Author Note!
Well me and PiratekitAG had another bet, which this time I had lost! Well it was her turn to pick out a oneshot for me to do, and all that fun stuff. She basically gave me the manga Shounen Dolls to crossover with Inuyasha. From there on I was free to do what I wished! I hope you enjoy this Piratekit!
BTW: PiratekitAG also wrote a Leo/Kagome fic, which was amazing! Also I apologize for this taking so long, I had to re-write this since it was lost when my computer crashed. It did turn out better this time around though.
Disclaimer: I own nothing in this story at all.
Dolls of Edo
Crossover: Shounen Dolls/ Inuyasha
Pairing: Kagome/ Yukinosuke (Yuki)
Summary: Kagome was the original doll maker, the tradition started in the Muromachi period, which overlapped into the Sengoku Period. She met a mysterious man who made her two dolls. Nothing was mentioned except that she was destined to be their master. Accidentally she leaves the dolls in the past, she never would expect to find them in her present though.
Kagome sat in Inuyasha's Forest holding two dolls. Both looked well made, the detail put into them was breathtaking. The one she carried in her left hand had dark hair, almost as black as hers was; his name was Leonardo Angel Sylverie. The one she carried in her right was Yukinosuke, he had long white hair, almost like Inuyasha's.
Both carried their differences, they were yin and yang. She didn't just find similarities between their looks and Inuyasha and hers, but also their personality. One had a bit of an attitude while the other was more calming, more reserved. Exactly like how a certain half-demon and herself was. At least from her point of view she was calm and reserved.
Kagome sat with the dolls, holding them gently against her as she relaxed in the shade of the Goshinbaku tree.
It had only been a year before when she met the old man who had made the dolls. He appeared to her and thanked her for helping to defeat Naraku; he left her the two dolls and gave her a special gift. Technically he gave the gift to Miroku as well, they did look like a brother and sister, and they both could purify. They were to be the first family of doll makers.
Both of them could hear the dolls talk. When the sun would set she was able to kiss the dolls to bring them to life. A doll maker's kiss was the proof of their affection.
"It's getting soon Kagome-dono" Yuki replied from her right arm, his white hair spilling across her hand tickling her.
"Yeah" Leo spoke from her other arm "just make sure he isn't around" he said referring to Inuyasha.
The dolls hated the half-demon so much, it wasn't unbelievable though; her dolls were very protective of her.
"Of course you two" Kagome's feathery voice spoke while she looked to the fading sky. Ever since defeating Naraku she knew she would have to go back to her world, she wasn't meant to be in this time. Every day she could feel her soul pulling towards the well, she grew weaker over the progressing months. The old man had told her that Yuki and Leo was to remain in the family, but that would be hard to do since she didn't belong in this time at all.
It was possible that the man had knew of her situation, a small smirk had appeared on his features when he looked at Miroku, with that he had given her friend the power as well.
"Hello?" Leo questioned, instantly his voice had snapped her out of her thoughts "I would like to move sometime" he spoke up, obviously getting annoyed with the whole situation.
"Leo" Yuki scolded on her behalf "have some patience, Kagome-dono doesn't even have to turn us if she doesn't choose to" the white haired doll spoke up.
She smiled at the two "It's all right Yuki, I'm sorry I was taking too long, I was thinking" she apologized quickly before shifting the dolls in her arms so she could give a small peck on their hands.
Instantly the magic started to happen, the dolls glowed lightly and began their transformation into the young men that she knew at night. No longer were they motionless dolls, but real people. She still sat on the ground as she watched the transformation happen, even though she had seen it hundreds of times it still fascinated her.
She was supposed to love each doll equally; otherwise it wouldn't be fair to them. They grew more powerful the more love they received from their master.
She would be lying if she said she didn't feel an attraction to the beautiful white haired man. They were only dolls, not real men, but she couldn't help blushing whenever Yuki would smile in her direction or care for her wellbeing.
Kagome held a slight frown on her face when she watched the men turn to her direction, she loved them both, Leo had a sparkling personality, but sometimes he needed a few minor adjustments to it though.
"So where is everyone tonight?" Yuki asked as he reached his hand down to help her up.
She smiled and accepted the offer "Everyone aside from Inuyasha left for Sango's village, to pay respects" she answered looking to Leo to judge his reaction. With the similar attitude as Inuyasha, they had clashed a lot more than Yuki did with the half demon. Usually the groups of men kept apart, they would stay with her in their human forms at night, Inuyasha lurking around during the day.
"We will spend the night here then" he spoke shrugging his shoulders and plopping down on the ground. "How about you make us some food" he mused leaning back against the large tree.
Kagome narrowed her eyes at the doll, for him hating Inuyasha; he seriously acted much like him. She sighed though, giving into his demands. Kagome reached for her yellow backpack by the base of the tree, and quickly she dug out a water bottle so she could cook some ramen for the doll.
