Chapter 3 friends or foes

Sirius pov

Once I was done brushing out his unruly hair I kissed to top of his wet head. Remus had went down stairs to sit with Sev and Draco.
"I've missed you, son. I'm so sorry we couldn't find you, we never stopped trying." I said softly to the bright green eyes staring back at me.

"I never thought you would. Parents never give up on their children. Blood or adopted. Its all the same." His hoarse voice sounded so weak.

"Come on then, I'm sure you are hungry. And Draco and Sev will want to administer the potions they brought with them. And be prepared for them to draw blood for the Wolfsbane potion; Severus has been working on tweaking it to help the wolf more and it's been good for Moony." I rambled as I helped him stand and make his way back to the kitchen.

He just nodded at me and I wasn't sure if he was actually listening to the words I said or just my voice.

"Maybe, maybe I should check…" I heard Draco say before Remus cut him off.

"They are coming down now; you don't need to leave to go check on an imaginary potion. It's not like he will kick you out unless provoked. And even then given your predisposition…" Remus was saying as someone hissed softly to cut him off.

"No. you said you would never bring that up." Draco hissed viciously.

"Yes well, we will find out in a few moments whether or not it matters. I knew almost as soon as I saw him." Remus said softly in return.

Their conversation stopped as we walked into the room.

"Welcome home, Mr. Potter. I have three potions that we will be putting you on for the foreseeable future. They will help with your anxiety, healing, and keeping you stable. None of us would want to be so crass to assume what you went through but it will be detrimental to your state of mind for a while to keep you calm and secure." Sev said in his long winded way of talking when he was nervous.

Harry just nodded at him. He was looking at young Draco, who in turn was bright red at having so much attention on him from my son.

"Welcome home Potter. It's nice to know you are safe finally." Draco said looking at his hands that he had clasped in front of him on the table. Harry seemed to pull out of whatever he was in listening to Draco talk.

"You were worried?" Harry's voice still sounded painful when he talked so he was talking low.

Draco's eyes lifted up in shock at the sound before glancing back at Sev.

"We will need a throat soother before he can eat." Draco said standing up and making his way to the fire place to go back to the lab I assumed.

"Was it something I said?" Harry asked humorlessly as he gently sat down at the kitchen table.

"Not what, but how. Your throat sounds like it's overused. Draco has invented a potion for sore throats after an interesting quidditch match. Its very popular during the school year." Sev said conversationally. About the time Harry was going to give up and start eating without the potion Draco came back through my floo.

"Here it is, sorry. I had to go three different places before I could summon one. Five drops on the tongue should do it. It works almost instantly so you should be able to eat here in a moment." My cousin said handing the vial to Remus before retaking his seat not looking at Harry, who was watching his every move with no qualms.

"thank you Draco." Remus said opening the stopper before asking Harry to open his mouth as Remus dropped the potion near the back of his tongue.

Harry began coughing as soon as the fifth drop hit it. Draco handed him a glass of water to help ease it down.

"thanks." Harry managed sounding much better than he had a moment ago. He seemed shocked to hear his voice so normal. "Thank you Draco." He said again, sincerity melting into his voice as he looked at the blonde intently.

Draco waved off the thanks but I saw his cheeks start to pink as he picked at his hands.

"here Harry, its better to take the potions on a full stomach. Just eat what you can and we can concentrate on keeping it down, yeah?" Remus said gently as he gave Harry the bowl of soup he laid out for him earlier. Harry seemed suddenly meek towards Remus. I wonder if that had anything to do with the transformation. I'm sure it did but I wasn't going to dwell on it.

Harry smiled at Remus before gently trying to spoon the soup into his mouth. I saw Draco watching him from the corner of his eye while we talked about nothing and ate our own.

Once Harry managed most of the soup and pushed the bowl away Sev handed him the nausea potion which quickly got downed as he breathed through his nose harshly for a second to let it kick in.

"Thank you. What are the regulars I need to take?" Harry asked taking a sip of his water to chase the taste away.

"You have a nutrition potion that needs to be taken at meals and snacks. It will enhance the nutrition's in what you are eating and it will also help balance out eating patterns." Severus said picking up the clear potion. "Just one or two drops will do. After a week or so I will change it and put you on a more advanced version. You will also be on a relaxant. It will help soothe the sore muscles; Remus is on this one as well." He said picking up the green potion. "This one is to help with the mood swings; Remus is also on this one. He says he experiences crazy mood swings without it." He added handing Harry the blue one. "These three can be taken either when you wake up or before you go to sleep and last twenty four hours. 2oz each."

"I'll just take them when Remus take his." Harry said with a self-conscious smile at Remus who gave him a soft one in return.

"No one will know you are back until you want them to. Severus and I won't say a word to anyone, that way you can recover properly." Draco said looking at Harry for a moment before looking back at his glass of water.

"Thanks. Don't need the Prophet trying to break in any more than they already do." Harry said smiling at me sardonically.

"You about know that?" I asked shocked.

"They liked reading incidents out loud to me. The Prophet or letters didn't matter. They thought I was broken so they never realized I was hoarding my magic to break out. The article pissed me off and before I knew it I was summoning wands," he said reaching into the cloak that was on the back of his chair and grabbing a handful of wands out. "And apparating here to you." Harry explained.

"Well, looks like they will be able to identify your attackers." Severus said producing a gathering bag for Harry to place them in.

"I could rattle off names. They never thought I was getting away so they never bothered being covert about anything."

Severus nodded. "if you want to compose your statement I will call Granger in the morning and she can take it in. Memories that help identify them along with events that are important will help lock them away."

Harry looked at me before looking away quickly.

"It's ok son. We are here for you, every single step of the way." I said hugging him to me.

"I know. I have people I can trust now." He said with a small smile looking at each of us; lingering on Draco for a moment before he was unable to stop his yawn.

"Ok. Time for bed cub." Remus said standing up and walking over to Harry who simply bowed his head.

"We'll come back tomorrow some time. You guys get some sleep. Mr. Potter – Harry it is good to see you safe and sound." Sev said with a surprisingly gently smile. Harry nodded his thanks as he yawned again. "Come along Draco." He added as he made his way to my fire place.

Once they were gone and Remus had helped Harry upstairs and into his room we were laying down next to each other staring at the ceiling. Remus had left both bedroom doors open.

"I don't want to go to sleep only to wake up and this is a dream." I whispered into the dark room.

"I understand completely. But if we don't sleep we won't be any use to him tomorrow." Remus replied just as softly.

I looked over at Remus, barely able to make out his face in the dark, "we got our son back Rem."

"And by the looks of things Harry has found his mate." Remus whispered before leaning over and kissing me softly on the lips. I was powerless to melting into the kiss, for the first time in a year being able to actually relax.