The fabric was red. Crimson. Fluttering lightly in the dusty winds of the Emptiness. The gem it was attached to (also red, though lighter in its translucency) gleamed like crystal, despite being plastic, showing a long effort of polishing.
9 didn't stop walking when he reached the graveyard. He didn't need to, knowing each comrade's location by heart. Scenes of joy and sorrow flooded his mind of each individual as he walked around the circle. He wished more were the former. It still hadn't been very long. Even the smallest chuckle remained forced.
But they lived on. He knew they did. That's why he was here today, after all. A debt meant nothing to a dead man.
9 stopped and turned to to the sticks and burlap beside him, labeled 1. Carefully, the stichpunk took the cape he had been carrying and hung it over the grave.
After making sure it wouldn't blow away, 9 started home, finally smiling for a moment.