"I'll just go get some water" Kagome replied looking towards the two dolls, "it will only be a minute" she spoke adding to her sentence so they wouldn't be worried.
Neither said anything as she turned and walked towards the water source. Kagome got lost in her thoughts as she continued to stroll with the water bottle. This was pretty much the first time in a long while that she was alone.
The wind wisped through her long hair, creating a wall of black strands to flutter around her face. She pushed her long hair back behind her shoulder so it didn't block her view. She thought of her purification powers, she could help save dolls that were corrupted; Yuki and Leo mostly did all the work though.
Kagome saw the small stream, when she reached the side she bent down so she could collect the water from it. While the bottle filled she let her mind roam with thoughts about what she would do with her dolls. Miroku of course would take care of them, but she felt such an attachment to them.
Her frown deepened when she felt the tug of her soul again. Kagome let a small gasp escape, and her eyes widened when she could feel the sensation of pain fill her chest.
Taking a few deep breaths she was able to get rid of the pain, hoping that it wouldn't return for a while longer. Kagome turned her head to look at the small stream, the bottle now full of water for dinner. Her cold hands lifted out of the stream, and she picked up the cap that she had taken off of the bottle. Securing it she turned to leave the area.
"How are you feeling?" came the velvet voice of one of her dolls. Shimmering white hair swirled in the light breeze.
Kagome smiled at him "Fine" she responded standing up completely and walking over to him.
Yuki watched her for a moment, studying her movement, very essence of her. "I'll take care of dinner for you Kagome-dono" he spoke reaching for the bottle she had locked in her hands.
She felt so tired that night. Usually she cooked or made tea for the two dolls, but with Yuki's generosity that night, she might just pass up on being chef. "Thank you Yuki," her voice was soft as he led her back to where they were to camp that night.
They never spoke as they walked back through the woods, both of their bodies only inches from the other "How are you really doing" Yuki pushed calmly, knowing that she wasn't feeling very well that night.
Trying to fake being well from how ill she really felt Kagome smiled at the man. "I'm perfectly fine" she said, a tad bit more excited than she had meant for it to be.
Yuki let a small smile grace his flawless face before it turned into a rather sad frown. "We both know that isn't true" his voice spoke while they continued to walk, the sky around them getting darker as they progressed.
She was quiet for a long moment, almost deciding on how to speak about the subject. "I…" she started but trailed off, still unsure. "I'm perfect" she spoke up while she turned towards him, a bright smile on her face.
He still looked unsure of her answer but he didn't say anything more about the subject.
They both continued to walk through the woods until they reached the camping spot, Leo greeting them when they spotted him. "Took you guys a while" he stated opening an eye only to peer at them for a moment before shutting it once more giving him a look as though he was sleeping.
"Sorry it took us so long" Kagome apologized, her tone sounded as though the apology was halfhearted but still sounding as though she was truly sorry.
Kagome moved forward and planted herself next to Leo on the ground, and watched as Yuki started up dinner.
"I thought you were going to cook" Leo mumbled, only a small sense of wining lingering in his voice. He appeared as though he didn't care.
Yuki spoke up before she could. He spoke enthusiastically at Leo "I'll be your wonderful cook tonight Leo" he stated, a small twinkle in his eye as he spoke.
The dark-haired doll groaned and rested against Kagome's shoulder, making himself very comfortable. "Great" he answered the previous statement that Yuki had made.
Kagome only smiled at the two, enjoying both their company. The night sped along quickly. They had eaten the meal that Yuki had prepared, which had been quite delicious. Then soon she started to fall asleep, it had been a long day; fighting demons could do that to someone.
She rested against the large tree behind her, Leo also leaning towards her giving her comfort. She knew as soon as Yuki was finished cleaning he would join them; he always let her rest on him.
Her two dolls were the best, and she loved them dearly. They would always try to protect her at whatever cost.
"Kagome!" both dolls shouted as she ran with him, well Yuki had added the 'dono' suffix. Her school uniform snagged on a low branch as she sped past; it caused the branch to scratch her arm slightly.
Quickly as she could she untangled her arm from the imposing object then continued with running away from the demons. Inuyasha was taking care of most of them, but when she ran some of them decided to chase after her.
With Yuki and Leo in her arms it was harder to fight than it used to be, so she had to rely on her friends most of the time. She didn't want to drop her dolls in the middle of a fight, who knew what could happen?
"Are you alright?" she quickly asked the dolls when she accidentally jostled them a little too roughly.
Leo spoke up first, his voice full of anger "That's what we should be asking you stupid!" he insulted her. She knew he was worried about her; she was worried too.
