Lia: yay! My first Rimahiko story! ^__^

Jas: good for you Lia-chii~!

Lia: -.- greaaat. *glares at Jas* WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?! I thought I got rid of you at my previous story, Shugo Chara Q.A.!

Jas: Okay, first…it's our story….

Lia: .


Lia: --.--

Jas: and third… nopeee~! I'm still here to help you.

Lia: help me? -.- *mutters,* you're nothing but a great pain in the butt.

Jas: what?

Lia: nothing. I said, Do the disclaimer.

Jas: glad to. ^^

We don't own Shugo Chara!

As you can see, we hope we do. ^^

Summary: Ikuto, Kukai, Kairi and Nagihiko are all in the popular group. Everyone loves them right? WRONG. Amu, Nadeshiko, Yaya and Rima HATES their guts. Especially Rima. Rima uses a computer in the library and uses it as her personal diary. Well, everyone is freakishly rich in their school so no one and I mean NO ONE uses the computers in their library. Heck, no one even enters the library, (except for the nerds they say,) but what happens when she gets a reply from an unknown person? And what's this? A bet? Oh nagi, you are SO screwed.

Lia: WARNING! Nagihiko is one heck of a playboy here.

Jas: 0_0

Lia: *shrugs* but who cares? NAGI ISH HOT IN A PLAYBOY IMAGE!

Kukai tossed the soccer ball up and down. Ikuto and Nagihiko were watching TV and kairi's typing something on his laptop. A normal day for the 4 hottest guys on school (based on the fan girls,). They're inside their custom-made lounge which is INSIDE the school grounds.

"I'm bored." Kukai said.

"yeah, you've already said that 12 times." Nagihiko said.

"But it's true!" kukai protested. Then he stopped tossing the ball. "I know! I'll just call emi!"

"emi?" nagihiko asked. He looked at kairi. "who's emi?"

Kairi adjusted his glasses. "kukai's 5th girlfriend this week."

"oh yeah, what happened to Lulu?" ikuto asked.

Kukai shrugged. "I dumped her yesterday. So clingy."

"but wait, didn't you just started dating her yesterday?" Nagihiko asked.

"yep." Kukai replied.

Nagihiko cocked his head to one side. "so you only lasted for 5 hours?"

Kukai nodded at his friend and nagihiko just rolled his eyes. "what about you mr. goody two shoes? What about the girl you dated the other day? What was her name again? Yushi?"

"I dumped YUKI yesterday because she was too obsessive." Nagihiko replied while flicking the ends of his hair. (a/n: can you guys imagine it? XD)

Kukai narrowed his eyes at his friend. "like you're the one to talk." He muttered.

"will you guys stop arguing already? I'm doing something here." Kairi said.

"Well, what are you doing iinchou?' kukai asked.

Kairi flinched at the word 'iinchou'. "well, I'm looking up information on the 4 new students."

"new students? Are they girls?"

"most certainly." Kairi replied.

Nagihiko, kukai and Ikuto moaned in dissatisfaction. "great. More fan girls…"

Oh boy, they are SO wrong.

Rima's POV (a/n: how I love writing stories based on Rima's point of view.)

"ooh! What a big school~!" Yaya yelled. I rolled me eyes.

"Yes, I know yaya." I replied. We stopped walking and looked around. Jeez, where are Amu and Nadeshiko anyway? They're so slow. And it's the first day of school I might add.

Yaya pouted and stomped her foot. "Amu-chii and Nade-chan are so slow!!!!"

"Yes, I know yaya." Wow, de ja vu? I shrugged the feeling off. Suddenly, some (or rather, ALL,) of the girls at the courtyard screamed and squealed. What? Is there a fire? A celebrity? OH MY GOSH, IS HAKAYE TAKUYAMA, THE WORLD'S BEST COMEDIAN, HERE?! (a/n: I made him up. :p)

Yaya and I turned around to check what was going on and saw 2 boys walking towards us. One has dark green hair, while one has long purple hair. Heh. He looks like a girl.

I can hear murmurs from the fan girls so I leaned in a bit to hear what they're saying. "oh my gosh, Fujisaki-kun is so HOT!"

"I know! Look at his gorgeous eyes and—oh my gosh, he just looked at me!"

"no, he looked at ME!"

"no, me!"

Then they started to have a cat fight with all the clawing, scratching and well, you get the point. I leaned on my right to listen to the others. "Souma-kun looks so cool~!"

"Yeah, and his messy chest nut hair made him HOTTER!"

"I love his dedication to sports kyaa~!!"

