I'm a fan of Coraline so one day I thought 'It might be cool to put Sarena in Coraline's place. After all Casey and April's last name is Jones and there's another way to say Sarenaty. If I just took out the guys, Master Splinter, and Klunk I'd have Coraline...with some twists.'

Raph:...This is the dumbest thing you have ever done, and that includes the feelings oneshot.

glares Thanks Raph.

Don: You know it's a school night right?

What are you? My mother?...and not that it's any of your business, but I happen to be doing well in my subjects.

Don: mutters so far.

Anyway the plot is: Sarena's family has disappeared so April and Casey move her out of the city to help her cope. The only problem is her new house is not all it seems. With crazy neighbors, a creepy stalker and his cat, a mysterious bricked up little door, a supposedly ancient doll that looks just like her, a wonderful other world, and a dangerous secret, there may be something tieing all this to her family's sudden disappearance.

Raph: whistle unenthusiastically great. what's next? A Harry Potter rip off?


Raph: Sorry Rena.

Just shut up and do the disclaimer.

Mikey: Disclaimer: She doesn't own anything...and that includes Coraline.


Chapter 1

One cloudy, gray afternoon about a mile from the town of Theatrum there stood an old large pink house known as "The Pink Palace". It was so large one person couldn't live in the whole thing so they had divided it up into four sections, one in the attic, one in the basement, and two in the main house. Currently only the attic and basement had been rented, but that was about to change. A moving truck drove up the hill to the house followed by a van that looked like it was from the sixties. A black cat watched as the movers brought in all the furniture and boxes then left. As they did someone came out on the small back porch.

It was a teenage girl with very fair skin wearing a pair green boots and a matching rain coat with a white and green school uniform underneath, definitely not from any school around there as their uniforms were all grey. Around her neck was the remains of a silver chain that had, at one time, carried a pendent around her neck, but had been torn off somehow. Covering the chain was a half finished green scarf that looked like it had been made by four completely horrible knitters, but with love in every stitch. On her left ring finger was a silver ring topped with an emerald and sapphire in the shape of a yin yang symbol. Her long hair was as black as midnight and reached down to just past her shoulder blades. Her large emerald eyes that looked as though they should have sparkled in the light instead had been dimmed with sadness. This girl was known as Sarenaty Jones, of course that wasn't her real name, but we'll get to that later.

Sarenaty walked down the steps of the porch to find something two of her new neighbors, she thought she heard their names were Spink and Forcible, had warned her family about.

"This old well has been there for years," they said. "It's extremely deep, make sure you stay away from it Serenity."

Serenity, it wasn't even her name, but then again how many parents name their children Sarenaty? Finding a poison oak branch in the shape of a Y she used her magic to create transparent gloves, plucked the branch off, and stripped it of its leaves. Holding her new dowsing rod in front of her she walked through the long dead garden, out of the yard, and up a large hill nearby. The cat, who had been watching her the whole time, loosened a pebble from the rock he standing on as she passed by bellow. As it fell in front of her she stopped and looked up.

"Hello? Who's there?" she asked. When no one answered she threw a rock behind the rock and the cat hissed as it fell near him. Surprised she ran through a large grove of apple trees and into a ring of toadstools. Usually she would be cautious of being in a "fairy ring", but right now she was too frightened by the noise to notice. Why hadn't she brought her dagger? The cat jumped on a stump behind her a meowed. She screamed and turned around. When she saw the cat she was furious.

"You scared me to death you mangy thing." Usually she was much nicer with cats, but too many things had happened in the past week. "I'm just looking for an old well, know it?" she asked. The cat just blinked. "Not talking huh?" holding her dowsing rod in front of her again she tried to channel a bit more of her magic into her. "Magic dowser, magic dowser." She chanted and spun in a circle in case anyone saw. Her magic caused the wind to swirl around her. "Show me the well!" A loud honk came from the woods behind her as thunder flashed, breaking her concentration. Above her on the hill was someone in a strange mask riding straight at her on a bike. "Get away from me!" She screamed as he raced toward her. She tried to hit him with her dowsing rod, but the strain of recent days had taken their toll. The strange grabbed the dowsing rod as she fell in the mud and stood on the stump where the cat once was, just staring at her. With her skills weakened there was no way she'd be able to make back down the hill without him following.

He removed his mask and asked "Ooh, let me guess you're from Texas or Utah, someplace dried out and barren right?" It was a boy about her age in a black jacket, gloves, and boots. His hair was short and brown like his eyes and he had a goofy grin on his face. "I heard about water witching before, but it doesn't make sense," he explained. "I mean it's just an ordinary branch."

"It's a dowsing rod," she said furiously. She slapped him in the shin and grabbed the rod as he dropped it. "And I don't like being stalked! Not by psycho nerds or their cats!" She mimicked the way the leaned its head to the side.

"He's not really my cat, he's kind of feral. You know, wild?" he explained petting the cat. "Of course I do feed him ever night and sometimes he'll come to my window and bring me little dead things." Sarena sighed in annoyance.

