Chapter 2: Obelisk Chronicle
He had finally reached his destination, he heard voices coming form the school premises, and it seems that they too were in the clubs. He sign quietly watching with amazement the school facilities, no matter how many times he saw it, it always left him with his mouth open, the school was huge, It had like 5 courts, 4 dressers, two for boys and two for girls, a dining room for thousands people, two auditoriums, a large one and a special one for any kind of event, bedrooms, etc..
'Jesse most be there' thought the brunet as he watched in every direction 'but what place is the auditorium?'
As much as he walked he could not find him and it even seemed that he was going in circles, and then he thought of asking for directions but when it got close to some girls who were talking, they start laughing at him and then got away from Jaden. He did not understand why they did that but he felt it could have been because of his Slifer vest, but he immediately dismissed that idea, he did not believe that girls can be so superficial. Alexis had never been like that with him.
+ "Hi, 'red'" he heard a voice coming behind him and he turned over his shoulder "What are you doing here? If teachers see you luring around you are going to have problems"
+ "I'm sorry, I …" the boy did not seem to be a student, he looked like a cowboy and a foreigner, Jaden could tell by his accent and appearance. On second thought, Jesse also seemed to be a foreigner 'I wonder where he's from' he thought then looked at the young man again "I am looking for a friend"
+ "Well, let me tell you something, if a Slifer comes to Obelisk without a bodyguard, either he has a lot of guts or he is just too dumb"
Jaden starts to sweat cold at those words that sounded intimidating. Was really dangerous to go alone at this school? But every time he had come nothing bad had happen to him, wait a moment, didn't the cowboy just said bodyguards? Come to think of it… all the times he had come to Obelisk was either accompanied by Chazz, Atticus or someone else but never ever had he come alone. Did they know what would happen?
+ "Oh no …" He said nervous
+ "I'm surprised you had come this far without the sixth graders seeing you" He puts his arm around Jaden's shoulder "tell me, you have not talked to anyone right?"
+ "Huh ... Why?" He forgot his nervousness but he still had a bad feeling
"We have a rule" he showed his index finger "never help a Slifer if you see him walking alone" with the index pointing at the brunet and then poke Jaden's nose "if you do, you get punished severely as well as the Slifer ... I hope you like lizards and you to them"
Now everything went from bad to worse. Was he serious? He was too young to die. But Chazz would kill who ever put a finger on him... right?
+ "Thanks for the warning" He smiled which left confused the black haired "I will make sure no one sees me until I find my friend"
+ "Aren't you worried that you'll get discovered?" He folded his arms looking concerned at the attitude of the brunet ... and yet strangely admirable
+ "Of course, anyone would be scare if a lot of gangsters chase you for half a school, but I am not running and I didn't came here for nothing" Jaden believed in each of the words he had just said, so he stop giving importance to the matter, even if he had some fear, but, as he said, he had not come here for nothing "Hey, do you know where the auditorium for rehearsal is?"
+ "Rehearsal?" He thought for a moment "are you looking for someone in special?"
+ "Jesse Anderson" Jaden replied with a smile
+ "You found the right person to ask that" He shows hid thumb and winks
+ "Do you know him?" He asks as his smile increase even further
+ "If I know him? The whole school knows him; he is one of the most popular boys and coveted among girls"
+ "Could you take me to him then?" He was getting excited every second but that change in the moment he felt one of the ravenet arms around him while with the other hand he tossed his hair
+ "Jesse is not rehearsing; he is at the dorms doing homework as punishment"
'Punishment? Was it because i toked his books?' Jaden puts a sad face "And ... Why was he punished?"
+ "He forgot his books in his bedroom" He said as he let go of Jaden "but that is typical of Jesse, he is too distracted"
+ "Ah …" that release him a bit of guilt but he still was not feeling well "can I go see him?" he pleaded
+ "Yes, but on one condition" Jaden nod "you still need to take off that Slifer vest, I wasn't kidding when I said you'd be in trouble if they saw you"
Jaden nods again and took off the vest and put it in his backpack. Then the ravenet lead him to the dorm rooms, while talking friendly.
