Kimberly woke up to the sunshine in her face, yet again. She grumbled as she pulled the blanket up over her face and rolled away from the window that shot sunlight in without invitation every damn morning. It was too her surprise that she was alone. She sat up and groggily looked around the room but she only saw the discarded clothes on the floor from the night before. She heard voices downstairs so, she threw on Tommy's T-shirt and made a stealthy leap across the hall to the bathroom. She started the shower and brushed her teeth while the water got hot before she got in. Just as she had gotten her hair nice and soaked, she heard a knock on the door and Tommy poked his head in.

"Goodmorning," he said as he set a steaming cup of coffee on the vanity for her.

"Goodmorning," she said from behind the shower curtain, "Is somebody here?"

"Yes," he said, "It's our case worker and the Delgados."

"Tommy," Kimberly hissed, poking her head out from the shower curtain, "Why didn't you come wake me up?"

"Stop," he said, "They are here to sign papers and things and we could have Elena as early as next week. They haven't been here long and I told them you were upstairs getting ready for the day." She just nodded and continued her shower. He left for a minute and then returned and left again but she didn't check to see why.

Kimberly finished her shower and reached for the towel on the rack. She wrapped a towel around her hair and grabbed the other one and wrapped it around her small frame. She stepped out onto the rug and saw a plain light pink bag on the toilet with a tag on it. The tag simply read, "I saw this and knew I needed to see you wear it." She reaches inside the bag and picked up a mauvy pink garment. She unfolded it and held it up. It was a deep v-neck short sleeved romper with a lacy maxi dress overlay. The sheer lacy sleeves came to her elbows and the skirt part had slits up to her mid thigh, just under where the shorts of the romper stopped. It was gorgeous but too low cut to wear now.

Tommy must have known that she would have taken issue with the deep cut of the neck line so inside the pink back was a plain pink camisole in the same mauvy pink with just a small gather at the bust to even out the texture. She smiled and also found a sexy bra and panty set the made her blush. It was a simple white braw with a peachy lace detail along the bottom edge and it had a cool, slinky feel to it, signature of modal material. The matching panties were the same; white with peach lace around the waistline and the same modal material. She smiled to herself and shook her head then proceeded to dry off and get dressed in her new outfit. She blow dried her hair and brushed it and left it down. Then quickly made her way down to the kitchen where everyone waited.

"I am so sorry to keep you waiting," Kimberly said with a smile as she came into the kitchen with her coffee cup. She noted the expression on Tommy's face when she entered the room in the surprise he'd left in the bathroom. Not a stitch of make up on her face but she still glowed radiantly and he stared unapologetically for the better part of a minute. She ignored it though as she hugged the DelGado's and shook the social workers hand.

"So Tommy told us that you have chosen a name for this beautiful little girl," the social worker asked as she motioned to the car seat where the baby was waiting. Kimberly smiled and immediately unbuckled her and picked her up. She snuggled her little heel to her cheek and gave her a gentle kiss on her tiny forehead.

"Yes," Kimberly answered and turned to Mrs. DelGado, "We have decided to call her Elena Divina Oliver because Elena means 'bright one' and Divina means 'divine'. I hope that it is okay with you?"

"It is a beautiful, perfect name for her," Mrs. DelGado cried and she turned to look at her husband who remained quiet. Really thinking about it, Kimberly wasn't sure she had ever heard the man say anything. After a minute he cleared his throat and stood, Tommy moved around the counter to stand just behind Kimberly and put his arm around her waist.

"Would it be to much to ask to hyphenate our last name and yours," Mr. DelGado asked, in a raspy voice. Kimberly looked to Tommy because she didn't know the answer.

"I don't see a problem with that," Tommy said and Kimberly sighed with a smile, unaware that she had been holding her breath until that moment.

"Elena Divina DelGado-Oliver," the social worker spoke absentmindedly as she wrote the name down in her paperwork. She looked up at the young couple and the older couple and her jaw dropped a little.

"Wow," she uttered.

"What," Tommy asked, as Kimberly handed Elena over to her grandmother for a minute.

"It's just...well...honestly, if I didn't know any different, looking at the five of you just now, I'd have thought you were already family," she said, still a bit stunned by the uncanny resemblance between them all, "Here, let me take a picture. Can you all stand together?"

They did and Mrs. DelGado banded Elena back to Kimberly, who held her at and angle so she could be seen in the picture as well. They smiled and their social worker snapped a picture from her phone. She turned it for the group to see.

"Wow," Kimberly said, with Tommy nodding, "That is so incredible."

"Can you send that to me," Tommy asked and the social worker nodded.

