~I do not own Inuyasha what so ever. I also don't own Blues Clues, Hot Wheels or any of the song/ artist either!!!! ~

A/N: a couple of people asked 'Why get the father's involved?' Well, I am throwing them in here because, for Sesshoumaru's father anyway, to keep Sesshoumaru from using his status and reputation to get what he wants, so on and so forth. For Kagome's dad, he was thrown in here only to be Inu's 'friend'. They're here for a couple of reason along those lines. Some were worried it would be because of them that Kag. And Sess. Get together, that wont be the case, I promise! Ok, now on to the story!Enjoy! 

Life in E Minor

Chapter V: The Talk


Sesshoumaru rode the elevator as he waited for Kagome's floor. He was thinking about how he should approach her. He knew he had to be careful on how he does; he doesn't want to be denied. It would be a shame if he had to take his son away from her but if it came down to that then he would be left no choice. Plus, she should know better than to deny Sesshoumaru Tashio anything he desires. He WILL get what he wants and if she's lucky maybe he will throw Kagura aside and she can take her place between his sheets. She is beautiful enough to be by his side now, so it wouldn't be a problem for him to have her there. After all, he is a Tashio and Tashio's deserve only the most beautiful demonesses at their side.

The elevator opened and he walked down the hallway only to stop at her door. He expanded his senses but found nobody there, he frown. Where the hell could they be? She just moved back so there shouldn't be anywhere she needed to be. She should be home taking care of his son not gallivanting around town. She had to know he was coming, so she should be here! Now that he thinks about it, he didn't remember her family being rich enough to afford a pent house this extravagant. Matter of fact, when they were 'dating', her family was struggling for money. So how the hell did she become this rich in three years? 'I suppose I'll have to ask her when she comes back.'

Sesshoumaru lengthen his claws and picked her lock. Once the door was open he looked around the pent house. He noticed that even though it was elegant, it gave off a homey environment and had a feeling of warmth to it. He nodded his head in approval. He was happy that his son was at least being raised in love and warmth. He took a deep breath and a whole bunch of smells hit his nostrils. He froze, his eyes turning a slight shade of possessive red. Why did he smell three different males in her home? Their scents were strong, so that told him they were either here very often or they lived here. That most defiantly didn't sit well with him. He didn't want his son living with three unknown males that he didn't know. They could hurt him or try to use his son against him for their own gain. This will be another subject he and Kagome will discuss when she gets back. He will make sure the males leave no matter the cost.

Sesshoumaru continued to look around, opening doors and finding out that there were indeed three other males living here. He will have to take care of that. He came upon the forth door and opened it, finding out that this was his son's room. He walked in and sat on his bed. He looked around the room at all the toys he has, noticing he was a big fan of Blues Clues, superhero action figures, hot wheels, and Dinosaurs figures and coloring books (manly of the Tyrannosaurus) he smirked. As a pup, that was also his favorite dinosaur. He looked further and found out that he was also into video games. 'He and Inuyasha would get along, but I don't think I will give them the chance to find that out.' Granted they weren't complicated, but they were video games nonetheless. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a picture of his son and Kagome on his nightstand. He picked it up and stared at it. His thoughts starting to go into dangerous territory. He smirked and put the picture down before getting up to head towards the door. 'The last door must be Kagome's room.'

Walking down the hall, Sesshoumaru came upon the last door and went inside. The room was decorated in blue, black, and whites. Nothing was out of place. 'At least she neat and orderly. That will be a nice change, Kagura is anything but that.' As he looked around he notice a kings size bed, a bathroom door, and a closet. Beside the closet and on her dresser were bunches of pictures of her and his son. As he looked over them he notice a picture from both of his son's birthday parties, his first time at the beach, when he took his first step, got his first tooth, his first picture from when he was in the hospital and many more. The feeling of regret and longing came over him and that was something he wasn't use too. He missed out on all of his son's 'first's'. He missed out on two years of his life and missed out on not being there for Kagome's pregnancy, missed out on watching his son grow. He scowled, it was Kagura's fault, and yes partly his too. But Kagura was the one who said that she was lying, that she heard Kagome's 'plan' to get him back. That the whole pregnancy was fake. But what he REALLY wanted to know was if she knew the whole time and decided to keep it from him. The fucking wench will pay if that's the case. He will stick with her a little longer and try to get the truth out of her before kicking her to the curb. He will also kick the rest of his whores to the curb too since they are all associated with Kagura. He's not worried about it. It wont be hard to find a couple of whores to replace them, for when he moves on to Kagome.

Sesshoumaru put the pictures down when a thought struck him. 'I wonder if she still wears her little girl panties? Or has she turned into a beautiful vixen?' Sesshoumaru smirked as he pulled open her dresser drawer and pulled out a red see through laced thong. 'O, this is going to be so much more fun than the first time. I will most defiantly enjoy taking these off with my teeth.' Sesshoumaru's smirk grew wider as an evil glint came into his eyes.