+ "I haven't introduce myself, my name to Jim Cook" say the young man now no longer unknown
+ "And I'm Jaden Yuki" he smiles
+ "How long have said that you know Jesse?"
+ "Since this morning"
+ "Really?" He looks him curiously "out of this school?"
+ "Yep, he did me favor and I hoped to return it in some way, I hope to do it with this" he raise the plastic bag to show it to Jim "but …"
The ravenet doesn't understand at first, but then recognizes the helmet and he knew what he meant. They get serious for a moment, Jim was going to say something when realize they were closer to the dorm rooms and turns to the brunet while pointing out the buildings.
+ "Here we are" He caught Jaden's attention "There they are Jaden"
He turns to look toward the front and actually see enormous buildings, he had never had the chance to see them, and Chazz always promised him he would take him but he never did, like Zane and the others, but there they were, finally and it was best that Jesse was in one of those rooms. The excitement was such that he could not contain it any longer.
+ "JESSEEEEE!" He screams his lungs out
+ "… Hey" Jim tried to stop him but was too late, Jaden had already run away, it rises slightly his hat and let a whistle as he saw how Jaden ran "God, I think this guy is a clone of Jesse's ... what if he's his lost brother?" he said with a sarcastic smile at that thought
He heard another cry and decides to see what happen, but is worried about the building he was.
"J-Jaden that building no!"
+ "AHHHH!"
Too late. He had already frightened the girls.
Now he runs out of there and ... perfect, he fell in the bushes and can not leave, the girls came and ... is that a shovel? Are they beating him with that? Why are they carrying a bag? Are they going to clean? The girls really know how to deal with peeping toms ... even if they did made a mistake.
+ "Well, time to help."
He planned to approach the group to rescue Jaden, but sees him running out of no where like lightning towards him with all the girls behind him.
+ "JIM, HELP!"
+ "Are you crazy?"
Jim, seeing as they all came dangerously; he takes out running to save himself, then the brunet appearance next to him running with all his might. They begin to circle around the yard getting some guys out of their bedrooms to watch the show they were taking in their backyard.
A young man of dark-skin was practicing with his guitar when he heard uproar outside; at first he tried to ignore it but the noise increasingly strongly as his patience decrease quickly. He leave his guitar gently leaning against a wall and he went out with firm steps, he was about to leave when another door to his left opened and a bluenet with clear skin came out.
+ "Why the fuss?" He said with a sleepy tone
+ "JESSE! You go back to study" he suddenly shouted, which apparently did not scare the other young man.
+ "Nope, I prefer to see what happens outside" He goes out of his room with the clear intention of leaving for a bit of a distraction "you know I can not stand being locked up" he remained him before he open the bedroom door, which the other one just clear his throat in sound of disapprove.
Thus, both go out and the only thing that they see is two poor boys escaping from a bunch of girls that seemed very, VERY annoyed.
"Damn" Jesse leans on the railing watching the funny scene "poor guys, they got into that building?"
"It seems so" O'Brien crosses his arms with a face of disgust "the only thing they can't forgive" He saw the scene a bit more but when he thought he had seen enough and thought about retiring was that he notice "Isn't that Jim?"
"It's true but what is he doing in there?" Jesse question surprised "I thought he knew it's dangerous to get into the building of the girls, not even I can do it" He jokes and then look at O'Brien as he pointed in the direction of Jim "JA! And I'm the impulsive"
"Who is the other one?"
Since he notices that Jim was one of the guys who ran, he tried to identify the other, but he didn't recognize him. The bluenet listen to the question of O'Brien. He looked back at them. At first he did not know who it was but gave a good look and then smiled widely.
"It's Jaden!"
After that, he ran towards the stairs pushing everyone out of his way without taking his eyes off of Jaden, which was still running very tired, his legs were cramping, but in a careless move he stumble. The girls started to approach dangerously and all that Jaden could do was close his eyes tight and wait for a great beaten, he would be beaten by a bunch of girls, everyone would see it and mocked him, even Jesse could come to know about it and he would too, but he must see the positive side... wait a minute, there is nothing positive about this!
He was doomed.
