Disclaimer: Torchwood isn't mine, not a single bit of it. It all belongs to the bigwigs at the BBC and whoever else. I'm just playing with some pretty toys and I promise I'll give them back when I'm done.

Warning: OK, this is Torchwood. Do I need to tell you about Jack and Ianto? No? I thought not.

Author's Note: This is a sequel to lifeproof's story "Self Control." I recommend you read that before you read this so you know what I'm talking about. And it's really, really good! This is a working title, if anyone has any ideas tell me! So, I hope you enjoy. And please, please, please leave a review!


Chapter 1 Jack Harkness and Self Control

Jack Harkness and self control did not go together. Ianto was very aware of this - very aware. So was it very surprising that he and Gwen couldn't keep their hands off each other when they were trapped in a lift together? Nope, no sir. Not surprising at all.

Ianto told himself that he didn't mind. That he was over Jack Harkness. Or, at least, that's what he tried to tell himself.

But he couldn't get rid of the picture of Jack and Gwen emerging, flushed and disheveled, from the ancient lift. He'd known Jack long enough to know what that grin on his face meant. At the time he'd laughed it off. The look on Gwen's face was had been quite comical.

Now, two weeks later, he couldn't look either of them in the face. Gwen hadn't seemed to notice, but then Ianto had never been entirely comfortable around her for some reason. Jack, however, knew something was up – sort of. Someone else definitely noticed his behavior though.

Sylvia, his girlfriend for the past month and a half, started complaining about how little time he spent with her. It seemed that anytime he tried to go out with her something came up. The Rift would flare or Jack would call with some stupid question. If Ianto didn't know better he might almost say Jack was trying to get between them.

Ianto knew he was acting like a slighted lover, but he couldn't help himself. He knew Jack wasn't a one man type of guy, that fact had been made very clear to him in the first weeks of their "relationship." But Ianto still found himself half inventing reasons to stay late at the Hub, or take unimportant paperwork to Jack in his office just so he could watch Jack sign off on it.

Of course, seeing Jack all bent over the desk like that made Ianto think of all the times the desk had been used for activities other than signing papers. Once Jack was done Ianto usually had to hold the papers over himself as he beat a hasty retreat to the archives or the Tourist Office. He knew Jack knew what the papers were hiding, but he didn't say anything and Ianto certainly wasn't going to bring the subject up.

So silence reigned and Ianto found himself becoming increasingly desperate. It all came to a head one Friday night.

Ianto was supposed to be meeting Sylvia and some of her friends at a pub for drinks. Just as he was heading for the cog door and freedom Jack called out behind him.

"Hey, Ianto! You busy?"

Ianto froze and closed his eyes. Of all days...

"Ianto?" Jack's voice was loud and insistent.

So Ianto fixed a smile on his face and turned to face him. "Yes, sir?"

"Are you busy?"


"Good! Toshiko got some funny readings from that warehouse we cleaned out a couple of weeks ago. Remember it?" Of course Ianto remembered, he could feel his eyes glazing at the thought of it. "Anyway, I thought maybe we could go and check it out?"

Ianto frowned, "She didn't say anything about funny readings."

"Yeah well, she mentioned them to me just before she left." Jack stuck his hands in his pockets. "They're not that serious, but we should check it out. Just in case."

Ianto took a deep breath, Sylvia would kill him if he didn't come. But Jack was asking for him, something he hadn't since the previous trip to the warehouse. "Alright, just give me a moment."

"Take your time. I'll get a scanner and the guns." Jack headed off as Ianto pulled out his mobile. He didn't have the courage to talk to Sylvia so he'd just text her. He had just pressed the send button when Jack appeared at his side, "Ready?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Ready and willing." The grin Jack gave was highly suggestive and Ianto couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Let's go then."