"I take that as you're fine" she hurriedly spoke to them still running. One of the demons jumped out in front of her, causing her to stop in a halt. They were truly ugly beasts. Lanky body made them look odd, the leathery skin caused them to look almost like a gargoyles. They walked on all fours; their claws were black as night, while the rest of them appeared grey.
The creatures looked so thin that she could see their spine along their backs, making them appear unique and almost sickly.
The faces of them were the strangest and oddly enough engrossing. They had ears almost like a dog or wolf; it stood up strait and turned whenever it caught a new sound. Its eyes were black and created an eerie feeling when one stared into them, as though the person knew death would soon come upon them at any moment.
She froze and stared at the creature, the only sounds she could hear were Yuki and Leo talking, or rather yelling. Thankfully the creature couldn't hear them; otherwise they could have been dead long before.
"Kagome-dono run to the well" Yuki harshly spoke to her catching her attention. She stared at the massive beast, she was close to the well, and maybe they could make it to it before the thing caught up with them.
Kagome stood frozen for a moment longer before using all of her energy she took off in the direction of the well. Her feet thumped against the soft dirt, and she fought her way though the branches and shrubs.
She could hear the demon catching up to her as she spotted the well. It's thick paws thumping against the dirt as it ran, making her pick up speed as she continued. She was almost out into the clearing when her foot snagged an uprooted tree root. She gasped in pain as she hit the ground hard; landing on her shoulder she cried out in pain from her ankle that was still twisted around the root.
Yuki and Leo cried out for her to get up and get away from the demon that was nearly upon her. Her eyes widened as she saw the dark eyes of the demon. Suddenly it cried out in pain and averted its eyes from her direction to the opposing threat.
"Get to the well" Inuyasha growled out, Tetsusaiga in his hand at full power. The half demon had a smirk on his face as he stared at the beast in front of him. "I'll come get you when I'm done with this ugly thing" he simply said moving into a position to take care of the demon.
Kagome only nodded and pulled herself to her feet, but gasped when she stood upright. Her ankle that had caused her to trip either was sprained badly or broken. She leaned heavily on her other leg while she carried both of her dolls to the direction of the well. Carefully watching to see if there were any more demons around.
The demon that had been chasing her noticed her movement and looked towards her. Inuyasha caught the look and grew tense waiting to see if he would make a move towards her.
The moment was in an instant; the beast took off towards her. Inuyasha lunched toward it to prevent her from getting hurt.
She knew she would have to get out of there as fast as she could. Kagome stepped on her bad leg and took a sharp breath in to hold back her scream of pain. Yuki, and Leo both were asking her if she was all right.
Kagome ignored them and continued to make her way to the well. Finally her hand met the wood and she slipped her legs over the side. She thought she had made it fine, which was until she heard three voices screaming her name.
Kagome turned sharply to see black coal-like eyes and teeth that looked as though it could pierce through flesh as though it was tissue.
Panic filled her and she toppled over the side of the well out of fright and surprise of the demon being so close, her dolls fell out of her hands while she fell to the dirt covered bottom of the well.
The warm glow of blue surrounded her as she fell though the portal, her body feeling weightless. Only for a few seconds it was over and she appeared at the bottom of the well in her own time. Darkness surrounded her, making it hard to see anything around.
"You guys alright?" she asked feeling around for Yuki and Leo at the bottom of the well. Her eyes opened wider in the darkness almost trying to make her vision grow accustomed to the change in light.
Silence met her though.
Kagome's hands moved to check all of the corners of the well, her heartbeat picking up as she panicked since they weren't answering her. "Leo?" she said louder, her hands moving in a faster pace to re-check the small space. "Yuki?!" she shouted looking for the two dolls that she grew so attached to.
"Guys!" she tried to persuade herself that they were with her. Kagome breathed deeply calming herself down, and convincing herself they would be fine and she could go back and retrieve them.
Her back hit wood as she rested for a moment, "I'll just go back" she convinced herself. Kagome moved on hands and knees to the rope ladder that hung on the one side of the well. It had taken some work but she eventually made it up and she sat on the lip of the well staring into the darkness at the bottom, her feet hanging over almost touching darkness.
Kagome used her hands and pushed off, her black hair flowing behind her as she fell, but she screamed out in pain as her bad ankle hit the solid earth, for sure damaging it further.
Her eyes widened as her brain took in the information that she had not traveled back in time. "No…" she stated quietly, her hands gripping at the dirt beneath her as she moved to lean on her knees. "I have to get back," she gasped sucking in a deep breath to keep her tears of panic away.
Her hands and nails were caked in dirt and blood as she desperately dug at the earth at the bottom of the well. "No!" she shouted digging to get back to the past. "No!" she shrieked once again, tears streaming down her face as she desperately tried to get back to her friends.
