A/N- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAKASHI ^.^ This story is dedicated to one of my favorite ninja on his birthday. The idea came to me randomly, I can't quite remember what I was thinking about. Please ignore the cliché-ness…the ending makes me cringe slightly, but since it is one of my favorite couples I suppose I can deal with it.

Reviews are greatly appreciated, and since it IS Kakashi's birthday, I believe you can spare a moment to leave a review :) I'm sure he sends his love.

Have You Ever Been Kissed?

"Have you ever been kissed?" The inquiry, at first innocent, manifested into an uncomfortable sensation. There was no ill intent hidden within the undertones of the question. However, once the inquisition escaped his masked lips, she became defensive.

"Yes," Sakura huffed in response, indignant.

"Really kissed?" The copy-ninja reiterated, visible gray eye twinkling with an unknown emotion.

Sakura opted in the direction of evil. "What are you talking about, Kakashi-sensei?" The grumble veiled the flutter of butterflies in her stomach, despite her valiant efforts to cease them.

"Kissed by the right person," prodded Kakashi, his body looming over Sakura's at a leisurely pace, allowing her to escape if she so desired. She did not budge. "A kiss that leaves you gasping—"

"You are being ridiculous," was the scoffed interjection, with a rough shove added for good measure. A rosy sheen spread across the bridge of Sakura's nose, as her attention averted to the nearby lake.

"Am I?" Kakashi chuckled, a deep, throaty sound.

The stark light of the moon glittered in an irregular reflection. Sakura escaped the ghost of an embrace, as she slid off of the cool stone they sat perched upon. The soft grass met her bare-feet. "Extremely so," she replied, the night mirrored in the depths of her crystalline green eyes.

"Let me kiss you," a warm whisper caressed her neck.

Kakashi's pale hands lay on Sakura's tensed shoulders. The article of ever-present clothing, the navy mask, cradled his defined chin. His entire face was naked to her eyes, as he spun her around.

Soft high-cheek bones, marred by the jagged scar, greeted Sakura's shocked gaze. The light mark trickled from Kakashi's left eyebrow to the middle of his dimpled cheek.

"You know I don't kiss people for no reason," Sakura scolded under her breath. The proximity of his face was sending her heartbeat to an erratic pace. "It completely goes against all of my morals, and I can't—"

Kakashi's lips silenced her. Hesitant, trembling fingers clasped at the material of his vest. His gloved hands tangled into her pink locks, as his tongue slowly swept across Sakura's bottom lip. "There," he mumbled.

In an unexpected act, Sakura stood on the tips of her toes and planted her lips across her former teacher. Her arms slid around his neck, the soft strands of silver hair tickling her fingertips. Lips and tongues intertwined in a gentle exchange.

The burning need for oxygen pulled Sakura from Kakashi's embrace. Gasps escaped her slightly swollen lips. A frown creased her smooth brow, as Kakashi's apparent grin reached her attention. She whacked his arm. "You're a jerk."

"You liked it," he retorted, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I hate you," Sakura managed to say through a laugh.

"Well, I love you." Kakashi distracted Sakura's avid concentration once more, as he slung his arms around her waist. "Too easy," he teased, brushing his smiling mouth against her own.

I kind of think it's ugly. If you think so, too, then that's great. At least I said it first…