Disclaimer: I do not own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or X-Men, The Amazing Spiderman, or anything else in the Marvel Comics universe that might be referenced.

Chapter 2

Before they left, Leonardo managed to pack as many ninja weapons as they had. Donatello packed five com-links and whatever invention he was currently working on. Raphael had a tough time deciding what, if anything, to bring. He settled on an obnoxiously big boom box. Michelangelo had no difficulties at all – he packed their four skateboards and his lucky pizza slicer. Splinter, amused at his sons' selections, packed a suitcase full of kimonos, bandanas, utility belts, wristbands, and elbow and knee guards.

It was decided that the manhole in front of the Jacob Javits Center was a bit conspicuous, and the better destination was a manhole on 12th Avenue, not far from the more or less empty lot across the street from the convention center. As they started on the way back, Logan had a question or two. "The professor, Charles Xavier, is a telepath. With the help of a machine called Cerebro, he can connect with the mind of anyone born with the X-gene. He didn't find you years ago because you weren't born with it. If you don't mind my asking, how did you come to be as you are?"

Splinter gave a sad smile. His own part in the story wasn't his favorite, but it did explain how he received his beloved sons. "Once fully human, and perhaps what you might call Normal, I had my reasons for leaving Japan and taking to living in the sewers. I prefer not to discuss them. Having sufficient resources to survive, I spent most of my time in meditation, in personal training, and in training sewer rats as pets.

"One day, a young boy dropped a glass fishbowl containing four baby turtles which shattered the glass, and they fell down a storm drain. I found them, and left to take them to the place I then called home. On the way, a powerful mutagen spilled on us from above. The effect of this mutagen was to combine the genetic material of the species it landed on with the species it had the most contact with. With the turtles, they had contact with the pet shop employees, the boy, and then with me. So they became more human. I had the most contact with the sewer rats."

Logan thought about this. "Fair enough."

Leonardo picked up the thread of conversation. "We found the boy years later. His name is Zach. He told us that the pet shop owner explained that we were hatchmates, probably within seconds of each other. But normal turtles develop at a much different rate than humans, so those few seconds between us carried into the human mutation as if it were a few years of difference in development. So while we all hatched on the same day, those few seconds translated to approximately a year or two between me, then Donatello, then Raphael, and then Michelangelo." He smiled. "So never question the importance of a few seconds." They continued to walk in contemplative silence.

Passing back through the scene of the battle with Bebop and Rocksteady, they heard a muffled, "Mmm mmm mmm mmm!" from the vents of the supply closet.

Donatello's purple bandana bunched where he would have peaked his eyebrows. "They had to wake up some time."

"Who did?" Logan asked.

"Bebop and Rocksteady. The Mutants you probably heard me complaining about when we first caught sight of each other." Raphael grimaced. 'So much for first impressions,' he thought ruefully.

"Who are Bebop and Rocksteady?"

Leonardo sighed. "Our most common enemy – the Shredder – has a connection with some serious geneticists who produce weaponized mutagens that wreak havoc on local biology. One of Shredder's experiments included two social deviants. I wouldn't be surprised if he used the same mutagen that created us on these guys. Bebop is a warthog, and Rocksteady is a rhinoceros. Between the three of them, they keep us hopping."

"No," Michelangelo quipped, "That was Attila, Rasputin, Napoleon, and Ghengis." His brothers groaned. He giggled as he explained. "They're mutant frogs. Unlike Bebop and Rocksteady, who started human, the Frogs started as frogs and became as human as we are. By giving them their names, Shredder hoped they'd become as fierce as their names suggest."

He took a moment to collect himself. "Unlike us, who were baby turtles at the time of our mutation, the Frogs were fully grown before theirs. So when they became more human, they already had fully developed personalities. They're kinda happy-go-lucky. Like…" He giggled again. "More mature, laid back versions of me."

Raphael rolled his eyes. "You gotta hand it to him. He's honest and accurate."

Donatello offered, "They live in Florida. I'm not sure how mail gets to them, as they live in the Okefenokee Swamp, but they have a system that works for them. They're kind of like weird, older cousins. Chronologically, we're older, but… whatever. It's a trick of genetics." Logan smiled. These kids were characters.

