Matthew's back arched in pleasure as Gilbert grinded through their joining orgasms. His last scream was barley auditable, almost at a dog whistle high pitch. Gilbert grunted his name, thrusting a few more times before letting go of Matthews slim hips as he hunched over the albino. Gilbert slipped out of the Canadian, laying him close to his sweat slicked chest.

Matthew snuggled into the crevice of his lovers' neck, humming in a pleasured tone, "Hmmmm, I love you Gilbert." Said albino hugged the small blonde, kissing his cheek in uncharacteristic affection.

Gilbert didn't say it back, but Matthews been with the older man long enough to know that he's much loved by him. A kiss to his cheek was as equivalent to a declaration of love in front of the United Nations.




Gilbert shushed Matthew, encouraging him to sleep. Picking up the now buzzing phone, he answered in a hushed tone, "Hello? Gilbert the awesome here."


"SHUSH! Matthew's trying to sleep here!" He snapped in a whisper, petting the now twitching Canadian. The phone delivered a sort of 'THWACK' noise along with a protest.

"What do you want, I'm really tired here and I just want this whole thing to be done," Gilbert rubbed his eyes in annoyance, half tempted to just shut the phone and be done with it.

"Hand me the phone you git!" Gilbert waited for the snapping to stop, "'Ello, listen, Francis argues that you love Matthew, but I don't believe that French bastard."

Matthew groaned, "Hand me the phone." Gilbert protested, but the blonde would have none of this nonsense, his stare said enough. Clutching the phone, he put the receiver to his ear.

"Arthur, I'm fucking tired, I've been having sex with Gilbert and I'm seriously not in the mood for your soon to be forgotten concern,"

"Matthew Williams! I've never—"

"I appreciate the thought, but please, can we discuss this next family night? Oh by the way, Gilberts coming with, just for the future reference, I love you dad, I'll see you next week, tell Al I said hi." With that, Matthew retched the battery out of the small device, throwing it against the wall along with the phone.

"That was your new blackberry," Gilbert said offhandedly. Matthew just snuggled into the warm comforter.

"Doesn't matter." He stated, "Now, please sleep." He pleaded. Gilbert melted a little inside, placing his arms around Matthew. 'This is nice,' they both thought, content with the now stillness of this house. No more interruptions, just the calming air of love and—




A/N: Typical ending is typical. (Song is Telephone by Lady Gaga and Beyonce~!)
At least it's over, amirite?
One fic down, like three more to go. Review please~!