"You two," Mrs. DelGado said, watching Tommy and Kimberly stare at the sweet baby girl in Kimberly's arms, "You two were sent from Heaven to watch over this baby. You were meant to be her parents. I can feel it." Kimberly smiled and she nodded as a tear escaped down her cheek.

"I didn't know I could love somebody this much," she said looking from face to face in the room, "I feel like my heart might burst."

"Me too, Kim," Tommy said, gently brushing his hand over the sleeping baby's head.

"Thank you," Kimberly said, looking up at the DelGado's with tears falling down her face, "You have no idea how much all of this means to us."

They filled out and signed all of the necessary papers and they gave the social worker a tour of the house, which they had had baby proofed while the repairs were being made. They showed her the nursery that was almost complete, they just needed to finish painting and then move the furniture in. They had been slowly purchasing what they needed since the process had begun. Kimberly had also been offered a position to coach at Reefside Highschool and she had interviewed and accepted. She also began taking online college courses to pursue her degree in education so that she could teach as well one day. She felt like she had a fresh start now and she had her friends that brought her here and Tommy to thank for it. The only thing they needed to do was set a wedding date.

"Have you decided on the other request that Mrs. DelGado had," the social worker asked. Kimberly nodded as she buckled Elena back into her car seat.

"We are planning our wedding as we speak," Tommy said, giving Elena his finger that she promptly pulled into her mouth to gum.

"Do you have a date," she asked.

"I was thinking October," Kimberly said, looking at Tommy. He just nodded.

"Well, you do know that per the agreement, you have to be married before I can release her to you," she said, causing both Tommy and Kimberly to lock their eyes on her.

"Well, Hell," Tommy said, "We can go down to the courthouse tomorrow and do it if that's what we need to do."

"No," Mrs. DelGado spoke up, "I am satisfied that there will be a wedding in October and I don't want you to rush and do this because of me. Can you make that change in the papers?"

"I can," the social worker said, "But we will have to sign the amendment."

"That's fine," everyone agreed.

"Well then my work here is done," the social worker said, "I will get all of this submitted and hopefully you can come pick her up from me next week."

Kimberly smiled and kissed Elena and then Mrs. DelGado kissed her as well. The two men said goodbye and they watched the social worker leave with their baby girl once more.

"Is like to have the two of you there when we get married," Kimberly suddenly said, "It would mean so much to me."

"We would be honored, my dear," Mr. DelGado said, taking her hand and kissing it.

"Have you picked out a dress," Mrs. DelGado asked and Kimberly shook her head, "Let me know when you do and I will make your veil for you, if you'd like?"

"I would love that," Kimberly said, giving the older woman a big hug.

Kimberly made sure to write down the couples address so that she could send invitations to them and then she and Tommy walked them to their car and watched them leave from their place on the porch.

"So," Tommy said, "October, huh?"

"Yes," Kimberly responded and looked up at him. He kissed her lips, something he'd been longing to do since she had come down stairs.

"Come on," he said, "I'm starving, let's go out to eat." She just giggled and nodded. She slipped on her brown wedges and followed him out to the car.

They found themselves at a nice little family diner for a late breakfast. They chatted after they had placed their orders, both getting bacon and eggs with toast and pancakes. They were starving.

"So what do you want to do today," he asked.

"I don't know," she said between bites of food, "Maybe finish painting so we can get the furniture moved in the nursery."

"Okay," he said, "I was thinking we should probably go shopping for clothes and blankets and diapers and things like that."

"Sure," she said, looking up from her plate at him. He had this far away look on his face as he looked out the window.

"Tommy, what's wrong," she asked. He purses his lips and shook his head a little bit.

"Nothing," he said, still staring out the window.

"Liar," she accused.

"I just keep thinking that this should have been us five years ago," he said, looking down at his hands and then back at her, "Like we could have had this the whole time if I had fought for you then." She reached across the table and took his hand in hers.

"Tommy, you can't dwell on it," she said, rubbing the back of his hand, "I made the biggest mistake of my life when I sent you that letter and I regret it every day but I wouldn't change it." His head shot up and he looked at her like she had just punched him in the stomach. She gave him a gentle smile and squeezed his hand.

"Everything that has happened since that letter, it's shaped who I have become. I'm not the naive, valley girl I was. I've seen life from a drastically different perspective. I don't judge because I know not everything is what it seems. I've lived in fear and it's made me more aware of everything. I've changed so much and it's because of what I have experienced. And because of it all, it brought me back to you and it brought us Elena. I regret it, Tommy but I wouldn't change it. Changing it means losing the positive things I've gained and those things, I wouldn't trade."

"You know," he said, meeting her eyes, "You amaze me with your wisdom sometimes." He stood slightly and reached across the table and kissed her forehead just as his phone buzzed.