"Look, I'm from Manhattan," she said.


"New York City." This kid was getting more annoying by the minute. "And if I'm a water witch then where's the secret well?" she asked stomping her foot.

"You stomp too hard and you'll fall in it," he said. Sarena leaped out of the circle of toadstools and the boy cleared away some of the mud to reveal a round thing of old wood, obviously put there to prevent people from falling in. "See?" he tapped on the wood to show there was space underneath. "It's supposed to be so deep that if you fell in and looked up you'd see a sky full of stars in the middle of the day." He used an old fallen tree limb to lift up the wood causing the mud to come off it before setting it back down.

Sarena let up a small "ha," at his joke.

"Surprised she let you move in," he said looking at her new house. She looked at him in confusion. "My grandma, she owns The Pink Palace. Won't rent to people with kids." He turned back to her.

"What'd you mean?" she asked.

"W well I'm not suppose to talk about it," he stammered. "I'm Wybie, Wybie Lovat." He held out his hand to shake hers. While annoyed that he had changed the subject she shook it anyway.

"Wybie?" she asked.

"Short for Wyborne, not my idea of course," he said letting go of her hand. She flicked her hand to remove the dirt that had transferred from his glove. "What'd you'd get saddled with?"

"I wasn't saddled with anything," she said annoyed. Maybe it was years of her family saying it was beautiful going to her head, but she happened to like her name. "It's Sarenaty."

"Serenity what?"

"Sarenaty, Sarenaty Spl Jones," she caught herself. "Sarenaty Jones."

"So Spl's your middle name? It's pretty odd."

"No, it's Ren. My middle name's Ren."

"Huh." he dropped the middle name subject. "It's not real scientific, but I hear an ordinary name, like Serena, can lead people to have ordinary expectations about a person," he said petting the cat again. Sarena made a grunt of annoyance.

"Wyborne!" a voice yelled in the distance.

"I think I heard someone calling you Wyborne."

"What? I didn't hear anything."

"Oh I defiantly heard someone, Why Were You Born." She usually wasn't this mean to people, but this boy was so annoying he was making her eyes glow red and when her eyes went red it was time for someone to run.

"Wyborne!" The voice called again.

"Grandma," he muttered. He made a nervous laugh and said "Well, great to meet a New York water witch." He grabbed his mask and got on his bike not noticing her eyes. "But I'd wear gloves next time."

"Why?" she asked tapping the dowsing rod in her hand.

"Cause that dowsing rod of yours, it's poison oak." Sarena then noticed that her magic gloves were no longer there protecting her hands. She let a small yell and dropped the rod as her eyes turned back to green. They must have vanished when she lost her concentration on the dowsing rod. Wybie rode away leaving the cat behind. Sarena let out a small raspberry. This kid was making her act like a five year or like someone else she knew. The cat just shook its head and walked off.

Sarena's week kept going from bad to worse. You see Sarena used to live with her father, four older brothers, and cat, but her family wasn't human. Her brothers were mutant turtles and her father was a mutant rat. She and her brothers had been taught in the ways of ninjitsu, just as their father had learned from his Master Yoshi. Sarena herself wasn't completely human, she was more of a…mutant human. They lived in the sewers of New York and fought all kinds of bad guys like The Foot and The Purple Dragons. The mutation had also given her magical powers such as energy blasts from her hand or dagger. Back then she could be both a normal girl and a ninja sorceress, back then she was Sarenaty Splinterson.

One day however, about a week ago, Leo, Raph, Don, Mikey, Master Splinter, even Klunk had all vanished, leaving her alone. The pendent that had hung around her neck had been pulled off leaving a broken chain behind. Their disappearance had drained her of most of her abilities and powers and the ones that remained took a lot of concentration to do. Seeing her like this her family's best friends April and Casey Jones decided to move her out of the city until her family returned. They still kept their apartment over April's antique shop, just in case. The two of them had taken a job of writing a gardening catalog and during the school year Casey would work as a gym teacher for Sarena's new school, but as it was still summer he was stuck writing the catalog. Not that she would tell anyone that she was now a washout ninja sorceress, being a water witch was a close as she was going to get.

Sarena dropped a pebble down a hole in the wood and counted. By the time she reached 40 she heard a splash from far below. 'They weren't kidding,' she thought as it started to rain.

Don't you think it's a little too much like the movie?

Leo: I think that's the point.

It is not too much like the movie, I just put in an entire sub plot.

Don: It's a bit like the movie, right down to the dialogue.

I've seen fics where people get the dialogue completely wrong. I wanted it to be correct, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. BTW If you don't recognize something it's because it's either about my TMNT universe or it's from a deleted scene that I decided to put in.

Mike: R&R!

Raph: If you have questions send her a PM yada yada yada You do know you have other stuff you're working on right?

I know, but I could always use some more thing to think about.

Be prepared to wait even longer for your favorite story's latest chapter to come out folks.

I HEARD THAT! And for your information I'm about half way through the next "Leo's Ordeal" chapter.

Raph: Yip freakin pi