"He's simply GORGEOUS!"

Okay! I can't listen to them any longer. That's one thing I hate the most; fan girls. I glared at them for no apparent reason when Yaya tapped my shoulders. "Rima-tan! I think those two guys are walking towards us!"

"Yes, I know Yaya." Honestly, I feel like I've said that all before. I was about to say something when I heard someone cough and I looked up. (Hey! Don't blame me if I'm too short. -.- Blame my parents.)

"May we help you?" I said in an icy tone. The purple haired dude and the brown haired guy looked dumbfounded.

I wonder why? Did I say something?

End of POV

Kukai's POV

"May we help you?" the short blonde said. Nagi and I were taken back. Wow, that was the first, and I mean the FIRST time a girl spoke to us like that. I mean, every time we talk to girls, they would have hearts in their eyes then they would squeal and go all fan-girl mode.

But them, nothing. The little blonde (a/n: Rima will kill you if she knew that you're calling her 'little', Kukai. XD) glared at us while the cute, reddish, brownish-haired one just looked at us innocently.


Nagi regained his composure then smiled. "Um, are you Mashiro Rima and Yuiki Yaya?"

The Rima girl narrowed her eyes. "yes, what about it?"

"I'm Souma Kukai and he's Fujisaki Nagihiko." I said. "we are members of the guardians."

Mashiro-san raised an eyebrow. "guardians?"

"Um yes, it's like the school council and it represents the whole student body." Then I smirked. "also…" I averted my gaze from the blonde to Yuiki-san. "We protect people's eggs. You know, charas?"

Then Mashiro-san and Yuiki-san's eyes widened. "wait, kukai and Nagi-tan has charas too~??!!"

Nagi sweatdropped. "Nagi-tan…?"

I gave her a thumb up. "of course!"

daichi and Rhythm popped out of nowhere then greeted the two. Their charas also popped out then easily made friends with our charas.

Great, I have to find a better substitution for the word 'popped'. Appeared? Oh yes, appeared can be a good substitution.

End of POV

Nagi's POV (a/n: sorry if I switch too much. I have to do it so you'll understand the story better. ^^)

Nagi-tan… huh? Weird but in a cute way. I noticed that Rima-chan looks annoyed. I blinked three times then asked her, "what's wrong Rima-chan?"

Then she shot a glare at me. "None of your business purple head."

Purple head?!?! No ONE calls me purple head! "that was so hurtful Rima-chan. Especially if it's coming from a chibi devil like you." Then I smiled.

"chibi devil…?" she said then shouted, "YOU WANNA DIE DAMN KID?!"

Okay, I know I shouldn't have said that because it was wrong. But hey, she called me purple head and now damn kid?! What the heck!

"Bring it on shrimp!!" I yelled back. She seems taken back by the word 'shrimp'. Then her bangs covered her eyes. Oops, I might've gone too far this time.

"what do you want from us anyway?!" she continued. Then I straightened up. "Tsukasa-san asked us to escort you guys."

"oh…well, let's go then~!!" Yaya-chan said then dragged Rima in front. Kairi and I followed.

"Nagi, what you did back there was wrong." Kukai said while observing the transfer students. I just shrugged.

"whatever, that's what she gets for calling me purple head." He sighed. Heh.

"but anyways, this is new." He said. I blinked at him. "what's new?"

"you know, girls that actually dislike us." He replied.

Now that you mention it…it is true. 99.99% of the girl population here in school adores us. But Rima-chan and Yaya-chan didn't seem to care.

"whatever. Why don't we make a bet eh?" I asked.

Kukai looked puzzled. "a bet?"

"mmhmm. Let's see… whoever Yaya-chan or Rima-chan falls in love with first, wins the bet. Whoever loses has to do what the winner says." Kukai thought for a while. "okay then. I will make Yuiki-san fall in love with me, while you make Mashiro-san fall in love with you?"

I nodded. "sounds good." Kukai said then flashed his signature grin.

Now my only problem is… how do I make someone who HATES me, fall in love with me?

Yeah, that is a problem. BUT, I won't give up. Because Fujisaki Nagihiko NEVER loses a bet.

End of POV

Rima's POV

Yaya keeps on dragging me to nowhere. I shot a glance on the two boys that are walking behind us. Why you might ask? It's because they keep on murmuring something suspicious. -.-

"ne rima-tan…" Yaya said.


"why do you hate Nagi-tan so much?" then she blinked innocently. Feh, innocent. Yaya's anything but innocent. I mean, she can make up diabolical plans in 5 minutes.

