Do you believe in Destiny?

This is the beginning of the end, the start of it all. The smoke rises above the fires of the crash, don't panic got no meaning here. What will happen, will they ever get off the Island? Or is there a reason they crashed just here…

An OC application story, from the beginning. What will your character do on the Island, explore, find a way to get off, join the others or find redemption?

Rescue will perhaps come sooner, who are those people on the freighter and are they there to rescue them – or kill them?

Right now, all I accept are characters from the fuselage, but as the story goes on I will soon start accepting freighter characters when the time has come. But right now, fill out this form. Be creative! Make a homicidal, insane and super cute character, or an old jock that never got over his high school years.

The form:





Connections (to other characters):


Personality (include good and bad sides):

Describe your character in three words:



Love interest and belief in love:


Past (include why was in Sydney and why was going back to LA):

If your character was faced with the monster, what would they do?:

Do your character believe in Destiny?:

What is your character's favorite movie?:


Anything else?: