a/n: this is my first fanfic. Hope you like. Please review. Ps… I don't own anything and yes I know its short but with school and everything I just didn't have time and im writing another fanfic for maximum ride so yeah…

Andrew led us to our room in the safe house. My room was at the very end of the hallway. I was really tired that I should have had fell asleep as soon as I was in my room. But, it turns out that I couldn't fall asleep. I don't know what it was, but I broke down crying in the middle of the night. I think all the thoughts of Edison Group, Aunt Lauren, Liam and Roman.

Edison Group was out and about trying to kill us and we were locked up in this so called safe house with other supernaturals that we didn't even know. What if some of them weren't really ex- Edison, what if they were always in contact with the Group? Would they come busting in any minute or will they know our plan and try to take advantage of that? And what about Aunt Lauren was she dead or was she still working for the group? What if that ghost I saw really was Aunt Lauren? It would really be my fault that she died. And last but not least of my problems, Liam and Ramon. Would they look for us? Will they find us? If they do what will they do?

As I was thinking there was a knock at my door, "Chloe, are you alright? Can I come in?" It was Derek. Of course he came. He probably heard me crying.

"Yeah, you can come in."

"I heard you crying and…"

I tried to calm down. To stop the tears that was flowing down my face. But, instead I broke down. Derek came over and sat on my bed, wrapping his arms around me. This was unusual for Derek. He shies away from contact with people if possible. So, to say he was holding me and saying it was going to be alright was not Derek-y.

"What's wrong, Chloe? Is there a ghost?" Derek asked me. I couldn't answer, I just shook my head.

"J-j-just thinking, and it g-got to m-m-me." I tried to say this without stuttering. But, with me, that was not happening.

"Do you want to talk about it or…?" He let the sentence run on into a question, leaving it for me to decide.

"Just h-hold me?"

"That I can do." He pulled me into his lap and I rested my head on his shoulder while he was holding me.

I don't know how long I cried like that, but I eventually fell asleep.