"i just do," I replied. Yaya nodded once then looked away. Okaaaay…where are we going anyway?

"where are we going?" I asked to know one in particular. Hey, we're just new here and know nothing about the school so don't go saying that I have no sense of direction.

Suddenly, purple head and whatever his name is, appeared right behind us, "we're going to the principal's office Rima-chan. We have to get you guys settled." Purple head said then smiled. Ugh, mad evil genius.

"I'm not talking to you," I said then crossed my arms. "and don't call me Rima-chan. It's not like we're close or anything."

"okay then mashiro-san. Is that better?" I said a 'hmph' then stormed off. I really hate that guy. -.-

After some time…

We arrived at an office and saw a weird guy holding a tea cup. We also saw…

"amu-chii and nade-chan!!"

…them. Way to break the ice yaya. Anyways, other than them, there's also a green haired guy and a guy with dark blue hair. Who are those people?

"ah kairi and ikuto, you beat us here again." The souma dude said.

The blue haired one smirked. "we always do. But it was a little bit hard." He said while eyeing amu.

"eh? What happened?" purple head said.

"long story. I'm too lazy to tell." Guess who said that?

Nagi—I mean purple head, chuckled. "aren't you always?"

Okay, I feel so out of place here. "down to business!" I blurted out. The weird, gayish guy cleared his throat. Feh.

"anyways, as mashiro-san said, down to business. My name is Tsukasa and I'm the school's principal." No shit Sherlock. "I just want to say, welcome to seiyo high!" I don't feel welcome at all.

We eyed him. "is that all?" amu asked. Tsukasa-san nodded then handed us a picture book. "the heart's egg…?" I asked.

"I want you guys to read it okay?" he continued.

I nodded along with amu and Nadeshiko. I shifted my gaze from the book then looked at amu. "we better go then. We have to get the schedule for our classes."

"um, sure." Amu replied then she stopped. "but wait, where do we go?"

"it's alright! Onii-chan can escort us there. Right nagi-nii?" Nadeshiko said.

My eyes widened in shock. So did amu's and yaya's eyes. BROTHER?! Wait, now that they mention it, they do look alike. Omfg, are they twins?!

"are you twins?!" yaya shrieked. Nadeshiko and nagihiko nodded simultaneously. Ugh, when they do that, it freakin' annoys me.

"you never told us you had a twin!" amu said.

"well um, you never asked." She replied. I looked at nagihiko and he seemed to careless.

"so, are you going to escort us to get our schedule or what?" Nadeshiko asked.

Fujisaki shrugged. "well I guess I can."

"oh wait! I can't come, i have to do something in the Library." Amu said. yaya raised her hand. "Yaya wants to go around the school!"

"yosh! I'll come with you!" souma said. Yaya smiled at him.

"I have to get our papers ready Rima-chan. Gomen." Nadeshiko said. "but can you get our schedule too?"

Woah, woah, woah… hold up a bit! So that means…I'M GOING TO BE ALONE WITH PURPLE HEAD?!

"so it's decided then!" amu said clapping her hands.

"don't I have a say in this?" I pouted.

Guess what? "I guess I don't have a say in this." I said frowning. Yes, I'm walking with purple head, ALONE.

"it's not that bad Rima-chan. Every girl would be dying to walk with me. Consider it as a lucky time for you." Purple head said.

"every girl but me." I muttered that part.

"wrong!" he said sticking his tongue out. "I'm gonna make you fall in love with me. And when that happens—" "it won't." "—I'll make sure that you'll surrender!"

"first; I won't fall in love with you." I said. "yuck." He rolled his eyes. "second; surrender? To what?"

He kept silent. I looked around us and saw girls and boys murmuring something to each other.

"fujisaki-kun is with another girl!"

"but don't they look cute?"

"oh my gosh, are they a couple?!"

"fujisaki-san is lucky to have her."

"they look good together!"

Bleh. Stupid people. "we're here Rima-chan! Go inside now. I'll see you around." I glared at him before going inside the office.

Fall in love with you? In your dreams Fujisaki Nagihiko.

Lia: first chapter, done. ^^

Jas: good job Lia-chii!

Lia: review if you must.

Jas: and, YOU MUST.

Lia: please no flames? I'm so begging.

Jas: is this a cliffie?

Lia: *shrugs* anyways, I'll post the next chapter soon. ^^

Jas: ooh! Will Rima-tan fall in love with Nagi?

Lia: you'll have to read to find out. But this IS a rimahiko story anyway.