He watched as the girls were surrounding him, they sure looked annoyed. If he would be humiliated in this way is fine, but he will retain the dignity that he had, he didn't want to embarrass himself or Chazz ... but almost nobody knew about him and the ravenet.
He drops a weary sigh and stand up as he could; he staggers a bit but recovers immediately. The girls were looking as if waiting for an explanation or any other reaction on their part.
+ "I'm sorry, it was a misunderstanding" The Slifer explains "I was looking for someone and I was going to the boys dorm room but apparently I went to the wrong building" he scratches his head and smiled nervously "it was not my intention, You see… I'm new here and-"
+ "SILENCE!" This command immediately silenced Jaden "is against the rules of the institute that a boy enters the girls' dorm" the brunet was about to exclaim but was interrupted "no matter if you're new, you were in the company of an Obelisk, isn't that right?" He looks sideways at Jim who was out of the circle and they weren't letting him in "it was his duty to inform you of that rule and for not doing so, you BOTH will be punished"
+ "WHAT?" Both guys shout in unison
One of the girls takes Jim's arm and pulls him inside the circle next to Jaden.
+ "Wait" Jaden turns to speak "Jim did tell me the rule, it was me who paid no attention" he lies
+ "Jaden ..." Jim called surprise, he hardly knew him and now he was sacrificing himself for him 'you idiot, you will get into more problems' thought Jim
+ "Very well, then its just going to be you" she takes a step in forward when a voice stops her.
+ "Jaden, so here you were" says the bluenet pushing through the crowd to go with the brunet and hugging him "you had me worried"
+ "Jesse? " Talk the girl again "do you know him?" She question at once confused and alarmed.
+ "Know him?" He repeats the question mockingly, then smiles "he is my cousin" he says it as if it were the most obvious thing
+ "Your...cou...sin?" All the girls say including Jim and Jaden
They could not understand, much less Jaden who was on the verge of a heart attack, he knew he had no family and if in 17 years no one have appeared, he had lost all hope now.
+ "What do you mean your cousin?" asked the girl who looked like the group leader
+ "Yes, my cousin, he came to visit" Jesse says happily "my parents were so worried about me that they sent him to supervise me, you know how the parents are, they are alarmed by every thing" The Obelisk bluenet jokes with his arm around Jaden who had captured the intentions of Jesse who turned to him still smiling "How was your trip?"
+ "Too heavy" he plays along "so many hours sitting is a hell, I thought you would go for me to the airport" he crosses his arms and frowned.
+ "Sorry, school has me stressed out" he puts his hands in the form of apology "Why don't you go and rest? You must be exhausted"
+ "Yes, good idea"
Both are directed towards the building of the boys, but the girls did not seem to want to let them go, even when been Jesse's cousin changed everything.
+ "Wait a minute" they both stopped at the command "I do not care if you are cousins or not" she takes a step in front and points at Jaden who is startled "we will not let him go without being punished"
Jesse, who was giving them his back, exhales and turns around to face the girls who are captivated by his lovely smiling face. All girls, including Jaden, thought they saw a pink background after Jesse who was also surrounded by roses and sparkling glitter around him. That image was so charming that it made you believe he was hypnotizing you or maybe that was the intention.
+ "Girls, don't be so hard on him. Can't you make an exception?"
The tone the bluenet was using had a lot of emotions, especially ... charm and seduction?
+ "Do you think we will fall for it?" The leader smile victorious "I'm sorry but ..."
+ "Of course, there's no problem, Jesse-kun!"
Everyone, absolutely everyone was watching the girl who had spoken
+ "Haruko, explain yourself" the leader said annoyed
+ "Catherine, Oh come on" Haruko says pleading "He just came to town, don't act so bitter, what would he think of us?"
+ "I am not; I just want our privacy to be respect, like you guys as you well. Isn't that right?" She looks at all of the girls, then her eyes were place on Haruko "if we let them go, others will believe that we have smoothed"
+ "Yes, but ..."