"Who is it," Kim asked.

"I'm not sure," he said, getting up, "I'm gonna step outside for a minute." She just nodded as he answered the phone and stepped outside to take the call. She sat and nervously pushed what was left of her food around the plate until he came back, five minutes later.

"I'm so sorry, Kim," he said, "It was just some work nonsense. I handled it."

"Well I'm glad it wasn't anything serious," she said, taking his hand in hers across the table.

The day was spent baby shopping. They got clothes and toys and diapers and furniture. Kimberly convinced him to let her put up black out curtains in their bedroom so she wouldn't get blasted by the sun every morning and he managed to convince her to expand her tiny wardrobe just a little. They found themselves laughing their way up the front steps late that evening. They were bantering about memories from their Ranger days and he leaned in and kissed her lips as he put the key in the door. He turned the knob and she pushed the door open as her arms were already on their up rest around his neck. He pulled her in even closer to him and marveled at the moment. She looked beyond gorgeous in the outfit he'd surprised her with and now all he's wanted to do was pick her up, take her upstairs and take it off of her. After making love to her for the first time in nearly a decade, he found himself craving her all day long.

Kimberly kissed him with such fire. The sensation that erupted up and down her body with his hands touching her sides and then roaming up and down her back had her aching to be with him again. She hadn't felt like this in so long. She couldn't keep from touching him all day. Either she was holding his hand or had her arms around his waist while she had been tucked into his side on the escalator at the mall, just something. She missed his touch, his kiss, his everything. She too, had been craving him all day. She felt like she could melt into him and she wouldn't notice or care.

As their kiss deepened and his hands climbed higher up her sides to just the bottom of her rib cage where he was about to suggest they move this upstairs, a set of headlights were coming up the drive way. Tommy and Kim looked in the direction and squinted into the light in surprise.

"Are we expecting anyone," she asked.

"Well, we weren't," he said, now disappointed that his earlier phone call hadn't taken his advice at all.

"What do you mean," she asked, looking at him without dropping her arms from around his neck.

"Kim, the call I got earlier," he said, looking at her and hoping she would be okay, "It wasn't from work. It was..."

"Kimberly," came a voice she hadn't heard in what seemed like forever. Her head whipped around in the direction of the sound and walking toward her, to her shock, was her mother.

"Mom," she uttered, starting to shake and tears spilled down her face as she looked from her mother to Tommy and back again, "Mom!" She bolted from Tommy's side and ran into the waiting arms of her mother. Both Hart women lost in uncontrollable sobs as they held onto each other.

"Oh my baby," Carol Hart cried, hugging her daughter close to her, "I am so so sorry. If I had known any of it. If I had known...I have missed you so much. I thought you were dead. We looked for you for so long..."

"I'm okay, Mom," Kimberly cried, as her mother held her at arms length and really looked at her daughter, "I survived. I made it out. I might not have, if it hadn't been for ..."

"Tommy," Carol finished and she followed her daughters gesture to the man on the porch with his hands in his pockets. Carol, many years ago had not had the best opinion in her daughters choice of boyfriend but she stood here now knowing that he was the best thing she could have asked for for her daughter. Carol looked at her daughter and hugged her once more. Then she walked toward him and he met her half away. Carol just looked at him for the longest time. Tommy stood there, not sure what to say. Carol took him by surprise when she pulled him into her arms and hugged him tightly, fresh tears spilling.

"Thank you," she said to him, "Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea what you've given us."

"I think I do," he said, hugging her back, "I'm glad I could help."

"You've done more than help, Tommy," Carol said, "My daughter looks like my daughter again. The pictures and reposted you sent with your letter, I almost couldn't bear to see them. Seeing her here..." Carol turned and took Kimberly's hand and pulled her closer to them, "...seeing her with you. You look like my Kimberly again. I haven't seen you in so long my sweet girl."

"I know, Mom," Kim said, "we have so much to tell you."

"Your father and brother are here too," Carol said, gesturing to the car where Kim saw the men waiting. She ran to them and hugged them both. Tommy made the wise suggestion to take the reunion inside where there was more light and they could all catch up.

Kimberly explained most of her story and Tommy helped her with the more difficult parts. Tommy talked through how Kimberly came back into his life, how she almost died in his arms and they both discussed happenings since the day she found herself on his property. They took care to leave out the Power Ranger part but yeh rest was explained. It was a lot for Carol and her ex husband and her son to take in.

"So you two have been here, together, for three months,"'Kim's brother, Stephen said, "And you're adopting a baby and getting married?" He seemed shocked and a little angry.

"Yes," Kimberly answered, "I know it seems like a lot but..."

