'Hermione Granger just shut it!' Ronald Weasley was fed up of her nagging. He only ever used her full name when he was fed up or angry with her.

'Well, you should be doing your Transfiguration homework now,' Hermione said in her know-it-all nagging tone.

'It's due Monday...and today is Friday,' Ron answered.

'Well... don't blame me when you get a detention!' Her voice was getting louder and shriller, people started to look round.

Ron pulled his tall slouched frame out of his chair.

'Where do you think you are going?' Hermione asked in a curious tone, but her nagging tone still shone through.

'Away from your nagging,' he growled; Ron really was quickly getting to the end of his short tether.

'It's nearly the curfew time,'

'I can read the time Hermione, I'm not stupid,'

'Well you had me fooled,' Ron just decided to ignore the last comment; he would need to copy the Transfiguration homework off her later.

'See you later mate,' Ron nodded to the black haired boy with large circular glasses in the chair next to him.

'Okay, just don't get caught,' smiled Harry.

'Try not to,' Ron smiled back, what would he do without Harry? Ron packed up his quill, ink and blank parchment from the small wooden table, besides his favourite chair, into his bag.

'Hey, you wouldn't mind putting my bag in the dorm room when you go up?' He looked towards Harry.

'No problem,' Harry nodded him goodbye.

Ron walked over and out of the Gryffindor portrait hole. He had to get away from Hermione's nagging.

'Where to now?' wondered Ron, he decided that a walk in the fresh air would be nice and would help make him a bit calmer. He made his way out of Hogwarts castle and onto the grounds.

It was a fresh, cool night and the moon was just coming out and was starting to light the grounds with an eerie, pale, white glow. A thunderous silence crept around the Hogwarts' ground, the only thing that could be heard were Ron's large footsteps. He liked that. He liked being by himself.

Ron didn't know why he was walking down to the dark spooky forbidden forest, but it was like something was pulling him down there, something like destiny. Ron must have been walking without thinking for sometime, when the curfew bell chimed. The bell knocked him out of his trance like state and back into a conscious mind.

'Shit, where the hell am I?'An blood-churning werewolf howl shook the forest.

Ron looked up – a full moon.

'Why didn't I notice before? Wand?' Ron reached down to his pockets, 'Bloody hell! What a time to forget my wand!' With no wand, he was useless and helpless.

He heard growling, closer than he would have liked. A small-ish grey werewolf thundered towards him.

A shooting pain shot up his right leg, after the werewolf ran back into the depths of the shadowy, murky forest. He was grateful, that it didn't come back for more.

Ron was bitten.

He didn't know what to do; his mind was filled with the immeasurable pain in his long right leg. He just lay there, in the dirt, until he blacked out.