+ "Why do not punish him another day?" Proposes the Obelisk
+ "Jesse ..." called the brunet in almost a whisper so that only he could hear but no response, not even a glance
+ "Why not now?" Then another thought came a crossed her mind and smiled, she knew he would accept it this time "I propose you something, Jesse"
+ "What?" He question curiously
+ "You for your cousin"
+ "Ohhhh!" All the girls scream of surprise and admiration at the request
+ "Hey Cath, not so fast" the bluenet tries to stop the evil plan of the girl
+ "Do not worry, Jesse-kun" the blonde encourages him "you just have to play at the spring festival"
+ "I told you thousands of times I can't; I have to leave the city those days and ..."
+ "Ok, ok I get it, and I won't insist more" Jesse sighs of relief, but the relief did not last long "so I hope your cousin knows how to do clean toilets"
+ "CATH!" – shout Jesse
+ "Fine" her face becomes one of resignation to the previous rebuke of Jesse, she smile at him and gives her back at the three boys, she made a sign to the girls who begin to retreat back to their rooms but before of follow them she turn to the bluenet "you have 24 hours to think about it, bye bye"
That said she runs away leaving behind the three boys in a state of shock.
+ "24 hours?" question him self and the others "but what is wrong with that woman?"
+ "Forge it, Jim" said O'Brien
The 4 guys were in the dorm room they share. Jim was behind a bar in the kitchen overlooking the living room, Axel was sitting with his arms crossed and with a face of indifference, Jaden walked his eyes all over the place a little nervous with his hands on his lap and constantly looking at Jesse who was sitting on same sofa that he was. He could not tell if he was upset because he had his arms resting on his legs and his head facing the floor.
Finally he decided to speak at Jesse when he feels someone's eyes on him and turn to his left to see that O'Brien was also looking at him, so he smiles a little nervous before his piercing gaze, he felt like he was been studied by him, so he started to sweat cold.
+ "Sorry you had to be a victim of this massive attack"
The voice of Jim distracted him from O'Brien; he looked a little worried about the possible reaction or trauma that could have gotten the brunet. Jaden just smiled.
+ "Nah, there no problem" Jaden says not giving much importance to the issue "we don't have dorms but in all the cases if someone get into female territory they will hunt you"
+ "Why do you think that is?" Jim asked himself
+ "They are girls, the hormones make them crazy"
This comment came so suddenly that Jaden could not contain himself and burst out laughing. Jesse, who was the one who made the comment, looks at Jaden, smiles and starts laughing too.
+ "And ... What was it that brought you to the "cave of the wolf?" Jesse asks after he recovered from the giggles
Jaden wipes tears.
+ "I came to thank you for what you did for me this morning, I would not have done it without you" he leaves out the meeting of teachers at his school, he didn't want him to believe that everything had been in vain "I also brought your books and your helmet"
Jaden takes the bag that was next to the sofa where they were and gives it to Jesse who accepts it gratefully. O'Brien, who carefully listen to everything, he stood looking angry at Jesse, who like Jim, knew the reason for his anger.
+ "Did you get out of school? With permission from whom?"
+ "Damn it ..." Jesse muttered to himself and to appease the anger of his friend, he smiles "I over heard you finish the song you were working on. Can I listen to it?"
His eyes become stars, which made Axel finally distracted.
+ "Its not complete yet, its still missing the final touches, but when ..." he realize the intentions of the bluenet, he takes a book that was near him and throws it in his face "don't try to change the subject, Anderson!"
He calls him by his last name, which meant that he was indeed angry with the bluenet.
+ "Is strictly forbidden to you to leave the school this week, did you forget?"
Jesse listen carefully, rubbing his face where he had been hit with the book, then he stops, he outs his feet up on the couch and then cross them, he supports them with his hands and then take a deep breath to start talking.
+ "You know that if you say 'study', I play video games or if you say 'do not eat the cookies because they are hot,' I ..."
+ "Eat them knowing that you'll burn your mouth, but still do it because you know you'll be the first" Jaden finish the sentence making the three guys looked surprised "what?"
+ "Wooow and you just met this morning?"
Jim asked playfully and surprised since he said exactly what Jesse does and why he does it. Jaden just kept smiling until he was pulled by the bluenet who seemed happier.
