
I still remember the noise coming from our bedroom. I didn't know what it was. Nymphadora was playing in the living room with the toys I had just bought her. As I walked to the bedroom I remember being afraid that there was something that would hurt me in that room. And I was right. As I opened the door and peeked inside I saw Ted with a woman I had never seen before. I remember him looking at me and saying "It's not what you think". I froze for two seconds thinking about how much I had given up for him. My career and of course my family. Now is the time when I want to talk to Bellatrix the most, because I know this has happened to her. Then I came back to reality and ran down the hall back to the living room. I immediately picked up Nymphadora my beautiful daughter. I ran back down the hall to her room grabbed some of her clothes and shoved them in a bag I was now carrying. Ted had now gotten dressed and caught up with me. He told me it was all his fault and that he would be a better husband and father but I told him no and apparated to our room with Nymphadora. As I finished packing my things I grabbed my broom and started for the door.

Ted blocked the way. "Dromeda you are taking this way out of context." he said assuringly. "Taking it out of context" I screamed. "I have given up so much for you Ted my family, my chances of getting a job at the ministry are zip, not to mention my virginity." I am near mental breakdown when Ted moves aside he knows I can get like Bellatrix sometimes. Nymphadora is screaming in my arms which actually is quite normal at 3 years old. "Say goodbye to Daddy Nymphadora" I say as sweet as can be. "Bye Daddy" Nymphadora says and I think I see a tear fall from Ted's cheek as we fly away.

I am now realizing that it was pretty stupid to fly because Nymphadora is getting very heavy in my arms. I can't land just yet because the only place close to here is either full of muggles or my parents house. I can't imagine facing them and Bellatrix now. An hour passes and I find a clearing to land in and then Nymphadora and I apparate to Gringotts. Thankfully I have enough money to get by for the next month but after that I'm not sure. I also find another problem, I have no place to stay. Against my better judgement I decide to take all the money out of my vault. This will give me money to buy an apartment and the rest should last me a week (so much for a month). Nymphadora has been screaming for her father for the past hour and it is rather embarassing when we get to the center of Diagon Alley.

I look all around hoping to find a friendly face but find none. I have no friends to turn to I think as I look through the crowd, but then I see a familiar face and it sees me too. This person unfortunately may not be friendly.

So what do you think. Does anything need to change. This chapter is rather boring but I promise better ones are to come. Please R&R.