Sorry about taking so long to get it out, but I hope that you enjoy it!

Harry's mind was buzzing as they finally pulled up to Chatnior. Ron was positively bouncing next to him. The announcement about Ron going to college with them was surprising at best, irritating at worse. Draco had not said two words to either of them since they entered the car. His mind was swirling with everything that he wanted to tell Harry, words of love, having missed him. There was just so much that he wanted to say, but he sat in the corner with his arms crossed and kept his eyes out the window. Ron had been talking almost nonstop.

"We're here," Harry announced, finally getting Ron to be quiet, "You'll have to go to the main office, Draco and I have to go to the main hall."

"Which way is that?" Ron asked.

"Take this sidewalk up to the left, it's the big building with a clock on it. They'll get you settled and then lead you down to the main hall." Harry instructed, pointing off in the direction that he indicated. Ron left the car, leaving the baggage. Harry and Draco would drop it off before entering the hall. It would then be magically transported to their rooms, just as it had been last semester.

"I thought he'd never leave," Draco sighed, moving out of the corner and sitting next to Harry. He placed a hand on the former Gryffindor's thigh and leaned in, "I can't wait until we get to our room."

Harry moaned in anticipation. He closed his eyes and savored the feeling of warm lips on his own. His heart pounded as Draco deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around Harry's frame, pulling their bodies together. They were both panting at the end of the kiss, Draco now pinning the slightly larger boy to the plush leather seat. The blonde reached down, smoothing some of Harry's hair away from his eyes. Their lips met again, slower this time. The kiss spoke of restraint, a promise for later.

"We still have to figure out how we're going to arrange the room," Harry reminded him, enjoying the unfamiliar weight pressing on top of his body. Apart from their one night together, they had not had a chance to explore each others bodies. They had planned to get familiar with each other's lean muscles and hard bodies during the trip over, but that plan had been shattered.

"Yeah, we can figure that out once we're in there. As long as our beds are together, I couldn't care less how everything else is set up," Draco smiled, leaning in for another hot kiss. "You are so amazing."

They separated, both panting with desire. Neither was pleased with the separation, but they knew that it was necessary. They couldn't spend much time together yet, they had to wait until they were in their dorm room. Right now they had to go to the main hall and wait for the handful of new students that would be arriving. They would eat some sort of orientation meal and they would soon be free to let their desires take the better of them.

As they walked into the hall, they quickly spotted Hermione and Blaise. The two of them were sitting very close together, talking in a hushed tone. Harry and Draco sat down next to them in silence. The pair greeted them but they otherwise continued their conversation. Hermione occasionally took breaks to tell Harry about some of the exciting things that she had done while spending the winter with Blaise. Something deep inside told Harry that she had had more excitement than she was planning to admit to.

Hermione's unmentioned exploits threw Harry's lack of experience in sharp contrast. Harry could tell that he was the only one who had been looking forward to full enjoyment of the ride over. Not only a chance to explore the more secretive aspects of their relationship, but also a chance to just talk to Draco. Ron had ruined that plan, though they understood that he did not know that there were any plans to ruin. Harry's head jerked up when he realized that Ron's presence could hurt more than just his opportunities.

"Hey, Hermione, did Ron talk to you lately?" Harry asked.

"No, he hasn't," Hermione shook her head, looking confused.

"I guess he wanted to surprise you," Harry sighed, "He surprised Draco and I too. He passed that graduation test, he's one of the new students."

"Oh," Hermione looked disappointed, but she tried to hide it, "It will be nice to see him again."

"You two are still together," Blaise asked, acting as though nothing was riding on the answer.

"Yes," Hermione nodded, forcing a smile to her face.