A disturbing thought came to Logan. "Shouldn't we let… your assailants out or something?" It occurred to him that the Turtles leaving their attackers in an abandoned supply closet would be dooming them to die of starvation. Though Logan had no problem killing people who threatened him or the people around him, he didn't think that kids who could be as sweet as they seemed to be were emotionally capable of being killers, even as he recognized that these kids could probably stand to register their hands as deadly weapons.

Raphael looked back at the door, and turned to Logan. "Nah. That supply closet is due for inspection by Con Edison in a couple of days. Their hands and feet are bound, and they're gagged, but otherwise, they're perfectly safe." He grinned. "Besides them, there's nothing in that closet but three shelving units flush with the walls, a pull-string light, and the extension cords binding them."

Leonardo shrugged. "They're fine, they're safe, and when the Con Ed people find them in a couple of days, they will either have the jerks arrested for trespassing, or they'll be turned loose. Either way, we will be a long way away from them and whatever plot Shredder had in store for us."

Logan's faith in these guys was restored. "So why is this 'Shredder' character after you?"

Splinter, who listened silently to his children's banter, said "That is part of what I'd prefer not to discuss. Just know that Oroku Saki, the Shredder, is without honor." Logan raised his eyebrows. He did not know what this Shredder did to tick these people off, but he understood that Splinter indicated he was the lowest of the low.

Even though the professor and Magneto were rivals, they understood that it was nothing personal (Logan had difficulty understanding that), and they were still friends even though they were the bitterest enemies. The professor might say that – warped as he is, Magneto had honor, perhaps by what he guessed were Splinter's standards. And the Hamato family's collective enemy was without honor. Interesting.

"If these guys give you so much trouble, why don't you call the police?"

Raphael looked like he quirked an eyebrow. "While they love giving us a hard time, we have an unwritten agreement. We don't call the authorities on each other. Can you imagine what they'd do if they actually took our fingerprints?" He held up a three-fingered hand. "The media, on the other hand…" He rolled his eyes.

Donatello frowned. "That isn't usually directly their fault."

"Then whose fault is it?"

"Raphael, whatever else Shredder and his guys actually do, they aren't the ones writing and reporting the stories, or planting cameras in unlikely places to get a shot of us." Donatello tapped his chin. "I may want to talk to this Peter Parker some day, though. To be fair, though, his pictures (few though they are – we are practiced ninjas) are geared to paint us in the best light. If Jameson had the personal vendetta against us that he does against Spiderman, we might have even more media complications than we do have because of Burne Thompson."

Leonardo shook his head. "So, when the Con Ed guys find them, these thugs will be Con Ed's problem to deal with."

Raphael crossed his arms. "I say, 'Good riddance to bad rubbish.' I wouldn't be surprised if, during their purely human lives, they had rap sheets a mile long. But Shredder is a…"

"Raphael! No!" snapped Splinter.

"Yes, Master Splinter," he said contritely. He hung his head for a few seconds. "But let's just say that he's good at covering the tracks of these idiots." He looked back to his Sensei, who nodded in approval.

It was fascinating to watch this family in action. Logan hadn't seen this level of respect for authority since he visited Japan. It made sense that Splinter would raise his kids with the morés of the society he was from. It would be interesting to see how they got along back at the school.

The path diverged from where Logan initially started following them. Leonardo grabbed the ladder to begin the ascent, but Logan covered his hand. "Let me go up first. While the professor is prepared for anything, you might find it useful if I give Dr. McCoy a heads-up." Leonardo nodded and waited with his father and brothers.

Charles smiled. "I take it you found our elusive Mutant friends."

Logan grinned. "That I did, Professor. Hank, you might be surprised to know they look less human than you do." Dr. McCoy raised his eyebrows. Logan figured that was enough of a warning. "Come on up, guys. They're as ready as they're going to be."

Together, Professor Xavier and Dr. McCoy looked on curiously as the manhole disgorged four teenaged turtles and a five-foot rat that favored a walking stick when he wasn't climbing ladders. All of them took a moment to study each other as Logan performed the introductions. "The four new students are Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. And this is Professor Charles Xavier."

Michelangelo deduced, "So you must be Dr. McCoy!"

The addressed man raised his eyebrows again. "So I am. How did you know?"

"Logan told us you were blue and furry."

The scientist aimed a withering glare at Logan, who protested, "Hey – at the time it was necessary, Fur-face."