Kagome walked up to her door with a sleepy Arcadius in her arms. The guys decided they wanted to stay at the studio a little while longer so she left without them. She groggily put her hand on the door and opened it. With her sleepy mind, it took a couple of seconds to register that the door was unlocked but didn't have time to think on it as she stared at Sesshoumaru, who was sitting on her chair.

"What are YOU doing HERE!?" Kagome half yelled from shock, all sleepiness gone. Arcadius lifted his head and rubbed his eyes then looked over to his 'Daddy'. Remembering what his mummy said to him earlier, he stiffened slightly but looked at the male with curiosity.

Sesshoumaru didn't answer as he continued to look at his son, taking in his features as he was able to see him up close now. Kagome shifted uneasily which snapped him out of thought.

"What's his name?" was all he mumbled. Kagome had to ask him to repeat what he said because she couldn't understand him. "What's his name?"

"……Arcadius." His son shifted closer to his mother. He could sense that he was uneasy about something and tried to reach out to him, wanting to soothe his son. Arcadius just snuggled deeper into his mother's embrace.

"Why does he reject my touch?" Sesshoumaru asked dazed. He wasn't expecting his son to do that and it kind of hurt seeing him do so, his OWN son.

"He doesn't know you. What did you think that you could just show up when you FELT like it and expect him to run into your open arms. Think again Sesshoumaru, you're a stranger to him and like all strangers he isn't going to happily skip up to you. Now, why are you here?" she said in a deadly calm voice that rivaled his own.

Sesshoumaru felt his anger rise. How dare SHE talk to HIM like that? But instead of going about it harshly, he too took on a cold tone.

"I want to hold my son, Kagome." Kagome just glare at him.

"O, NOW YOU WANT TO CLAIM YOU HAVE A SON! HAHA…IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY SESSHOUMARU. YOU LOST YOUR CHANCE AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES." Kagome spat bitterly. Sesshoumaru gave her a death glare as he went to try to take his son, only to have him flinch back from him. Sesshoumaru eyes took on a softer look as he gently spoke to him.

"You don't have to be afraid. I only want to hold you." Arcadius shook his head vigorously.

"NO, You hurt Mummy. Don't like man who hurts Mummy. I love Mummy!" Arcadius said as he squirmed in his mother's hold, wanting down. Kagome sighed, Arcadius took what she said the wrong way. He hurt mommy verbally, not physically.

"Arcadius sweetie, why don't you go get ready for bed and mommy will be in there in a minute." She said as she put him down, he nodded silently and took off to his bedroom. Kagome turned back to the shocked Sesshoumaru.

"What does he MEAN HURT MOMMY? I NEVER LAID A HAND ON YOU. WHAT KEEPING HIM FROM ME ISN'T ENOUGH, YOU'RE TRYING TO TURN HIM AGAINST ME TOO!" Sesshoumaru yelled, his eyes starting to take a hint of red into them.

"Sesshoumaru, keep your voice down. Hearing us arguing isn't going to do anything but upset him more. As for the hurting thing, he took what I said the wrong way, I'll explain it to him later." Kagome whispered harshly. Sesshoumaru took a deep breath.

"Damn right you will, I expect it fix by the next time I see him. What the hell did you tell him anyway?" Sesshoumaru glared at her.

"I told him the TRUTH! That you weren't with us because you hurt me and we didn't get along. That's what I told him." She crossed her arms and glared back with the same amount of force. Sesshoumaru tried to calm himself before speaking and he did once he was under control.

"I want to be able to see my son when I want. I don't want him being with out me to raise him. He is the heir to my family's fortune so he will need me around. I will be back tomorrow to pick him up, so have his bags ready." He commanded coldly and Kagome bristled, her temper getting the best of her.

"No, Sesshoumaru you have no right to him what so ever! You WILL NOT be taking him tomorrow or ever if I see fit. You signed off rights to him." Kagome smirked as he stiffened, completely forgetting about that.


Sesshoumaru and his friends sat there at their table with Kagura in his lap, hanging all over him. All laughing and mocking her.

" You know, the whole pregnant thing is starting to get old sweetheart. So why don't you run along and go play 'house' with some else." Kagura said snidely and Sesshoumaru smirked while everyone else laughed. Kagome fumed with anger, then a thought struck her. She would make them pay, all of them but especially Sesshoumaru. Kagome took out a paper and pen and set it before him.

"Fine I'll leave but I want you to right off all your rights to our pup. Since your sooo confident that I'm lying then prove it. Sign off your rights." Kagome said emotionless.

Sesshoumaru shrugged and signed them off, thinking that she was just trying to get attention and didn't want to admit that she was wrong , only playing this out for as long as she could. He didn't mind since it gave him a good laugh.

End of Flashback

And true to her word, she left. He didn't see her the next day, month, year. He didn't see her until today. He fumed.

"You will need more than that to stop me. You leave me no choice but to take him from you by force." And with that said he stormed out. He would have to see his father; he always knew what to do.

Kagome sighed and went back to check on her puppy.



Next chapter Sesshoumaru and Inu's little chat. More surprises on the way! So leave me some reviews!

