Spirited Away and The Cat Returns both belong to Studio Ghibli. My most humble thanks to Miyazaki-sama for not minding us fanatics borrowing.


Yoshi sat back in her very comfortable chair and sipped her third cup of tea while studying her daughter and the cat Creation. Dinner had ended an hour ago and Yoshi had insisted the story be told over dessert, a decadent cream cake with tiny fruit tarts. Muta and Toto hadn't lasted ten minutes into the Cat Kingdom story before they turned on each other about a minor detail. Baron, in a rare moment of frustration, had ordered both of them to the other side of the courtyard to continue the fight. Yoshi was mildly surprised when the crow and the cat agreed, quietly moved away, and started the fight as soon as they were just beyond earshot.

Contrary to popular belief, Yoshi had known about the Cat Kingdom episode, to a certain degree. She had witnessed the parade the night before the cattails sprang up in their front yard. She had also seen the spiral of crows in the sky and had fetched binoculars out of curiosity. Watching her daughter walk down the spiral resulted in the binoculars being broken. Haru had showed Yoshi her first story, written the summer after the incident. It was while reading it that Yoshi put the crow spiral and the small figure on Haru's shoulder together with the characters in the story and the cat parade and come to a disturbingly accurate conclusion. Being such a smart mother, she had held her tongue and praised the writing style. Haru's confidence had doubled overnight as a result of the Cat Kingdom, so Yoshi was willing to let it slide and simply enjoy the benefits.

The Chihiro story, which Baron and Haru had just finished, required more thinking, hence the leisurely sipping of tea and pensive expression. Mrs. Ogino's panicked babblings on the phone made a lot more sense, as did the reports of the rapist being found unconscious with soaked clothes and deep scratches over most of his body. Kamis could be incredibly dangerous when angered. The real question now was, Yoshi mused as she finished her tea, what to do about the anxious couple in front of her? Haru's newfound ability would only cause problems outside of this Refuge. Even if she did everything she could to keep it secret, sooner or later someone would find out. The consequences gave Yoshi chills.

"Mom?" Haru's voice broke through her thoughts. Releasing a small sigh, she put her teacup down.

"It's all right, Haru. I believe you. Hard not to, considering I've dined with a living figurine who makes the best tea I've ever had." Baron looked embarrassed.

"You are a very thoughtful woman, Yoshi," He said. Yoshi smiled.

"A young woman's attitude doesn't change overnight without a very good reason. I saw firsthand what Haru's adventure did for her. Dinner doesn't begin to cover my debt to you, Baron. You helped my daughter grow up into a wonderful woman. Thank you." Yoshi bowed deeply. Haru blushed and Baron coughed.

"I assure you, Yoshi, I had only a small part in Haru's development. Her potential was always within her."

"She needed you to show her," Yoshi countered, straightening up. Baron waved a paw.

"She would not have returned to you if she had not realized her own strength."

"Mou! Would you two please stop talking like I'm not here?!" Haru protested. Creation and mother blinked at her. Yoshi turned a giggle into a cough. Baron cleared his throat and patted Haru's hand.

"My apologies, Haru."

"My apologies as well, Baron. It is getting late and we should be going."

"Before you leave, Yoshi," Baron said, standing. Yoshi blinked at him, half out of her chair. She slowly sat back down.

"Yes?" Baron cleared his throat again, white fur slowly developing an undertone of pink.

"I have given Haru's new ability a great deal of thought and I believe it would be in her best interest if she stayed here at the Bureau." Two sets of eyebrows went up. Haru's eyes sparkled with hope and love, Yoshi blinked several times. Baron's fur turned pinker and he rushed on. "There are several empty houses for her to choose from, so there would be no breach of propriety. She was so helpful in my last case, I would like her to join the Bureau and assist me in my investigations." The light went out of Haru's eyes.

"You...you want me to work for you, Baron?" She asked, her voice breaking. Baron's head whipped to face her and he seized her hands.

"A job is all I can offer you at this time, Haru. We have had so little time together, it would be foolish to act on my emotions until you know me better and I, you. If all I can have is your companionship and aid, then I can accept that. But it is my fervent hope that you will be able to return my feelings, given time and exposure. It is selfish of me, but I want to keep you near. I have missed you terribly." Haru's face went white to red and back again during the impassioned speech. Yoshi kept her hand over her mouth, hiding a huge grin.

"You would keep her safe, Baron? She would have her own home until she decides otherwise? You will treat her well?" Yoshi asked in a very stern voice, her hand still hiding her smile. Baron turned and bowed, keeping Haru's hands.

"On my life and my honor, Mrs. Yoshioka. Haru will want for nothing and her happiness will be my highest priority."

"Baron," Haru breathed. Yoshi dropped her hand.

"Take the job, Haru. It's been clear for years now your heart belongs to him. I can see Baron feels the same way and he is wise to give you both time to work together. Too many relationships do not survive the minor details of life."

"Mom? You're...okay with this?" Haru asked, eyes bright with tears. Yoshi's smile gentled.

"Honey, I've read your stories. Your love for this Bureau and its inhabitants scream from the pages. Now that you've been touched by a kami, you will never be happy in the human world. It has ever been so. If I start getting lonely, I know where to find you. You had to leave me sometime. I'm glad you're leaving for a good cause and to a good man. Besides, if he ever mistreated you, you have royalty to back you up, and they can cause more damage then I could." Baron's fur turned bright pink and a shocked giggle escaped Haru.

"Then, I have your blessing, Mrs. Yoshioka?"

"It's Yoshi and yes, Baron. You have my blessing."

"Oh, MOM!" Haru bolted over the table to hug Yoshi, kicking Baron square in the chest. The cat man went down hard and sat sprawled on the cobblestones, gasping for breath. Yoshi chuckled as she patted her now crying daughter's back.

"Then again, maybe you can hold your own," She said wryly, cocking her head. Baron pulled himself up by the tablecloth, panting. Haru removed her head from Yoshi's shoulder, glanced at Baron, and promptly launched herself at him. Baron managed to brace for impact and only staggered back two steps as Haru clutched him, sobbing apologies into his abused chest.

"Is this...normal?" Baron asked, gently stroking Haru's hair. Yoshi grinned.

"Only when Yoshioka women are very, very happy. Expect the same thing when you two get married and have children. Or would it be kittens?" Haru's tears started steaming off her face and Baron's ears tried to hide his eyes.


"Bye Mom!"

"Safe trip home, Yoshi! Thank you again!" Baron and Haru waved as Yoshi, returned to full size and carrying a restored udon pot. Yoshi waved back as she left, Toto on her shoulder. The crow Creation had insisted on escorting the elder Yoshioka home. Baron looked down at Haru, a soft smile on his face, and wrapped one arm around her shoulders.

"Well, Haru? Any preferences on where you want to live?" Haru studied the square, tapping her chin with a slim finger.

"Actually, I've always been curious about that little white house two doors down from yours. Is it available?"

"All of them are available and, if I remember correctly, are furnished. Come, let us tour the possibilities," Baron guided her towards the white house in question, almost bouncing on his toes in excitement. Haru was here to stay!

Beside him, the blood bonded human glanced over her shoulder and smiled at the tail twitching back and forth. She couldn't wait to get her hands on it.


Muta frowned at the empty, messy table. Baron and Toto had abandoned him for the women, ungrateful wretches. Heaving a long-suffering sigh, he started clearing dishes. At least Yoshi-chicky had left him the udon.