+ "I would have said you were my brother instead of my cousin" the brunet smile at what was said "come, I want you to see my room" he pulls him up but stop when a commanding voice was hear
+ "You still haven't answer"
Sighs Jesse resigned
+ "I don't like being locked up, I just went for a ride on my bike" he says downplaying "no one saw me leave and no one saw me come so you wont get in trouble"
That ended the discussion, or so he implied to O'Brien before taking Jaden.
Once in the restaurant, all were already having a good time together, because it would be the last time in many months that they would all be like this, even though someone was missing and his absence was noticeable, but still they try not to make it even more remarkable. All of them try except for one person.
+ "Where is that idiot?"
Chazz squeezed his hand a glass with such force that it even seemed that at any moment be broken. Only two of the four people present knew why he was this angry with the brunet, Zane and Atticus. Those two guys were the only witnesses, since neither Chazz nor Jaden wanted or were prepared to break the news to others. Actually, it started as a secret, but Zane found out immediately and told Chazz to save the job of trying to deceive him, and Atticus ... well, Jaden thought it was Atticus who only knew as Chazz told him one of their friends already knew so he conclude that this was Atticus and he ended spilling everything. It was a great surprise to him and said he suspected it, Jaden did not believe him but he didn't want to go around the subject.
Anyways, he had a good time cursing his lover and praying because nothing has happened to him ... so that when he finally appeared he could kill him with the so many knocking he was going to give him.
+ "There is still time, Romeo" Atticus comforts him "do not despair"
No one seemed it odd for Atticus to call Chazz Romeo, he was that way but still Chazz sent him a dirty look
+ "He said he had to take care of something first" he clear to calm a little the ravenet, but notice that he was still getting those looks so he decided to surrender
+ "Chazz calm down now" spoke Alexis "Why don't you call him to his phone? Perhaps that will calm you a little"
Chazz does not think twice when he had the cell phone in his hand and mark the number of Jaden. He already knew by heart.
+ "God bless cell phones"
It was the last he heard from Atticus before hearing the other side of the line something that left him extremely annoyed, more than he already was. That stupid machine-voice-of-lady that annoys the whole world.
'The number you dialed is off or out of service"
+ "The idiot forgot to charge his phone"
It's the only conclusion that come up with, because of how long he has known Jaden, he has never turned off his cell phone and have it for emergencies. But he always forget to charge it, is as if he believed that it charge by itself. Although he was quite sure he really believed that.
The room was very beautiful.
It was not so big but it was enough for a person to feel comfortable. There was a comfortable bed, a bookcase with many books to study but also had others who were not, both sleeve and several music magazines or shows, a Wii console with many games and a metal box, which meant he had a deck within it, he knew because he had a similar one. He looks across the room and sees a big TV on a table and this could be seen several movies, DVD player, PS2 console were connected to the TV and next was a wardrobe, and off the bed was a desk with one book after another on it.
Jaden let out a whistle when he saw all he had.
+ "Awesome" He walked to the bookstore to take a look "I bet you don't get bored being punished here"
+ "Nope, but I have Axel check me every 5 minutes" he sit in the chair opposite his desk and turns to the brunet with his hands behind his head "so it's boring and frustrating at the same time"
+ "Why you were punished with no exits?" He glace at Jesse while holding the manga of Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monster
Jesse was startled to hear that question and put his head down. Jaden then feel a shiver run his back, he was about to withdraw the question but then Jesse speaks looking at Jaden.
+ "It's a bit embarrassing" he smiles, leaving surprised to brunet "I'll tell you later, okay?" The bluenet thinks for a moment in his words and then notice that Jaden smiled dangerously "and do not ask Jim or Axel" Jaden puts a frightened face, probably to be found "Axel will not tell you. Jim ... *sigh* I have to ask him to shut up"
The brunet puts his frowning face but remembers that Atticus had spoken of the hobby of the bluenet and curiosity to know more.
+ "Jesse" he draws the attention of the Obelisk "I hear you play and compose. Could you play something?" he leaves the manga back where he found it and goes to his friend
+ "S-sure, but ... there is one problem" Jesse says as Jaden goes to sit on the bed face him
+ "What?"
