Dear Forrest,
I'm too busy repairing the damage you managed to do in the five minutes you were in Henesys. Below is a list of all the damage you've managed to cause, and I expect a sum of money deposited in the Forest Guardian Bank by tomorrow morning, or I'm leaving you with Grendel and Dances.
List of things you have managed to damage, break, set fire to and completely obliterate:
6 Taxis, completely unable to be salvaged.
A small section of Henesys Hunting Ground I
A native Henesysian oak tree.
A fruit stall
26 oranges
39 apples
Around 29 laws
A plastic sign which says 'No running zone'
Chief Stan
My Lieutenant Corporal
My door
My house
The head of Henesys Council's grandson
And I'm safe to assume that you were responsible for the Fires of Ellinia. So-
Reparation fees: 103,983,217 mesos, tax inclusive.
Don't whine at me- You have twice as much money as God.
From Athena.
P.S: Deliver it in person, then knock on my brand new door to my brand new house to the tune of 'Scania and his yellow polka-dot boxers'.
P.S.S: If, and only if we go on a date, we're going to Orbis- not anywhere near Victoria, and you are going to knock Dances and Grendel unconscious and tie them up beforehand.
P.S.S.S: We need to get you letter writing courses. Stop making your poor students do your paperwork!