Disclaimer: I don't own Smallville... so you'll just have to keep looking. ;) :P

A/N: It's Tuesday yet again and this time it's the final part of the story. I hope you all have enjoyed the story! And now without further adieu, I give you the conclusion to A Night in Sin City...

NEW A/N: 2017 - Not sure if anybody is reading these new notes, but I did want to mention if you didn't see before that I'm not sure if I will edit any of my other Smallville stories. I did this one on a whim actually. Hopefully it just improved on an already good story. Love you guys still. Read on and still let me know what you thought! :) (10/8/17)


A Night in Sin City: Intergang Scheme Foiled

Reported by: Lois Lane and Clark Kent

"Nice job, guys," Jimmy held up the front page with a smile.

"Thanks, Jimmy," Lois smiled. She was sitting in Clark's lap.

"So, does this PDA mean you guys are together?" Jimmy treaded carefully.

"You got it," Clark smiled up at his friend.

"So, my life is saved? You're not going to kill me for booking you for one room?" Jimmy sat on the desk.

"Not at all, Jimmy… in fact we should probably be thanking you," Lois shook her head and got up from Clark's lap.

"Again, you're welcome. I did say all those years ago you two have chemistry…," Jimmy started going on a lecture.

"Don't push your luck, Olsen," Lois stopped him from going on. He let out a nervous cough and nodded.

"Hey, Jimmy?" Clark started and Jimmy turned his attention to him, "Did you reserve us a room as husband and wife on purpose?"

"What?" Jimmy rested his arms on his legs as he leaned forward, "I did that? I didn't mean to… I guess I was typing really fast and I just wrote your names together."

"We figured as much," Lois shrugged, "It's okay, Jimmy."

Clark looked around and furrowed his brows at all the looks he and Lois were getting. At first he just assumed they were getting attention because they had their names above a fold, but now he was getting a little more suspicious, "Jimmy? Why is everyone staring at us?"

"They're admiring our genius," Lois replied.

"Uh," Jimmy dragged out and bit his lip, "How do I tell you this without you killing me?"

"Jimmy," Clark laughed, "Just tell us."

He let out a long sigh and grabbed Clark's computer mouse, "It's Lola and Kal."

Lois and Clark's eyes bugged out when they saw what Jimmy brought up on the screen – a YouTube video of their performance at the club.

"Didn't know you guys knew how to dance like that," Jimmy supplied after a gulp. He couldn't help but tease them a little.

"How did that get there?" Lois was trying to contain all her rage as she pointed at the screen.

"Apparently somebody videotaped it," Jimmy shrugged, "What were you guys doing up there anyway?"

"We got caught digging up info in an office and to cover up she said I was there to dance and as payback, I said she was part of my act," Clark explained. His eyes never left the screen. Lois and Clark's eyes were still wide.

"I could've gone the rest of my life without having to see that," Jimmy remarked.

"Is there any way you can get rid of this video so it doesn't mock us for the rest of our lives?" Lois looked hopeful up at Jimmy.

"I'll see what I can do…," Jimmy replied.

"It has that many views already?!" Clark noticed the number, "But it's only been up for a day!"

"I guess you guys are popular," Jimmy smirked.

"95,878 views in one day? And this thing is marked for only mature viewers only… Five stars," Lois shook her head, "Jimmy, please get rid of it."

"Hey, I'm not magic… I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, why don't you two go grab some lunch and bring me back something?" Jimmy suggested.

"That's a good idea," Clark got up. He grabbed his suit jacket and put it on, "What do you want, Jimmy?"

"Uh, a club sandwich would be great. Thanks," Jimmy nodded and sat down at Clark's computer.

"Sure thing… we'll be back as soon as we can," Lois grabbed her purse as Clark put his arm around her waist.

"Take your time… I don't know how long it'll take me to try and take down the video," Jimmy answered.

Lois and Clark walked out of the bullpen. Snickers and wolf whistles followed them, but they just ignored it. As soon as they were gone for a few moments, Jimmy took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Oliver? It's me Jimmy… you gotta take the video down, man."

"What? Why?" Oliver held his phone to his ear by his shoulder.

"Lois and Clark know about it," Jimmy explained and closed his eyes. He knew Oliver was going to ask how they found out.

"Damn, how'd they find out?" Oliver asked like he knew he would.

"I sorta showed them," Jimmy admitted.

"Why? It could've been fun," Oliver shifted the phone to his ear by holding it up with his hand instead of his shoulder.

"I was treading on thin ice with them already. I had to show them… just out of curiosity, Ollie, how did you get that video anyway?" Jimmy asked.

"Well I was paying for their stay in Vegas. One of my friends happened to be at the club when they were there. They didn't know who they were at the time, but I couldn't resist putting it up," Oliver explained.

"Take it down, Ollie," Jimmy said again.

"Fine, I'll take it down," Oliver rolled his eyes and made his way over to the computer to delete the video from his uploads, "There, it's down."

"Thanks," Jimmy nodded.

"Those two need to get together already," Oliver shook his head as he logged out of his YouTube account.

"They have… my cupid skills worked," Jimmy replied happily.

"Great, looks like you won the bet, Olsen," Oliver shook his head with a laugh.

"Thanks for taking the video down, Oliver… it's greatly appreciated. Plus, I don't think it will ever leave my memory," Jimmy leaned back in the chair.

"Mine either," Oliver laughed, "Listen, Jimmy. I gotta go, I'll talk to you later."

"All right, bye," Jimmy hung up just as Lois and Clark reappeared behind Jimmy with his lunch. He turned around, "That was quick."

"We just went for coffee and brought you back the sandwich," Lois explained, "Did you get the video down?"

"Yeah, I managed to get it down," Jimmy nodded.

"Thanks, Jimmy. We appreciate it," Clark nodded his appreciation.

"Thanks for the sandwich," Jimmy gestured with it and took a bite.

"No time to eat that now, Olsen. We just got a scoop and you're coming with us," Lois explained and gestured for him to get up, "So grab your camera and follow us."

Without a word, Jimmy put his sandwich down and grabbed his camera as he finished chewing. He got up and followed Lois and Clark out the door. The iconic trio were on another story.


You like it? Did you like the whole story? How about Ollie putting up that video?! LOL! :P

Well... I won't know unless you comment. So please Comment! I love reading them all, they really make my day.

And in light of all the amazing Clois we've been getting on the show, mixed in with all the phenomenal Clois I've been reading, I've been inspired to write a new story! It's another time travel one, I couldn't resist... I finally came up with a title and it's called Home. It won't be up for a long while unless I surprise myself, but just keep an eye out for it. ;)

Please Comment you guys! I love 'em! *hug*

Clois Forever! :D :)

NEW A/N: My fanfic Home is posted on here. Hope you guys did check it out/will check it out if you're reading this for the first time. Thanks for taking the time to read this story. Clois Forever and Always. (10/8/17)