(I really should start working on all the other crap XD BUT I got addicted to the XMEN)

It was a normal day at the institute, Kitty was on her laptop typing to her parents about what it was like there, Kurt was trying to put the moves on Kitty, Rogue was not caring about anyone, Storm was watering her flowers, and Beast was working in the lab. The rest of the mutants were either outside or inside their bedrooms studying or just goofing off entirely. However most of the mutants were children so it was understandable if they acted that way. Logan sometimes wondered if they even had a care in the world, even those who are still getting use to being a mutant. Kitty for example, though freaked out about being a mutant at first, was a valley girl still much to his displeasure. Kurt, a blue furry mutant who can teleport which was defiantly not a normal thing any teenager could do, still acted like he was just a regular kid. Logan assumed it was because that they just had those personalities and didn't mind the change.

"Guess being a teenager is easy," He mumbled as he looked for his cigars. "Bet it's easier then being an adult."

Picking up one of the cigars, Logan lit it up then walked down the hallway. He told Charles that he'd go their after training which had ended just a couple minutes ago. However something was gnawing at the back of his head that was telling him he was forgetting something. Something that Charles told him not to do in the Cerebro room. Maybe it would come to him after he went into the room. Though it feels like if he didn't get it soon he'll regret it and face the biggest humiliation of all.

When he entered the room, Charles looked up and then let out a sigh as he soon as he saw Logan smoking once again. He recalled telling the younger man that if he ever smoked in the Cerebro room again he would be punished. Also he planned on falling through with that punishment. Driving his wheelchair towards the younger man, Charles put his hand to his forehead and concentrated. Logan noticed what was going on then quickly put out his cigar hoping that would stop Charles. I remembered what it was now, Logan thought as he mumbled. If I smoke in here I'd get the mind of a six year old girl. Stupid threat!

"Ah....you avoided it once again," Charles said then put his hand down. "Remember Logan if I catch you one more time with a cigar in your mouth in here you will think you're a little girl...However I'd think you'd look cute in a little dress with braided hair."

After getting over the mental image Charles had given him from that, Logan growled as he stood besides Charles as he did a daily search to see any new mutants. When it was over, he had left the room mumbling. He hated the fact that Charles could control him and make him do whatever he pleased. The little girl threat was the only real effective threat. He didn't want to go around the institute thinking he was six, giggling up a storm and singing to Hannah Montana. That would be humiliating! Sure he'd kill whoever recorded it or whoever laughed when he got back to normal, but he was sure he'd get sent back to childhood right after that. It be even more horrible if Scott was assigned to watch over him. The humiliation would be increased since Summers would possibly get him to wear what normal six year old girls wore. Dresses. Seeing as how Summers hated him, it was a pretty safe bet that he'd do that to him.

As if Scott had heard the whole conversation before, he walked into the hallway with a smirk on his face.

"Hey Logan I see you got out of becoming a little girl again," Scott said chuckling.

"Oh quiet Scott," Logan said glaring at him. "I'm not in the mood for your jokes."

"What are you going to do about it?"



Charles wasn't happy hearing that as he came out of the Cerebro room. Heading towards the sound, he frowned when he saw Logan and Scott fighting. The two were throwing punches at each other as well as clawing and zapping one another. Holding his hands out fast, he made both men levitate up in the air. Both were shocked then glared at each other one more time.

"Scott go to your room!" Charles said then looked at Logan. "We need to talk Logan."

Placing the two down, he watched Scott walk away then looked at the bystander who had tried to get them to stop. It was Jean Gray, she didn't look happy as she gave him a nod then walked off. Smiling slightly he soon frowned and quickly looked at Logan who was trying to sneak off. Holding his hand up, he carried Logan towards the Cerebro room. As the younger man struggled, Charles found it harder and harder to control him. Once he got there, the older man brought a chair into the room and placed Logan into the chair and restrained him.

"Charles how about we talk this out?" Logan asked feigning a smile. "No need to go and change my brain..."

"I told you Logan what I would do," Charles said then put his hands on Logan's temples.

Logan started struggling greatly as he tried to stop Charles. It was getting tougher to concentrate and before he knew it, the psychic was calling for Jean's help on this. Jean arrived only a few minutes late and tried to help Charles. Finally after his struggles, Logan then found himself kicking Charles away and swung Jean off too. Charles crashed against the machine and a shock hit both the psychics. They let out a gasp of pain and then glared at Logan.

"Uh...My bad," He said meekly.

"LOGAN!" Both of them said angrily.

Both of the psychics held their hands onto his head and concentrated hard on him. A bright light filled the room causing the two psychics to fall once again. When they were able to see again, their eyes fell upon the chair Logan was sitting on. Instead of a man, there sat a young boy with clothes that were a couple sizes too big. His hair was the same color as Logan's but looked more feminine then his. He had shiny brown eyes and had this gentle innocent look in his face.

"LOGAN?!" They screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The young boy screamed then his eyes dilated. "Is...that....my voice? IS THAT MY VOICE?! WHAT'S GOING ON?!"