The four Turtles stared, appalled by the epithet. "Don't worry about it. We've got history. Long history."

They turned to face the doctor. "Really, children, don't fret. It is of no concern."

Splinter rapped his walking stick on the ground, garnering the Turtles' attention. "And you will only address this man as Dr. McCoy."

They chorused, "Yes, Master Splinter."

Charles smiled. "And you must be Mr. Hamato."

Splinter gazed at the professor. "I have not been so addressed for a very long time, Professor."

"You may call me Charles."

Looking at his boys, Splinter directed, "And you will call him Professor Xavier, or simply Professor."

Again, they chorused, "Yes, Master Splinter." Raphael looked mutinous, chafing at the specific difference in address, thinking it was unfair. Leonardo cuffed him upside the head.

Raphael yelped, "Hey!"

Leonardo crossed his arms. "You should know better."

Raphael frowned bitterly for a second, but realized that first of all, his older brother was right. Second of all, this was the first time any of the brothers were exposed to a teacher besides their Sensei. From that perspective, the difference in address made a lot more sense. "Sorry, Sensei. Sorry, Professor."

Splinter frowned in censure, until the professor said, "It's quite alright, Raphael. This will be a learning experience for all of us." Then Splinter nodded in approval of his son. Raphael did well.

Charles looked at the people before him. A better rapport with the boys would be beneficial. "Raphael, tell me. What do you like to do?"

He thought for a moment. "I like music. I like figuring people out. I don't know. Sometimes I like to take time to be by myself and figure things out on my own."

The answers intrigued him. "Do you figure things out?"


The professor smiled warmly. "I hope you will find fewer painful, stress-filled moments to unravel and have more time to explore and enjoy your music." Raphael smiled. He could learn to like this guy.

"Michelangelo, what are you interested in?"

The addressed Turtle grinned hugely. "Cooking. I've had a lot of fun experimenting. It will be totally awesome to learn how Turtle taste buds compare to others, and see if I can't tempt them, too."

The child's grin was infectious. "What about your Sensei?"

Michelangelo sighed. "It's different. Master Splinter prefers a simpler diet. It's what he enjoyed in the Old Country. But checkin' out what other teens are into will be totally tubular!" He thought for a moment. "And when we have down time, skateboarding is the best way to go. It's a great exercise for balance, and it gives you perspective when you realize what you can make wheels do."

Charles laughed. "I imagine you're right. I'm sure you might teach me a thing or two, though you'll forgive me if I choose to move a bit slower."

Michelangelo blushed. "I didn't mean…"

"It's fine. And I meant what I said. I would like to see what you can do, sometime." Michelangelo's smile returned.

The professor looked at the two older brothers. Before he could decide who to question next, the decision was taken out of his hands. Donatello asked, "Do you think I can come back and get more stuff at a later time? I've invented all kinds of machines and gadgets, but it seemed important only to take what we can carry, for now."

"Of course you can. There are regularly scheduled vacation times, and this City is a frequent location for field trips. Plus, there are any number of opportunities to come back for any reason."

Logan reminded him, "I told you this is a school, not a prison. There will be rules, but they are geared to keep you safe, not captive."

Donatello frowned. "I know. I just…" He shrugged. "This is the first time I can ever really remember moving. And my hobbies have a tendency to take up more space than most."

Charles nodded. "I imagine that you and Dr. McCoy will spend quite a bit of time together." Donatello looked to the blue fellow, who nodded.

"You must be very creative, and I am curious to see what you have come up with."

Finally! Donatello found someone who was as interested in understanding how stuff worked as much as he did. He beamed.

The professor looked to the eldest. "And what about you, Leonardo?"

"I spend most of my spare time meditating, practicing, and strategizing." He thought for a moment. "I guess I like learning philosophy, and applying it in life lessons."

Charles said, "With interests like that, you are probably an effective leader."

Leonardo looked at the professor, and then looked back at his Sensei and brothers who nodded their confirmation. Raphael rolled his eyes, but also nodded. Leonardo smiled. "I do the best I can."

The professor smiled. "I'm sure you do. I hope all of you will enjoy coming to our school. Welcome aboard." And with that, all eight of them entered the jet and took off to Westchester.

The Turtles and Splinter have taken advantage of the educational opportunity.