Disclaimer: I own nothing from Kingdom Hearts. But if I did you would all be my slaves!
Chapter 1: Comfort
Kairi Uchida sat on her bed clutching her teddy bear tightly, tears dropping from her red puffy eyes and onto her teddy. Only yesterday had her life been going great. She had great friends, did well in school, and had an awesome boyfriend. At least that's what she thought at the time. How could he do this to her? He had managed to bring her entire life crashing around her in the space of five minutes.
Drying her sore eyes, she picked up her phone. There was only one person she wanted to talk to today, her closest friend, Rikku. As she waited for Rikku to pick up the phone she tried to control her voice.
"Hello?" Chirped the usually cheerful voice of Rikku. She was one of the most random people Kairi knew.
"R..Rikku? It's Kairi. Do...do you think you could come over for a while? I..I feel so alone right now."
"Kairi? Kairi are you okay?"
Of course she wasn't okay. Her supposedly faithful boyfriend had dumped her. But none of Kairi's friends knew that she broke up with her boyfriend. She just ran home when he had told her he didn't want to be with her anymore.
"C...could you just come over? I'll tell you then."
"Sure! I'll be over in five minutes"
Kairi hung up her phone and lay on her bed, the tears about to come on again. After what felt like forever, she heard the familiar knock on the door downstairs that Rikku always did when something was urgent. Kairi stayed in bed and let her mother answer it. She didn't feel like getting out of bed. Another minute passed and Kairi heard someone knock on the door to her room. It could only be one person.
"C...come in."
The door flew open and Rikku walked in, almost bombarding Kairi with a million questions. However she decided to ask only one very sensible question.
"Kairi? Are you alright?"
Kairi shook her head. The tears starting again. Rikku sat down beside her and hugged her tightly.
"Why don't you tell me what happened."
After several minutes of waiting for Kairi to talk she finally whispered to Rikku.
"He broke up with me."
The words brought on even more tears. Rikku only held her in shock.
"He...he broke up with you!? Why!? You two were like the perfect couple!"
"H-he said he wanted to take our relationship to the next level. H-he wanted to do 'it' with me. I told him no. So he left me for Larxene."
"Larxene!? You have to be kidding me!"
Kairi understood Rikkus surprise. Larxene was known as a bit of a tramp around their school, Destiny High. How he could've thought she was going to be faithful to him was beyond her. All that she knew was that they could have each other for all she cared. The only reason he was with Larxene was so he could get some time in the bedroom.
"You know what Kairi. I'm proud of you."
"You are?"
Kairi looked up at Rikku. Her eyes red and confused.
"Of course I am. He only wanted to do 'it' with you. Frankly he can go and jump in a ditch for all I care!"
"Rikku that isn't nice!" Although Kairi couldn't help but giggle.
"So what if it wasn't nice. You're my best friend Kairi. You're practically my sister. We've known each other since we were in kindergarten at Destiny pre-school. Remember what I told you. Friends and boyfriends will come and go, but I'm not going anywhere."
Kairi couldn't help but smile and hug her best friend. She didn't even feel upset anymore. Rikku was right. He was just using her to do 'it'. To heck with him. He wasn't worth it.
"I know what will get your mind off that idiot. My cousin is moving from Radiant Garden to the Islands. My family are organizing a little welcome party. Would you like to come along? We could definitely use the help. So far me, my brother Roxas, Riku, Yuffie, Wakka, Selphie, Tidus, Olette, Hayner, Pence, and even your sister Naminé have chipped in. But we could always use another pair of hands."
Kairi smiled. Helping her friends would definitely take her mind off him.
"Okay. Yeah Rikku. I'll go with you. Just promise me that you won't try and set me up with someone."
"Since when have I ever tried to set you up with a guy?" She asked innocently.
"Ugh. I don't even want to begin counting. Come on let's go."
Rikku and Kairi left Kairis room and went downstairs. After saying goodbye to her mother they made their way to Rikkus house.
"Do you want to keep the fact that you and him aren't together anymore a secret?" Rikku asked curiously. Kairi knew Rikku was just bursting to tell someone. Kairi just smiled.
"No Rikku. You can tell them. As of now Kairi Uchida is no longer dating Axel Kaen."
For some reason it felt good to say that. Then Kairi realized, she never truly loved Axel, she just thought he was good looking and charming. She made a promise to herself right there and then. She wasn't going to go out with a guy until she met the one who was perfect for her.
"So Kairi. Any guys you fancy?"
"Rikku!" Kairi whined.
Rikku laughed and stuck out her tongue at Kairi, before running off home. Kairi, having no other choice, chased after her.
Huh? Well? D'you like it? It's short I know but work with me here folks. Give me some time and I'll write better chapters. It's my first fic so sue me. Reviews would be awesome!