Awesome. Just sheer win. I love the reviews guys, and because of them, I was actually motivated to write more (against all logic). So while my reports and other assorted mandatory things cry in the background, I hope you guys enjoy this latest installment of The Extent of Sacrifice.


"Really, you should become a little stronger to be an appropriate master, hm?"

The words were muffled. Almost as though he was wearing one of those wonderful furry mufflers his mother always put on him during the winter.

Wait…she couldn't do that anymore, could she?


Who was this?

"… fragile…"


He was floating. And it wasn't like right after a satisfying game of tag and the sun was in your face and you were lying in sweet-smelling grass.

It was rather like an ice bath but stickier, and red.

Forcing his eye to open, the young boy managed to look at himself in the wavering moonlight. The light breeze that blew threw his bangs and over his skin made him shiver and curl up closer to the unnaturally warm chest that he was against.

The being felt his contractor shiver, and grasped his little master tighter. "You're awake then?" A smirk could be heard, playing at the edges of his words.

Hearing the familiar voice, the boy managed to roll his gaze upwards. Opening his mouth slightly, a weak exhalation could be heard as his voice struggled to come out. Trying to focus on the one carrying him, the gentle strides made his eye look to the twinkling lights scattered in the night sky. It made his face crinkle and his eye shut as the gentle light almost seemed to burn.

In the darkness behind his eyelids, he heard a sigh. "Not quite. Rest for a bit then. We'll discuss where we go from here when you next awaken."

Drifting off, he felt safer than he had in weeks. And in the safety of this unknown being, he drifted on dreams and memories.

"So it is to be a contract then. Between you and me." The sweet words drifted over and around him.

"Wh-what?" His body seemed oddly numb, the mind-twisting burn that was on his back was a mere itch and the utter blackness of his surroundings was comforting in a way that shouldn't have been.

The darkness seemed to creep closer now. Something sounded near him, almost like feathers…

"What's been lost can never be regained, my precious little soul." Here, a toothy smile could almost be felt. Those same feathers that he'd heard before seemed to brush his closed eye lightly. They were like frozen metal against his skin, but gentle nonetheless.

The confusion (delirium) was probably written all over his face. The darkness gathered closer again, engulfing him, entreating him.

"We are bound now by this little contract. Show me. Fill me, command me." With every word, the voice grew stronger, and the tug that began gently in his stomach pulled harder and harder.

Taking the shape of a slim, tall figure, the darkness-cloaked figure seemed to bend over in a bow. The voice now came from it and it alone, and the darkness was just that much brighter. "And what might your first order be, my little master?"

With that one question, something sparked. A curling, grasping realization that he had power now and with that power came an unspeakable rage. Rage at those who'd kept him like some lowly animal. Clawing rage at the children who were so utterly weak in their frailty. Unspeakable rage, for losing the dignity of who he was.

And anger at Ciel, himself, for losing everything and doing nothing.

At the peak of his anger, the darkness lifted and he was back amongst the beasts of masks and depravity. His closed eye, snapping open in his out pouring of rage and sorrow glowed brightly with the seal of his new contract. Voice raspy and low, he gave his first order.

"Kill them. All of them."

A demonic grin was quickly followed by quickly cut screams and the gurgling of human lives.


Blearily opening his eye, Ciel found himself staring into an expanse of black.

"Now, my dear one, you can't spend all your time in sweet dreams and reminiscence."

A small scoff was heard from the cradled cargo in the demon's arms. At the sign of coherent life in the boy, the demon gave a small smile, making his way to a tree to rest his precious bundle.

Gracefully moving, as though it was natural to be carrying a naked ten year old along the road, he crouched and sat underneath the spread tree.

Clutching the cloth (cloak?) closer around him, he looked up to his supposed rescuer (servant). He still looked very much the part of a demon. Swathed in black cloth from head to toe. Dangerous, pointed boots. Not to mention the ruby eyes and inhumanly long black hair that seemed to swish in its own wind.

Black-nailed hands reached out to adjust the cloak around the boy. Resting on bended knee, the demon observed his new master with a curious glint.

"Now that we're settled for a bit, just who might my little master be?"

With widened eyes, the boy watched blood begin to well at the top of the demon's left hand. Looking up at the ruby eyes, he saw a spark of amusement there and became annoyed. Taking a breath, he answered.

"Ciel. Ciel Phantomhive." With his name came the sign of a contract in black blood, and a glimmer of dark pride.




*Author rolls over dead*

So, hope you guys enjoyed that. As always, more reviews will probably mean quicker updates, and possibly longer ones too.

Essentially: Review bucket. Fill it. With top grade pudding and strawberries on top?