Angel's Voice on a Cold Cold Night

HEY!! Its me again, behind-those-crimson-eyes, I didn't really finish my last story (Hidden Truth) because the kid I was babysitting accidentally deleted it

Here is a new story! Please review!! Thanks a bunch!


"AAAAHHHHAAAAHHH!!!!! SO WHAT IF I RICH AND FAMOUS! SO WHAT IF IM THE RICHEST PERSON IN JAPAN! SO WHAT IF IM THE MIKAN SAKURA, HEIRESS OF SAKURA CORP.!!!!!!!!!" A brunette screamed in frustration while throwing her pillow at the wall full of medals and awards. "SO WHAT IF I AM ALL FAMOUS FOR MY VOICE, AND THE FASHION MY MOM MAKES!!! …that did not make sense but WHO CARES!!!!" She was about to throw another pillow at the wall when the maid came in and said, "miss Sakura, its time for dinner." Mikan ignored her and flopped on the bed face first. Few minutes later, she got up, signed and went down for dinner. "What are we having for dinner today?" She asked without any usual enthusiasm. "Oh dear, what happened to you? Anyways, we are having salmon served with (this kinda sauce I have no idea what it was called)" Mikan's mom answered. "Whatever mom, I'm not that hungry. I will eat half of that."

"But honey, school starts tomorrow! Have a good dinner and sleep!"

"It's Ok." Mikan signed. She quickly finished up her dinner and went up the grand staircase of the Sakura Mansion.


Next Day

Why does love have to be like a BATTLEFIELD?

A battlefield

A battlefield…

A battlefield.

Why does/

Mikan slammed the alarm on her desk and the alarm immediately shut up. "ARGH! Here we go again…" She got out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Stepping into the shower, she signed as the warm water hit her skin. Humming a tune for her next single, she slowly let herself relax.

"Ok, I will wear…..this and this…and this? And I will carry….this bag." Mikan walked out of her walk-in closet as big as a garage and grabbed some lip-gloss in the bathroom. Then, she looked at herself and agreed that this will do pretty good for a disguise. What she was wearing was a big loose white T-shirt that hid all her curves; baggy pants to cover up her perfect legs every woman would kill for. The bag she was carrying was a big and bulky black one. "Perfect." Mikan said as she grabbed elastic and pulled her long auburn hair in to a messy pony tail. She ran out of the house, ignoring the astonished looks the maids and her parents gave her. "Bike, where is my bike? I need a bike not a limo." Mikan searched until she found a crappy old bike in the corner. "I'M OFF!!" She yelled and sped down their driveway.


"Wow this school looks not bad…" Mikan thought as she locked her bike up at the rack. "Well, here we go, a whole day being gawked at and interrogated and maybe half bullied…" Class B…..B… not A… B!! AH! There it is! Ok…here we go Mikan, smile… smile… SMILE ALREADY!!! Mikan forced herself to put on a half-hearted smile and walked into the classroom. "Good Morning everyone, I am new here. My name is Mikan Sa---. I mean Mikan Kiotsuki. Please treat me kindly!" And bowed.

"She's new here…I think she looks pretty cool."

"O.M.G. What the hell is she wearing?"

"…" (Of course. EVERYONE knows the one and only who would say … to a new kid)

"Oh, she is new. None of my beeswax."

Whispers erupted in the class. Mikan took a deep breath and looked around for a free seat. A seat was open beside a…face-covered-by-manga boy, guess I will have to face him for the rest of the year. Mikan walked down the isle and sat down without saying a word. The guy beside her didn't move as well so Mikan carried on her job of getting her book out. But she didn't notice a pair of crimson eyes studying her with interest under the manga.


There's the first Chapter!!! Hope it was good .

Please read and review! I am very interested in what you guys say about my writings, good or bad .o