"A lot," Stephen cut her off, standing up form his seat at the dining room table, "It's crazy! You don't get out of one hell to dive head first into another one! Let alone starting a family with someone you've spent three months with!"

"Whoa," Tommy said, standing as well, "First of all, we've known each other a hell of a lot longer than three months.

Secondly, you know nothing about me because if you did, you would know that I am the polar opposite of the douche bag that nearly killed her. I'm not about to let someone else treat her like that."

"Cause playing the knight in shining armor and then brainwashing her into marriage and a baby doesn't make you a..." The sentence got lost as Kim's father and mother weighed in with their opinions and the atmosphere took on a heavier tone. It soon became too much as the other four adults in the room bickered about her and what they thought was right for her while she was sitting right there.

"STOP IT," Kimberly yelled, everyone's eyes darted to her and silence reigned the room. Tommy sat next to her and rubbed her back.

"Kimmie, we just think..." Stephen Sr. began.

"I said stop," Kimberly interrupted, glaring at her father, then her brother but her gaze lightened up on her mother, "I know that you all think you know what is best for me. But I have spent the last decade of my life having other other person, making decisions for me. No more. You can agree with it or not but I'm not wasting any more of my life on what the rest of the world thinks I should be doing or not doing. I get to decide when I'm healed. I get to decide what I want. I get to decide who I want. So please, just stop." They all looked at each other and Carol sighed and reached across the table and took her daughters hand.

"Sweetie, we just want you to be safe and careful and..." Carol started to say but she looked at her daughters face and then at her other hand. Kimberly was white knuckles holding Tommy's hand. She leaned into him but there was no fear in her face. There was no sense of suppression in her demeanor. Looking at the two of them and how Tommy held her daughter into him, as if to protect her from any oncoming danger, how he looked at her like she were the thread of his life holding him together. Carol knew there was no safer place for Kimberly to be. No one could love her daughter more than this man except maybe herself. She knew they were meant to be.

"You know what," Carol said, squeezing Kimberly's hand and looking at her ex husband and her son, "We're wrong. This is the best place for her. All she needs now is our love and our support."

"Thank you, Mom," Kimberly said, giving her a smile.

"Why don't we all get to bed," Tommy said, "You guys have traveled far enough and we're all tired. We can spend tomorrow morning discussing everything some more."

"Do you all have a hotel," Kim asked and they nodded.

"Why don't you stay here," Tommy suggested, "There's a small guest bedroom just off of the foyer and the couch in the living room has a pullout bed."

"That's very kind of you Tommy," Carol said, "Thank you."

"Thank you," Stephen Sr. said, "And I apologize for being so judgmental."

"It's okay, sir," Tommy said, "I would feel the same about my own daughter."

Kimberly showed her mother and father to the smaller spare room on the first floor while Tommy and her brother got the pull out couch set up for him.

"Listen man," Stephen said, "I'm sorry too. You seem like a decent guy and I know you've been amazing to my sister. It's just hard not to be over protective. Especially knowing now..."

"Hey, I get it," Tommy said, unfolding sheets for the bed, "It's okay. You're allowed to be that way. It's like your job as the older brother. But I promise you, I'm never going to hurt her. I couldn't. She's been the love of my life since I was sixteen. Seeing her that first day, I felt like somebody had knocked the wind out of me. Watching her almost die in my arms, it felt like I was dying too. So please trust me when I say that nothing will ever hurt her again. Not as long as I'm breathing."

"I do, bro,"'Stephen said, holding out his hand. Tommy took it and they did that weird bro hug thing guys do and then Tommy said goodnight and headed upstairs. As he entered his bedroom, the door closed behind him. He turned to see Kimberly's hand on the doorknob. He turned fully to look at her. She stood there in his favorite red and black plaid button down that she left unbuttoned. She only wore a pair of black panties with a black lace trim around the top. His shirt was neatly draped over her her bare breasts and her hair hung in a sexy mess over shoulders. She was biting her bottom lip and looking at him with those come hither eyes. She sauntered closer to him and backed him to the bed. She walked her fingers up his chest, slid them just under his collar and pulled him to her lips.

"God Kim," he groaned, "I've wanted you all day but your parents..."

"Ssshhh," she said, pressing a finger to his lips, "We'll be quiet." He smiled as she kissed him again. He growled a little against her lips and picked her up with one arm around her waist and turned and they both fell on the bed. She had to stifle a giggle and he smiled at her, while brushing hair from her face.

"I love you, Beautiful," he said.

"I love you too," she whispered, "Thank you."

"For what," he asked with a furrowed brow.

"For giving me my life back," she said and then she kissed him fiercely.