"Um he's okay just a concussion. They're keeping him over night."
He felt his heart constrict in fear. "Buffy?"
"Um she's okay, well not okay she's still unconscious and we're worried because she's-"
She was cut off by Xander who covered her mouth with his hand. He took the phone but was bombarded by Giles' questions before he could speak. He waited for a break. "Quick as you can Giles I think you need to be here for Buffy, Saint Martin's hospital."
There was no chance for him to reply the line went dead. There was no doubt in his mind; he would go to her, like he always did. In his heart he knew things must be dire for them to call him. Normally a visit to the hospital was no big deal for Buffy. He was packed and out the door in twenty minutes.
Twelve hours later night was day and he was once again hurrying to the bedside of his injured Slayer. Time was he would wince at the possessive pronoun; the council trained him to think of her as the slayer to do otherwise would lead to a more personal relationship. The more personal it was the worse it was for the watcher when the slayer
died. Still she had become his and there was nothing he could do about it, even if he wanted to.
Willow and Xander had gone to get some coffee so Buffy was all alone when Giles skidded to a halt outside her room. Not for nothing was he a watcher. He saw in seconds what had taken Willow minutes to see. Buffy was pregnant. He processed that for a moment trying to remember to breathe then noticed something more worrisome. She was still unconscious. He went to her then instantly taking her hand and smoothing her hair back from her forehead. She was a mess and he wondered if pregnancy interfered with her slayer healing. Xander and Willow watched from the doorway as he pulled the chair that had been Xander's closer to the bed and sat down resting his head on the bed in what looked like prayer but was his attempt to hide his tears.
Eventually he felt calm enough to talk and asked Xander and Willow everything they knew which wasn't much. He had assumed that she had found someone and had some sort of relationship with the father but that wasn't the case. He didn't know whether to feel relieved that she was still available or angry that she hadn't been cautious during a
one night stand. He knew she must have suffered dealing with this on her own. He was shocked to hear that Buffy had thought about giving it up although he understood her perfectly. Now all she had to do was wake up and he could tell her everything. He didn't want to hide the truth of his feelings for her anymore.
He stayed at the hospital for two days. He didn't leave her side except to use the facilities. He slept in the same chair he'd first sat down in. He encouraged the others to return to their hotels each night which they were reluctant to do but they were young and could only stand so much time silently waiting for Buffy to wake up. Giles alternated begging her to wake up, telling her he was sorry and getting angry with her for shutting out her friends.
He was starting to give up beginning to think he had lost his chance t0 tell her how important she was to him. He started making plans considering his options. The baby was still alive still growing and eventually it would be born. It would go to Dawn as Buffy's only living relative but she was still finishing school, that's why she wasn't there. That child was a piece of Buffy perhaps all that would remain and he'd raise it if Dawn would let him.
He rested his head on the curve of her stomach and looked up at her. "Buffy, if you want to, if you need to, as soon as the baby comes you can leave. You've earned your reward. I won't keep you here for my own selfish reasons." He was crying again, "but I really wish you'd come back to me." He let himself sob into her stomach for a few minutes before composing himself. He'd just lain back in the chair when she groaned. Immediately he was at her side calling her name and pushing the call button for the nurse.
Of course he was immediately pushed away by doctors and nurses. He watched as Buffy's eyes flickered and she winced adjusting to the bright light. He was relieved when she spoke, asking for water, even more so when she didn't freak out once she realized she was in the hospital. Eventually satisfied, the doctors left promising to return later for further tests.
She caught his eye and her face lit up for moment then she frowned as she remembered why she hadn't spoken to him lately. Her hand went to her stomach in a protective manner. "Hi Giles."
He knew what game she was playing so he cut straight to the chase. "Why didn't you tell me Buffy?"

So I think one more really long chapter to go and it'll be all done.