He takes one hand to scratch his head while smiling nervous
+ "Axel took my guitar along with other things" he lowers his head in discouragement "sorry, Jay"
+ "Well, at least he left your cards, right?" Put his hands between his legs to lean on the bed while bringing his weight to the front, getting closer to Jesse "come on, I challenge you to a duel"
He takes out among his clothes his deck and show it to Jesse, who smiles as he nods, turning to his desk drawer and pulls out his deck first (i put mine in there too XD) and then show it. Both sit on the floor and start the game.
They were like this for a long time and although both admitted to not have played for quite some time (2, 3 weeks) both played very well. At first Jesse was the one who had the lead but after Jaden made a combo, Jaden was the one who now had the lead and after a few more turns, they went back to being even.
+ "Now I invoke Sapphire Pegasus" He placed the card and then placed another one in the field "which means I can call my Ruby Carbuncle and since you have no monster on your field" he points to Jaden "I can attack you directly"
+ "Not if I can play this" he turns a card trap blocking Jesse's attack
+ "I should have suppose you would do that" he looks concerned at the cards in his hand
+ "What are you saying? That was something predictable" Jaden complains and gives a disbelieve look at Jesse "are you letting me win?"
+ "Of course not"
Both stared at each other's eyes, this has turned into another battle, but now it was see who could keep their gaze longer. The atmosphere became tense and both were nervous until they forgot why they looked at each other and with those looks of dare. Jaden soft his gaze a little and put the gaze battle aside and now focusing more on admire those emerald eyes, he had never seen eyes like that, but that was not what he actually felt. Something inside him told him that he had seen and admired in the same way he was now admiring those eyes, or at least similar like. Was it someone from his past?
He kept looking/admiring his eyes when suddenly he notices that something changed in them. It was the color. He was not entirely sure, but thinks he saw Jesse's emerald eyes change to orange, he did not know how to explain it and he did not think that was possible; eyes could not turn from green to orange all of a sudden, right?
+ "Jesse ..."
He manage to whispered getting the attention of said person, who looked at him in the eyes deepening his gaze with Jaden's, who could no longer make a word, he stay silent before his eyes. Jesse sees that, even with its orange eyes, makes a half smile and spreads her lips to say something but can not say anything because it was interrupted by someone who entered.
+ "Jesse-Kun, have you seen by any chance... What are you doing?" Jim asks from the doorway watching them both.
The Slifer was startled to hear the voice of the ravenet, and he was not prepared to hear his voice. He looks and then smiled nervously, his gaze back to Jesse, who was spacing out looking at Jaden. The brunet sees his eyes were green again.
'How strange, they are green again ...'
Jaden said to himself, and he and Jim see Jesse looking at the floor as if he had lost something.
+ "Jesse!" Jim called
+ "What?" The Bluenet turned to him. He still seems a little lost
+ "Are you all right?" He asked concerned leaning on the doorframe as he crossed his arms "I noticed you look a little pale"
+ "I'm fine" he puts one of his hands to his face covering one eye "What happened?" He looked at Jim.
+ "Do you know where Sherly is?
+ "I have not seen her" he says, he takes off the hand of his eye to see Jim better "Have you asked Axel?"
+ "Err ... no"
Jesse sighs
+ "What? Was she also grounded in her room and fled the like a rebel?" He says in a mocking tone
+ "He ate something of Axel and ..." he thought of his words but he saw how his friend guessed them "yeah, something like that"
While the boys talked about this Sherly, Jaden was still thinking about what happen a moment before with Jesse, it seemed very strange and yet familiar, which caused another chill on his back. Jaden push backward his body to lie on the floor or lean on something and it was then that leans on that "something", he felt uncomfortable because it was hard but the strange thing was that he doesn't remembered seeing something like a table or plastic toy when he entered the room.
So he carefully and slowly turns to straighten up and turn around to see what was behind him and what he saw was a huge toy crocodile. He smiled and was about to touch the toy.
+ "That cute toy, it looks so real" he starts petting the head of the crocodile smiling and alerts Jesse and Jim who watched the actions of the Slifer.
+ "By the way, who is Sheryl?" He turns to see the two guys behind him
+ "Well ..." Jesse says certainly not knowing how to explain
+ "She's Sherly"
Jim points past Jaden and he fallows the direction of the cowboy, so he looked back toward the toy of course, he looks at it and sees that the crocodile blinks once and begins to open his mouth. Jaden turns pale; he stands up quickly taking a few steps away from the crocodile name Sherly and away from the other two with terror on his face.