"Work damn it!" she bawled through burry tear-filled eyes. Her hands paused and she closed her eyes and fell forward so that her forehead touched the earth. "Work please" she pleaded quietly, her voice shaky with emotion.
She closed her eyes and tears slipped down her face and fell to the dirt. She would never see any of her friends again, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kilala, no one.
She would never get to see Leo and Yuki ever again.
"Yuki" she said heartbroken while remembering the elegant doll. "I love you so much" she cried as sobs filled her body, her back shaking at she cried for her friends and love.
"Now since that's done" Inuyasha spoke dusting himself off from the battle with the demons. The white-haired demon walked coolly over to the well; thankfully Kagome listened to him for once and left so she was out of danger.
He jumped so his bare feet touched the lip of the well, so he could peer down into the portal. Inuyasha's golden eyes narrowed in thought as he saw the two dolls he hated so much. They were strewn across the dirt floor, looking lifeless without Kagome to hold them. "What are you brats doing down there?" he questioned, knowing that he could never hear their answer.
He had seen the two dolls transform many times, but it was always bizarre to see them in their dolls forms. It was as though they were truly never alive. "Well whatever" he said carelessly "I gotta get Kagome" he said before jumping into the well.
His feet touched earth and the demon looked up to the sky. His eyes grew hard and confused as to why the well wasn't letting him though, it always let him though!
Inuyasha leaped out of the well, this time not hesitating to jump back in. He waited for a few seconds but nothing happened "Come on!" he yelled at the well. Inuyasha jumped a few times, his feet creating small holes into the ground at the bottom, but it never once let him though. "I have to get Kagome you stupid thing!" he yelled, covering up how upset he was with anger.
The two dolls watched on from the bottom of the well as Inuyasha continued to jump repeatedly in and out of the well.
"We have to get to Miroku so we can figure out how to get through to Kagome" Yuki spoke to Leo. Even though his voice sounded calm he was trying his best to not let his emotions get the best of him.
"Yeah" the brunette doll spoke up from beside him "the stupid dog is just wasting time" he said as Inuyasha jumped once more, almost stepping on his leg in the process. "Stop it you dumb dog!" Leo shouted to Inuyasha.
"He can't hear us Leo" Yuki said quietly. They needed to get to Miroku so he could change them into humans. Hopefully with enough persuading and pleading on their part they could convince the womanizing monk to change them with a kiss.
The dark-haired doll grumbled, "I know" he said, almost a sense of sorrow lingering in his voice.
"Maybe if Miroku changes us we may be able to pass though to Kagome's world," the silver haired doll suggested, trying to come up with a plan.
Suddenly the two dolls were picked up harshly, claws circling their bodies. "Come on your two" Inuyasha spoke up as he gripped onto them and jumped out of the well. His face looked distraught over not being able to reach Kagome. "Maybe Kaede or Miroku will have a plan" he voiced his thoughts for the benefit of the dolls.
"Good plan genius," Leo mumbled as he was roughly carried by the half-demon. "I wish we had Kagome," he said to the other doll. "She would never treat us this badly," emotion swept into his voice as he mentioned Kagome "she was the best".
Though Yuki's eyes didn't appear any different if he was human he would have appeared distraught over the event. "Don't talk about her like she is gone for good" Yuki told his counterpart "we will get to her and everything will be back to normal".
Leo became upset at the words "You are too stupid to realize what really happened!" the doll yelled back to the silver haired one. "I am accepting that we will never see her again" the two dolls fought with each other. "She would have eventually died even if she stayed with us anyway, you keep forgetting that" Leo shouted.
"I know that!" Yuki let go of his emotions to reveal anger in his voice. "Don't you think I would have considered that?!" he shouted "You have no clue how many times I have thought about that!"
Leo didn't speak for a moment after Yuki's outburst, but rather they were silent as Inuyasha carried them back to the village. "You were never going to tell her then?" he asked quietly, though he sounded as though he had stated a comment.
Yuki paused before answering; wondering when Leo had figured out that he had strong feelings for their master. "Before? No" he said quietly to the other doll.
"You should have" Leo stated, "she would have been much happier. I could have dealt with the both of you" he joked at the end "I was actually getting nauseous from all the love-sick looks you shot at her" he commented. "And now?" the doll asked, catching the comment that Yuki had made about not telling her before.
The silver haired doll sighed "Maybe…" he trailed off thinking "I just wish she was back" he settled on, not wanting to reveal how much he really cared for Kagome. It was wrong to love a master. They were supposed to care for their master, never fall in love with them. Anyway though, she would end up dieing in the end while they would never age. Could he truly live with the heartache if they were together then end up losing her?
She was gone anyway, and yet he still felt heartache. If this were what it would have been like if he never told her, he would have told her that he loved her long before. "I should have told her," he said to Leo.