Okay. This is a little difficult to explain here... This story is a sequel to Blame first off. It is also a partner story to Jennette, although events in Jennette will remain largely unmentioned till later on. This is kinda a transitional story, working its way into another sequel. :) First chapter is mostly fluff, establishing life after Blame finished...Real events start next chapter or chapter after. Thanks as always to Rolephant, for helping discuss plot and little tiny details that no one but me would ever really notice :)

"I love ya Alex Drake. An' ya can laugh at me, but I hope ya don't because I'm kinda hoping you feel the same way."

"There's no possible way I could laugh at that Guv. I have to be completely insane, but I love you too."

His head lifted as he looked at her in shock. "Yer serious?" She shook her head yes.

"Oh, God Bolls. I can't believe it."

"What can I do to make you believe it, Gene Hunt?"

"There is one thing. Don't smack me gob as I do this." Gene leaned over her and looked deep into her eyes. He slowly lowered his face onto hers. Their lips met.

His lips moved against hers as he muttered something almost too soft for Alex to hear.

"I love you Alex Drake."


Alex woke from her slumber not wanting to open her eyes. She knew it had all been a dream. Gene would never in a million years admit that he loved her. She was in 1982 in the hospital, that was it. When she opened her eyes, there would be no one in the room, except maybe a nurse to give her the medication. She opened them slowly, wishing for the one face she wanted to see more than any other.

He was there, sitting in the chair by her bed, fast asleep. As she watched him, a gentle snore filled the room.

"Why couldn't you have done that earlier, Guv, and saved me from convincing myself you wouldn't be here?" She smiled. Alex enjoyed watching him sleep. He looked so peaceful as he did, his face free from worry and guilt that filled it during the day. He wasn't pretending he was the "Manc Lion" either. No. As Gene slept he was, as Caroline Price had once said, a "pussycat."

Alex giggled with the idea of what Gene would do if she called him a pussycat and resolved to do it at some point. Gene snorted as she giggled and woke up.

"Hey Bolls, it may have escaped your notice, but some of us are trying to sleep around here. So if you could keep the giggling to a minimum?" he growled, smiling at her.

"I'm sorry Guv. I'm just so wide awake right now. Drugs really help in getting to sleep."

"I should know. I've been watching you doze off every time they give you meds haven't I? Good God Bolly, when you get out of here you'll be able to work for a week straight!"

She giggled and he got up sighing from the chair.

"I told you to stop giggling! I need some bloody sleep you know!"

She just giggled all the more making him grin even wider.

"How do I get you to shut up? Hmm... I could call the nurse. She's probably got some lovely meds labelled "Bolly." If I called her, she'd give 'em to you and you'd fall asleep..."

"No. I want to stay awake for longer than two seconds." She smiled at him.

"Okay... how to shut Bolly up. Is there a possible way? I've worked with you for two years and I swear you haven't taken a breath..."

Alex giggled even more. "I did... once... when you weren't looking."

"It's a ruddy miracle! Oh wait! I know how to shut you up!"

"How's that?"

He leaned over her.

"Like this." He leaned down and their lips met. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he supported himself on her pillow. They kissed passionately, their mouths saying things that words would never be able to.

"Don't let this stop," thought Alex. "Please don't let this stop. Don't."

There was a knock at the door and Gene pulled away. Alex looked over at the nurse. She was smiling.

"Mr. Hunt," the nurse said sternly. "If you continue to overexcite Miss Drake here, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Gene flashed a crooked grin at her.

"Oh come on, love, I was just waking her up."

The nurse broke into a smile.

"Well, I guess I'll have to thank you then. I needed her up anyway."

Alex laughed, and Gene gave the nurse a playful glare.

"Thanks! I finally got her to shut up so I could get some sleep, and there you go setting her off again!"

The nurse ignored him, and checked Alex's vitals, smiling. She got ready to leave.

"Okay, Mr. Hunt. This patient needs rest. You leave her alone so she can get some, understand?"

Gene nodded gravely. "Yes, ma'am."

"Good." The nurse left the room, and Gene got up from his chair.

"Now where were we?"

TBC... And also as a disclaimer.... Jennette will not be updated again until the second to last chapter of this, as Jennette only has 2 chapters left, and I need them to merge on the same day... :)

Chapter 2