Alrighty, I know I should be focusing on my other story, but this has been like the third time it's been deleted! To you who have been patiently waiting for me to update The Clashing of Angels and Demons, I have not given up! I will once more try to type the second chapter by the end of this week! Now, onto the other business.

YAY FOR CROSSOVERS! This is my first Fruits Basket and TMHS fan fiction. So far, I think I'm the only one who's written one (besides the wonderful one shot with the Yuki/Yuki couple). Warning: For those of you who have just started reading/watching Furuba or The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, this story will contain spoilers up to chapter nine of FB, and spoilers up to after Kyon meets the other members and realizes they were all telling the truth.

This is the paragraph where I explain how exactly I messed(screwed up) the original plotline of FB. There is no Kyo, but Kyon! Tohru is like a sister to him, and he isn't as much of a hot-head (only with Yuki though, so he'll be a little OC). He lives with Shigure same as the original, but is still going to a different school. He refused to go to a school with Yuki. His childhood is the same depressing one as the old Kyo, and yes, Kyon shall always where his bracelet. Now that the other's have told their secrets to him, Kyon is considering telling the others (except Harhui) about his curse (not his true form). Yes, Kagura still wants to marry him; Yes, he does have orange hair, but he dyed it brown; No, he does not have a younger sister in this fan fiction. If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask!

DISCLAIMER: I Don't Own Fruits Basket, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, nor any of it's characters!


With great sigh of relief, Kyon stretched his tired limbs into mobility as he slowly stood from his usual chair at the table located inside the infamous SOS Brigade's club room (formerly known as the Literary Club room). Haruhi has stomped out of the door with a pout gracing her ironically angel looking face just moments ago. The day had started off fairly normal, not at all to Haruhi's liking, and ended the same. She had gotten so fed up with the warm temperature, no news on any strange events, and also the fact that Kyon had once again foiled her plot to use Miss Assahina a life-sized Barbie doll.

All in all, everything had been rather boring and average. Hallelujah! Kyon rejoiced inside while glancing around the small room at the other club members. His reddish brown eye's first landed on Koizumi Itsuki, self-proclaimed Esper, and all around suspicious character. He always had that infuriating grin as if all was alright, and nothing could bother him. Yet at the same time, his sometimes serious eye's revealed how fake that smile truly was. Though, now looking back at the time Itsuki destroyed the Blue Giant, Kyon considered taking back the 'self-proclaimed' part of the title. Scanning Nagato Yuki, and Assahina Mikuru, he supposed that self-proclaimed didn't fit their titles anymore either. Nagato, to Kyon's knowledge, was an alien. An incredibly bright alien at that, who also had magic-like powers. Lastly, Miss Assahina was a time-traveler. He had already recently spoke with the older version just a few short days ago.

"Kyon." a soft voice interrupted his train of thoughts, to be pulled back into reality.

Looking down a few inches, he noticed the person just on his mind a second earlier. "What is it Miss Assahina?" he asked worried. She was staring up at a spot just above his forehead. Reaching up, he brushed any dirt or sweat that may have been lingering on his skin.

Before he could ask her what she was staring at so intently, the petite young woman snatched a couple of strands of his hair, and pulled them lightly in front of his left eye. Examining the hairs closely, Kyon saw that a shade of bright orange was clasped in her delicate finger's. His eye's widened slightly, then he suddenly pulled away. So quickly, that the pieces of hair tore from his head, and stayed in her small palm.

Kyon winced at the slight pain, but quickly gathered up his stuff and rushed out into the hall, walking at a brisk pace. "Crap! Now I have to go buy some more of that hair dye." he complained aloud.

Reaching for the door to the Exit, the teenager nearly made it out to freedom, and another day to figure out a way to explain his secret, but he wasn't in God's favor today, for Itsuki somehow managed to catch up with the fleeing high schooler. The Esper grabbed onto his arm in a reasonably strong grip. "Where's the fire Kyon? Now, would you care to enlighten us as to why a lock of your brown hair is suddenly orange? Better yet, why you're so nervous about it?" that easy smile was still plastered on the taller boy's face.

The grip wasn't hard enough. Kyon pulled away with ease (Itsuki was a bit shocked by that show of strength, but as usual-didn't show it), walked a few steps in front of him, then turned to face the now three people facing him. Seeing Itsuki's serious eye's, Miss Assahina's worried, yet determined gaze, and Nagato's emotionless (though somehow intent) look, Kyon sighed for the second time in less than five minutes. He ran his hand through his now two-shaded head of hair, looking as if he were older than his sixteen years.

"Listen, I was gonna tell you guys sooner or later, but I have a secret too."

Now everyone's eye's portrayed their emotions'. The grin dropped from the taller male's face completely, and he looked at a loss for words. Miss Assahina gasped in shock, then covered her mouth, most likely not believing she made such a sound at such a moment. The alien's face looked… still emotionless. Doesn't this girl know how to express herself in any way?! Oh, wait. Nagato probably knew from the beginning what he truly was, but just didn't see the need to fill in the other two club members.

As Kyon was about to open his mouth to explain exactly what he was, a faint voice from the distance cought everyone's attention. It was too low to hear at first, but it quickly grew louder in volume for the four kids to hear legibly.

"KKKYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNN-KKUUUUUUUUUUNN! I MISSED YOU SOOOOOOO MUUUUCH!!!" A high-pitched voice yelled outside the exit door, then said door slammed open to reveal the boy's worst nightmare!

"Ka-Ka-Kagura!" he managed to stutter out in fear before high-tailing it to the end of the hallway. Sadly, God still felt it was a day to torment the poor boy. Kagura quickly gained on the frightened kid, before jumping on top of him for the Itsuki, Miss Assahina, and Yuki to see to his utter humiliation.


So?! Tell me what you all think! The reason Kyon is sixteen is because I keep forgetting what age he really is. I hope you all enjoyed it VERY much! "Cause I personally love it! This was just a preview for what was to come. The next chapters will be much longer! I promise. REVIEWREVIEWREVIEWCAKEREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWREVIEWCAKEREVIEWREVIEWCAKEREVIEWREVIEWREVIEW!