A/N: So I know its been a few months since I posted anything but I've been trying to figure out how I wanted to end this story. I know some of you are sad to see it come to an end, but the time has come. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because it skips ahead two years. Please review and let me know what you think! Btw, the Italics are flashbacks.
2 years later
Haley was running around the house trying to get everything ready for the party. Today Kenzie was turning four. Haley thought back to when they first moved to Tree Hill, a lot had happened since then. For starters, after Nathan came back from LA, they worked out all of their insecurities and started dating. She smiled as she remembered last year when he finally proposed to her.
It was a beautiful night and they had just finished eating dinner. Karen was watching the kids for the night, leaving Nathan and Haley some time to themselves. Nathan took her hand and led her for a walk on the beach. The beach was pretty empty except for a few other couples taking a night walk. They walked for a few minutes before Nathan stopped and looked into her eyes. "Haley, do you mind if we just sit here for a few minutes?" he asked and she nodded. He paused for a second before continuing, "As I sit here looking out at the waves, I can't help but think that before you and the kids my life was just one big wave. I mean I thought basketball was everything but now I realize that it was just temporary. This, us, is what is really important. I love you Haley and I can't picture my life without you or the kids in it. You are my family and to think several months ago I almost lost you for good just makes me sick to my stomach. I was so stupid to ever let you slip from my fingers, and I've worked every day to make that up to you. I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how wonderful you are. Will you make me the happiest man and marry me?" he said as he pulled out a beautiful diamond ring.
"Yes," Haley replied with a huge smile and tears falling from her eyes, "I love you too Nathan."
She later found out that Mark helped him pick out the ring. She walked into the kitchen with the smile still on her face as she saw her husband and son trying to catch Kenzie running around half dressed. "Come here you little squirt," Nathan joked running after her not noticing Haley in the doorway.
Kenzie ran to Haley and hid behind her legs. "Daddy is trying to make me get dressed," Kenzie pouted. Kenzie had started calling him 'daddy' for awhile now. At first, Nathan was worried that Haley would think that he was trying to replace her paternal father, but Haley assured him that it was fine.
Haley laughed, "Sweetie, you have to get dressed because it's your birthday and everyone is coming to see you today. So will you help mommy by putting on your dress and letting Mark put on your shoes." Kenzie nodded and let Haley put on the shirt that Nathan handed her.
"I've been trying to get her to put that on for the past fifteen minutes. It only takes you a couple of seconds. Unbelievable," Nathan huffed.
"What can I say? I just have the magic touch when it comes to this little munchkin. But I'm not so good with the grill, so you could put your skills to work. Everyone should be here soon," she added.
Nathan pulled her into his arms and kissed her quickly on the lips, "I'm good at a lot of things. Maybe later I could show you some more of my skills," he said seductively.
Haley leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I've got a few of my own skills that I could show you. Now go."
"Hales," he groaned, "not fair." Haley just laughed and walked away to help Mark finish getting Kenzie ready.
The party was underway with all their friends and family. Peyton and her boyfriend, Jake, popped into town for the weekend. Haley's family came into town for the weekend as well. Her new extended family, Brooke, Luke, and Karen, were there too. Haley looked around at all the people that she loved and remembered her wedding day.
She and Nathan had decided to have a small wedding with just their close friends and family. Haley had always loved the beach, so they decided to have it close to where Nathan had proposed. Peyton and Brooke were her bridesmaids while Luke and Corey (an old basketball buddy) were the groomsmen. Mark and Kenzie were the ring bearer and flower girl. All of Haley's family and Nathan's family were in attendance. Haley wore a Brooke Davis original gown that suited both the occasion and Haley's style. Brooke also designed the suits and bridesmaids gowns. The wedding was beautiful but simple which is exactly how Haley wanted it. After they said 'I do', they had a small reception at the café afterwards before Nathan and Haley went on their weekend honeymoon.
It was now time for cake, so Haley went inside and grabbed the cake. She brought it to the table and lit the candles while everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Kenzie. After everyone got a piece, she sat down next to Peyton and Brooke. Peyton and Brooke had grown to be good friends over the years. "So Hales, Brooke and I were wondering how long it was going to take for you to tell us your news," Peyton hinted.
"What news?" Haley said looking over at Nathan who was talking with Luke.
Brooke sighed, "Oh, I don't know. Anything you want to tell us?"
Nathan and Luke walked over seeing the girls talking. "What are you girls bugging my wife about?" Nathan joked.
"Just curious if I'll be having another niece or nephew in say about nine months, give or take. Since Hales isn't answering, maybe you could?" Brooke replied.
Nathan's face froze before looking at Haley and grinning, "I told you we wouldn't be able to keep a secret from my nosy sister-in-law."
"You're pregnant too?" Luke stated, "Congrats guys. Now our kids can play together."
"Wait a minute, Brooke's pregnant too?" Peyton remarked.
Luke blushed as Brooke said, "Thanks Luke! We were going to tell you guys later."
Haley laughed, "I guess I'm not the only one who can keep secrets. Congrats guys!"
Nathan hit Luke on the back before adding, "Man, get ready because your life is about to change for the better. I love Mark and Kenzie so much and can't wait to have another one running around."
"Well since we're all sharing news," Peyton paused, "I'm engaged. I was going to wait to tell you guys after the party, but now is a good a time as any right?"
Brooke and Haley gave Peyton a hug as Jake walked over to the group. "Well here's to starting over," Luke said, "and to new beginnings." Nathan looked over at Haley and grinned before looking over at Mark and Kenzie who were running around. If this was what starting over looked like, he couldn't be any happier. His life was complete.
A/N: Again, I'm sorry that this story has ended, but I wanted to thank those of you who have stuck with this story. I loved all your comments and reviews!