Hayloft Kids

18: Wake up!

Yes, when I awoke, I was up. Up in the loft. I was stroking something smooth. When I looked around, I saw it was Maggie's shoulder I'd been caressing. Maggie's face was pressed into my neck; she was half on top of me. Her beautiful hair was slightly mussed, but I liked it this way, too. We were hopelessly entwined; I tried to sort of my feet from the jumble of legs in front of me. I gave up and went back to sleep.


When I woke up, I blinked. Not having undressed or washed up, I was surprisingly comfortable. Then I woke up more and remembered. Who wouldn't be comfortable in Johnny's arms? Not only that, his Jacket was on top of me so I wasn't cold. And I was on top of Johnny. I turned red, remembering that if I had undressed, well, that's a whole new story.

I creakily got up. My legs were straddling Johnny. Good thing he wasn't awake, because I felt as warm as South Africa in the middle of the day midsummer.

Worse, just as I was about to pick out my legs from Johnny's (I was still on top of him) I heard someone laugh. Johnny woke up; we saw each other and both blushed. We both looked up again.

I'm sure the revolutionary dismay on our faces was what made them look like they were:

…Zak, grinning, one eye on us and another on a very flirty-looking Cricket, who was looking back at him through long eyelashes…

…Trey, One eyebrow raised and another down, with that big-brother hey-look-what-they're-doing-again look that always made me wanna punch his nose. But not only that, he holding hands with AMY!!!...

…Aunt Louise, smiling her sweet old smile, that somehow told me she'd ha d a good dose of boyfriends in her day…

…Amy was a little distracted, because she was grinning so hard at Trey, but otherwise she was laughing at us, too...

…Cricket was actually smiling at me in a civilised manner. Then I looked and caught Zak's hand in her back pocket. This girl's got issues here, I thought…

…Noah, beaming, which told me he'd had a good evening with Renee, maybe even a little plump peck on the cheek, was saying, "Wow, Johnny, I wonder what the chairman of the ARC's gonna say when he sees you've slept with his daughter!"…

The CAPTAIN!!!???...

A figure emerged from behind them.

Guess who?
"Dad?" I croaked just as Johnny mumbled "Oh, good morning, Sir, ah, have you tried Aunt Louise's pancakes yet?"

See you later when I'm out of my prison quarantine. Johnny's face looked weird: it was like he was laughing at me because my dad saw me sleeping with a boy, and scared because he was the boy.

When I looked at Dad again, though, he was frowning with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Breakfast's ready," said Aunt Louise and headed down the ladder "I'm making my famous pancakes". Me and Johnny looked at each other.

"Aunt Louise! You're better!" Johnny said.

"Yes, she is," Dad said. "Why do you think she's climbing like a proboscis monkey at this point?"

"I'd never even thought about that option, if she got better," Johnny murmured. Then we looked at each other, then down, and then turned red again, because we were still lying stuck together on the hay. In fact, Johnny's hands were still slung underneath my arms and around my back.

"Naw, you knew about it," said Zak. "You just wanted your little girlfriend to get all fussed over you."

"I did not!" yelled Johnny.

Surprisingly, Zak didn't press on. He just shrugged and headed down the stairs, and flirting with a giggling Cricket. Trey and Amy went down holding hands. Dad was the last to leave. "You two have fun," he said.

Have fun? Then I remembered What Zak said. Johnny had denied he'd wanted me all over him, but he hadn't denied I was his g-g-girlfriend.

He must've thought the same thing, because the next thing I knew, my face was back between his hands, and his mouth was on mine.

Then he pulled back.

"Let's go home, Princess," he said, grinning. I smiled at his mussed orange hair.

"Where's that?" I asked.

"With you," he said.

This was the best leave I'd ever had.


Well, that's it. it's done!!! So anyhoo, what did you think? i SO need reviews! I know been late in updating - sorry. So i knwo i've been extra puppy-lovey, but i needed time to wera off bore. so wahahaha, i'm done!

I never knew A/Ns could be so fun, but i relaly didn't have the chance to put some in my earlier chaps. here, i'm making up...

Zak and Trey: "maggie and Johnny, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!! Frist comes love, then comes marriage, here comes - " Maggie and Johnny: "Aghh!!! STOP it!"

Maggie and Johnny (in unison): "Okay, okay, i admit it, i admit it already! I like him/her!!! happy now!?"

The two stare at each other.

Zak: "They FINALLY admitted!'

Trey: "If i were you, i'd brace myself. Thos two are gonna be all over the place."

Zak; "Why's that bad?"

Trey: "we'll have to wathc them making out 24/7!!!"

Zak: "Oh NO!!!!"