Blaise nodded and continued eating as though the answer had not affected anything. Harry could not

Harry sighed deeply, wondering just what he should do. He did not want to bring up the fact that he was almost one hundred percent certain that Hermione was cheating on his best friend. Somehow he hadn't had a problem with it last year, Ron's absence seemed to absolve her of any guilt. Now that Ron was back, he wasn't sure where his loyalties were. Technically she was in the wrong, but she seemed so happy and it wasn't like Ron had even been much of a boyfriend even when he had been around. Ron threatened the delicate balance that had been formed over the previous semester. His friendship with Hermione, Blaise, and Draco were all threatened.

"He'll be here soon," Draco said, acting as though it did not matter to him. He understood more than anyone else that Ron could not find out about their relationship. Hermione and Blaise already knew about them, even though Hermione pretended like she didn't. The two of them would keep their mouths shut, even if something happened to ruin their friendships. Ron had a history of acting out against people that he was mad at. It would be far too easy for him to slip up, should he get mad at Harry. He also knew that Hermione and Blaise both supported their relationship, even if they only showed their support silently. No one had to ask if they thought that Ron would. While Harry had no idea what his friend's stance on homosexuality was, he knew all too well his stance on Slytherins.

"Draco," Harry reached over and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder, "This isn't going to change anything."

Draco laughed. Things were going to change, they all knew it. No matter what they said or if they tried to pretend, things would never be the same. They all looked around their table, taking in the last moments before the change. They memorized each other's faces. They only broke their gaze when they heard the doors open.

A small number of students came in, all new to Chatnoir. Many of them were transfers, people who had gone to some other school last semester and got into Chatnior afterwards.

It was only then that Harry looked around and realized that there were also people missing from the returning students. The new students received a speech similar to the one that he had listened to just a couple of months ago. Some of the students, presumably those transferring from other schools, seemed bored and uninterested. Ron, on the other hand, looked shocked and lost, similar to how Harry had felt the first time he had walked through those doors. He felt sorry for his friend, but not that sorry. Harry had come to school expecting not to have many friends and ended up with more than he had imagined. Ron came in expecting to have friends, but he might not end up with any. It all depended on how he decided to act.

At the end of the speech they were invited to join the tables. Some of the new students went to the higher level tables, the ones that had spent years at other schools first. Ron came over to them, sitting next to Hermione. He took her hand in his. Harry tried not to notice how unexcited she seemed. He kissed her on the cheek and a look of jealousy flashed across Blaise's face. Harry bit his lip. This was not going to end well for anyone.

"Hey, Harry, what classes do you have?" Ron asked as he began eating the food that had recently appeared the table.

"I have Wizarding Anatomy and Physiology, Treatment of Minor Illnesses, Treatment of Minor Injuries, and Medical Potions." Harry answered, realizing that he had not told his friend about his change in major.

"You aren't going to be an Aoura?" Ron asked, shocked and possibly disgusted.

"No, I'm not," Harry said, trying to make it sound final.

"What changed your mind?" Ron asked, no longer sounding angry at the change.

Harry went into an explanation of his reasons, particularly resting on the problems that he had had with his professors. It had almost killed him to write about how Sirus had betrayed the Potter family, which led to their deaths. Knowing so much truth that was not official knowledge was painful, especially when it was about people who he loved. Ron nodded as he listened to the story. Harry tried to read his friend's reaction, but he couldn't get a good hold on just how Ron was taking the news.

"I'm still going to help people, I'm just going to help people a different way," Harry shrugged.

Ron seemed comfortable with the situation, which was more than Harry had expected. He not only agreed with the change, he actually complimented Harry for the decision. He seemed excited to hear about the classes that Harry was taking, even joked about coming to Harry next time he did something stupid and got hurt. The two of them had a good conversation going on, Hermione sometimes joining in. The two Slytherins sat off to the side, pretending not to notice that they did not seem welcome in the conversation.

"Hey, Draco, you still going to help me with Medical Potions?" Harry asked, trying to invite him to talk.

"Like you need help," Ron snorted, "especially from a Slytherin. Hermione could probably do a better job, couldn't you, Mione?"

Draco swallowed, not saying a word. Hermione blushed and looked away. It was obvious what Ron was trying to say, even if he did not come out and say it. Ron didn't want Harry to cross house lines. He certainly didn't like, possibly didn't trust, Draco.

"I have a lot of classes, it will be hard enough for me to get my work done," Hermione said, taking a small bite of her food, "Draco is better at potions anyway."

"Yeah, but he's a Slytherin," Ron knitted his eyebrows together, looking genuinely confused about what had happened. He didn't seem angry, just startled.

"He helped me get though last semester, I even shared a room with him," Harry leaned in, trying to keep his voice quiet, even though he felt like screaming "He didn't do anything, he's changed."

Ron rolled his eyes and quickly turned the conversation back to a topic that the three Gryffindors could talk about without the Sltherins' input. It stayed like that for the rest of the dinner. Harry didn't try to bring them into the conversation again, they didn't try to get into it. It was just easier to stay out of it. There would be times when Ron was not around, their friendships could continue, just not as openly as they had before.

There was almost a sigh of relief when the dinner ended. The new students were asked to go to the front to meet with the residency directors to get their room assignments. Unlike with the students who arrived during the fall semester, they did not have their room assignments owled to them in advance. According to the announcement, there had been some complications in assigning rooms due to students dropping out or signing up at the last minute.

"Thank Merlin," Draco muttered as Ron headed up to the front of the room.

"He's my friend," Harry reminded him.

"He's bloody useless."

"He's going to be too busy unpacking to do anything for the rest of the night," Harry said as he stood up, "I'm tired, so I think that I'm just going to spend the rest of the night in our room."

"Sounds like a plan," Draco smirked.

Blaise shook his head, laughing at the pair of them. Draco knew that they were being obvious, but he didn't care. He made sure that Blaise and Hermione both knew that they were not to be bothered for the rest of the night. If they were able to get what they wanted, it would be worth having the pair figure out what they would be doing. If anything, they would be surprised that it was only their second time.

Harry and Draco hurried up the five flights of stairs, reaching the top in record time. They didn't notice how there were too many stairs, or how the walls were all torn up, or any of the other problems that they had with the dorms last semester. As they reached the door, Draco pulled out his keys. He put the key in the lock and tried to turn it, but nothing happened. He pulled his keys out and double checked that he had the right one. It was indeed the correct key. He tried it again but he got the same results.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, anxious to get into the room.

Draco looked up at the number above the door. It was the right door, the right key, but it wouldn't open. He was just about to tell Harry what was going wrong when he heard the sounds of Ron coming up the stairs. The door to the stairwell opened to reveal both Ron and Toby Williams, the residency director.

"The rules are pretty simple. I think that you already have the rulebook, but here's another copy" Toby said, handing Ron a thin book. He looked up as if he noticed Harry and Draco for the first time, "Good news, your room change request has finally gone through."

"What?" Draco asked, trying to keep his jaw closed but not succeeding.

"At the beginning of last semester you two put in a request for a room change, back then we told you that it would not happen," Toby clarified. "But the good news is that things have changed since then. We've done some shuffling and we've gotten you different roommates."

A sudden rush of fear overtook Harry. Why was Ron standing so close, why was he acting like he had some sort of vested interest in the outcome of the story? It wasn't possible, was it? No, it would be too cruel, too unlikely.

"I'm your roommate, Harry!" Ron smiled.

"Great," Harry forced himself to smile back. He looked over at Draco who was making no attempt to disguise his feelings. He was furious, attempting to burn a hole into Toby's head with his eyes.

Okay, sorry that it took me so long to post this. This story is probably going to be slow going. I have four undergraduate level classes and one graduate level class (though honestly, two of my undergrad might as well be grad level with as much work as they haveā€¦). There's a lot of work to be done and I cannot neglect these classes. I'll get the next chapter posted when I can.

I really hope that you all enjoyed this first chapter!