+ "Is it really so bad that a Slifer is in Obelisk?" He question looking at both other's faces that showed a clear confusion "Jesse was only distracting me while Jim got Sherly in so that in my carelessness ... BANG!" Give a loud applause with his hands emphasizing the last word and making his colleagues gave a little jump from the shock of his action "I got eaten alive ..."
+ "Eat you alive? What are you talking about?" The bluenet asks the brunet and he hears footsteps away from both, then he understood what was happening "Jim! What did you say to him?"
Jim is shocked to hear his name come from the lips of Jesse and be discovered. He turns back to them and smile crossing his arms.
"Only if someone saw him, he'll go with the lizards"
"Jim ..."
A vein appears at the front of the Obelisk bluenet and turns giving menacing steps toward the ravenet with a clear intention to kill at any time.
"Was it a lie?"
Jesse stops and looks at Jaden who seemed already to be calmer; he smiles a little and turns to him.
+ "Do not worry, Jay" he comes over and puts his arm over the shoulders of Jaden "is just a myth, nothing more"
+ "I would say is more of an urban legend" the cowboy says again making another vein of Jesse's forehead
+ "Jim, don't help me!" The bluenet yells annoyed at the ravenet who is still smiling.
+ "Have you forgotten about the bodies they found when they were building the library building?" Jim petrified when he sees an evil aura surrounding Jesse and sees how he pressed his hands tightly, that only meant trouble.
+ "The food is here, hurry up if you don't want to lose your portion"
They hear O'Brien say from outside the room. Jim runs to Sherly and then takes off with her in his arms to be safe at any place away from Jesse. Jaden is excited at the word food, so he takes with both of his hands the bluenet's arm to the door and pulling him out of its anger.
+ "Food, food, food" he was repeating to himself
When they got out of the room, they saw on the table 4 bowls of teriyaki, 4 glasses of lemonade and a huge center bowl with shredded lettuce with other kinds of vegetables and dressing, and although he hated vegetables Jaden had to admit that it look good appetizing. Axel was sitting and was preparing himself to eat when he saw the two new best friends sit on two chairs in front of him, now they were only missing Jim who was in the kitchen doing who-knows-what-else. They were all starving so they didn't wait and started eating.
+ "Tastes good" Jaden says as he takes the first bite "Give my thanks to the chef"
+ "Why do not you?" Jesse says he turns to see Jaden "you have him in front of you" he turns his head to Axel
+ "You cook?" He question excited, but he doesn't get an answer which worries him bit.
+ "It's nothing personal" he heard Jim say as he left the kitchen with another bowl of food in his hands "he is always like that"
+ "Yes, always grumbling and thinking too much of himself" Jesse joins the conversation "is that right, savior of saviors?"
+ "Don't bother me" he says drawing a sharp smile to Jim and Jesse.
+ "Is he the only one who cooks?" The brunet doubtful question
+ "Fortunately not" Jim answered "if so he would have left us starving for a long time ... that or we would have been poisoned"
+ "Today ended the Axel's week, tomorrow stars mine" Jesse says as he eats his vegetables reluctantly "and let me tell you that I never serve vegetables, so be sure to come tomorrow" he points at Jaden with his fork
+ "HA! I'll do it even if you don't invite me"
After the food he was as happy as he was before, with the talks and laughs about the school, video games, movies, cards (in which Jesse and Jaden join only) and then a few things that were random. Jaden thought he had forgotten something but didn't remember anything and just in case he took out his cell of his pocket and sees it off, he turned it on but nothing happened, which meant it was not charge and then he remembered.
