Disclaimer/ I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. If I did, there would be a hellova lot more Spencer air time. xD

It was a clear day; the wind was blowing lightly at Spencer Reid's plaid tee-shirt as he walked with his hands in the pockets of his brown slacks, down the sidewalk. The street, however, was oddly devoid of vehicles. Reid's eyes darted around at the buildings looming over him, seemingly changing shape slightly as he watched them. Soon, Reid found himself stopped on the sidewalk, staring at a building that was supposed to be the B.A.U.'s HQ, but instead it looked like the other buildings he had passed. Large, intimidating almost, a few lights on here and there, but boarded up. In fact…

Looking around, Reid found that all the buildings were boarded up. His brows furrowed as he wondered how he had missed that; they were in plain sight, and it wasn't like he didn't watch where he was going. With this strange realization, Reid looked up, trying to make sense of the images he was seeing; obviously this wasn't a part of Quantico he was used to, but where else could he be? The sun was shining down on his body, but there was no warmth from it, which there should have been, since it was mid July. Reid instantly rationalized that it must be the wind that kept him cool, but as he thought that, he also realized that the wind had stopped.

Frowning, Reid's breathing came a little quicker as panic started to set in. What was going on here? He got his answer a second later, as if from thin air, two teenage like figures appeared in front of him. The teens looked little older than eighteen years old, and were shivering with their arms wrapped around their middles. After a second, Reid was able to confirm one was male and the other was female. With an instinctive step forward, Reid reached out his hand to the teens, but was startled when a silver-ish glint from his hand caught his eye. He was about to drop the gun that hadn't been there before when a burly, tanned hand wrapped around his own from behind him and prevented that action.

Starting again, Reid tried to whip around to see who was behind him, but the sunny scene of where ever he had been before had faded away into nothingness. His heart pounding even harder against his chest, as the darkness closed in over him, leaving him only able to see the two silently shaking teens in front of him, Reid found himself starting to shake as well. But when he tried to voice out his distress, he found that his lips moved, but no words came out. Like a silent movie, his mind thought, even as he tried to swallow past the lump forming in his throat.

Then, almost as if they were words he had read before, or words put in front of him to read, the letters, 'O Veon East' were etched into his mind. But before he could give the letters another thought, the loud report of a gun sounded in his ears, and Reid woke with a start, his arms flying out from their cushioning place beneath his head on his desk, sending papers flying.

Looking around nervously, Reid realized quickly he was sitting at his own desk, obviously having fallen asleep while recording and documenting the case they'd just gotten back from. His computer had gone into sleep mode, and as he shakily reached out a hand to jiggle the mouse, the screen flickered brightly to life in the still dark room. Reid glanced at the clock at the bottom of his screen, finding it to be 4:15. A shiver ran down his spine as he remembered the odd dream he'd had, but had no trouble at all recalling the words that had flashed in his mind before the report of the gun.

'O Veon East.'


Later that morning, J.J. and Morgan walked into the bullpen, J.J. yawning and Morgan drinking coffee from a paper cup. Each were lost in their own thoughts and thought nothing of Spencer Reid crouched over his desk, multiple papers scattered about. And while they went their separate directions, J.J. sitting down at her own desk and switching on her computer and Morgan disappearing into Garcia's computer room, there was one B.A.U. special agent who noticed Reid's almost frantic manner as he switched between looking at things on his computer screen to sliding papers around. Aaron Hotchner walked over to Reid's desk and leaned over his shoulder, looking through the different files he had pulled up. Finally, after a few minutes of watching the young man sift through the papers, Hotch pointed to a small post-it note that was stuck to the desk in full view, with nothing covering it.

"What's 'O Veon East' mean?"

Reid jumped in his seat and started to scrape up the files on his desk before letting out a small gust of air.

"You scared me." Reid said, as if that fact hadn't been obvious.

But instead of apologizing, Hotch tapped the post-it note again. Reid glanced at the note and stared at it, a frown appearing on his face as he slowly said,

"I'm not sure… I was hoping either you or Gideon could tell me."

Hotch's brows furrowed as he too studied the strange words, but he slowly shook his head, glancing back at Reid.

"I've never heard of it before. The 'East' makes me think that it might be a place, but where, I have no clue. Sorry kid, maybe Gideon will know."

Spencer had barely nodded at Hotchner when a female voice intruded upon the conversation.

"Gideon will know what?"

Both Spencer and Hotchner looked up at Elle Greenaway, having just leaned against Spencer's desk as well. But before Reid could say anything, Hotch spoke up from behind him, at the same time taking the post-it note off the desk and handing it to her.

"What this is. I think it might be a 'where,' but I'm not sure. I've never seen it before, have you?"

Elle took the note from Hotch before Spencer's slow reflexes could grab it back, and read it aloud, which of course, got J.J.'s attention. She sauntered over, a relaxed smile on her face as Elle finished struggling through how to pronounce the strange words.

"Something Spence doesn't know? My, that's a rare occurrence."

"Tell me about it. But who would know what O… Vee on? East… was?" Elle replied, looking up from the note at J.J., Reid and Hotch.

J.J. shrugged, then her brows furrowed for a second as she said thoughtfully,

"Sounds almost like a quote or something. The 'O' thing, you know?"

But before Spencer could say anything to that, Gideon walked through the doors to the bullpen, saying briefly as he walked past,

"There's been another murder in the San Francisco Bay area. Male, 24, Caucasian. Third one in three months. They're bringing us in."

And with that, Agent Gideon was already gone. Hotch was the first one to follow, followed by J.J.. Elle, however, turned slightly as if to leave, but then turned back and handed Reid the note back, saying hesitantly,

"You know, I have to go get Morgan. Since he's in with Garcia, I could give her the note; have her look it up, see what it means."

Reid let himself think for a few seconds before shaking his head and taking the note back, smoothing it back down on his desk. Without looking back up, he said softly,

"No, that's alright. It's not really that important."

Elle hesitated for a few more seconds, but then turned away and headed off to where she knew Morgan to be, leaving Reid to follow the others on his own. As he stood, he knew somewhere in his gut that he shouldn't have down played that note like he had, especially since it had come to him in that same dream that… Reid shook his head and shoved his hands into his pockets, forcing his feet to move. He wouldn't think about it right now. He had a case to focus on.

A/N: I don't know how far I'm going to get with this story, but I make it out of not only my fascination with the show (more like obsession) but to be as great as the author of 'Lost in a Memory' by chronicler-of-knuckles. I sugguest for hard core Criminal Minds fans, or even just readers who enjoy a good story and an even greater thrill and adventure, to read it. It will keep you glued to the computer from start to satisfying finish, as well as on the edge of your seat.