+ "Chazz!" He stood up scaring everyone present
+ "Hey, don't scare yourself like that... are you okay?" Jim notes that Jaden was a little upset
+ "I'm sorry, I have to go" he goes to the couch where his backpack was and hangs it on the shoulder "it was fun, I hope to visit soon" he goes toward the entrance to put on his tennis "our battle is pending until then, Jess"
+ "Wait, Jay" he stood up and goes straight to the door "you don't want a ride? Because ... you know, it wouldn't be nice that you got into trouble again"
+ "No, I'll be fine" he says "I already cause you many problems and you have already done so much for me"
+ "Come on, don't me beg" he gets far from Jaden to go to his room where Jaden heard the creaking of a door and then many things falling together with a shout, it didn't took much for Jesse reappeared with two helmets in hand and a black shirt on his head, he takes it off throwing it away on the sofa "ready?" He gives Jaden one of the helmets who catch it with no afford, and headed for the door when they were stopped by a yell.
+ "Jesse Anderson! Where do you think you are going?" The authoritative voice of O'Brien came and sounded upset "Have you finished your homework?"
+ "Ehhh ... well, you see ... I ..." he turns looking nervous "I'll finish it when I return"
+ "Don't get out of here until you do" he took his arm and pull him in his room "Jim can take Jaden, but YOU ..." he pushed him into his room and closed the door "… have already gotten me in a lot of trouble with Professor Viper and this time I'm not going down with you"
+ "Axel have mercy! Help!"
Jesse started screaming like crazy and knocking the door. That reminded him of Zane who is always doing that with Atticus and him when they had a test or assignment as punishment. He wanted to help, but with that kind of people was impossible to reason.
+ "Well, it's time you go, Jay"
Jim tells Jaden who leaves the room after the ravenet, but not before saying goodbye to the other two boys. As they went down the stairs to the parking lot that was just behind them, they locate the bike and got on it, and when they were putting their helmets, Jim turned to Jaden.
+ "Where do you have to go in such a hurry?"
+ "At the airport" he said "a friend of mine is leaving and I have to go to say goodbye"
+ "And you thought of going on foot?" He turns on the bike "You are as crazy as Jesse"
+ "Hey! Jaden!"
They heard the voice of someone they knew very well calling for the brunet, but didn't believe it possible, and was supposed to be locked in his room.
+ "Up here"
Both guys on the bike listen to the voice and looked up, which led them to see the energetic bluenet with almost half his body out the window.
+ "I take it back, Jesse is completely insane"
+ "Jesse?"
+ "I forgot to give you this" he carefully throws a rock straight at Jaden who realize that it was going straight towards his head. He ducks it successfully avoiding it "You were supposed to catch it"
+ "Are you crazy?" Jaden complains "If I had tried would have HIT me in the head"
+ "Just take it ... watch it when you have time and don't show it to anyone!"
+ "WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" he can hear another voice from the direction where Jesse was "GET INSIDE NOW"
They see Jesse disappear and the window closed tightly. Jaden gets off the bike took the stone it had a paper attach to it, he thought of seeing what was written on it but decided to leave it for later so he put it in his backpack.
+ "Are you ready?"
+ "Yes, let's go"
With this said, they accelerates towards the exit of the school and towards the airport. Although there was traffic, more than when Jaden was going to the school Obelisk, but Jim managed to slip through them and faster than he should. Jaden, who was not gotten used to being on a bike, put his hands on Jim's shoulders to avoid a possible fall. And falling off a motorbike was not in his plans.
He heard Jim talk and he answered, but he didn't know how he was doing that because he was more focused on praying he was still on time. But all he heard Jim say after that time was "We're close." Jaden could no longer resist, he told Jim to stop, and he parks the bike in a corner without waiting for an explanation.
Without warning, the brunet gets off the bike taking off his helmet and giving it to Jim with a slight thanks, and then runs away from there without stopping for a moment. On his way there were many taxis so he was really close, he clashed with a few people, he apologized but didn't stop.
He finally arrived and was now concentrated to find Chazz and the others. He couldn't find anyone, and then he goes to a lady to ask.
+ "E-Excuse me" he draws her attention "Where is the plane going to the United States?"
The lady searched on the computer.
+ "28B, but the flight left 10 minutes ago, sorry" she apologized and then continued on with her work.
Had he heard right? Chazz was gone ... and he could not even say goodbye to him. He give a barely audible thanks and walks away slowly toward the airport exit, he walked away aimlessly, just walking without even feeling the cold at that time.
To be continued...
Next Chapter: Yesterday Chronicle
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