She's perfect like this.

a/n: OK so I've had this in my mind for a while so I needed to get it down. Maybe a one shot maybe more. Not sure. Review and let me know what you think.

Background: Rory has just been accepted into Yale. She is still dating Dean (please don't hate me). Jess is with Shane.

Disclaimer: Don't own.

Jess walked into the diner followed by his girlfriend. What he found was that despite it being after closing, both Gilmore girls were here. Music blaring as they danced around the diner. Luke watching them with a mixture of fondness and annoyance.

'What's that the result of?' Jess smirked as the song switched to girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper.

'More sugar than I thought possible to consume, about 16 cups of coffee and an acceptance letter into Yale.' Luke replied looking over at Shane who was leaning against the counter chewing gum.

'She got in?' Jess tried to hide the smile from his face, and the happiness in his voice but Luke picked up on it.

'Never doubted her.' Luke smiled.

'Oh Lukey! We need coffee. All empty see.' Lorelai said swirling past, holding up her empty cup.

'No more. You've had enough.' Luke said firmly. Rory jumped up and down loudly screaming at the top of her lungs "Oh Girls just wanna have, that's all they really want...Some fun." She sang along, a huge grin on her face as she danced with her mum. She'd noticed Jess and Shane enter but wasn't going to let anything bring her down from this high.

'But Luke we're celebrating, we cannot celebrate without coffee, I can't function without coffee. Even now I can feel myself shutting down, heart slowing, breath irregular, head spinning, unable to carry on without the cure, must have coffee before I fall, I feel so sleepy without it, I need the pretty liquid or else I may have to stop celebrating, which would upset Rory. You don't want to upset Rory.' Lorelai pleaded.

'One more cup. That's it.' Luke sighed pouring her another cup, and then one for Rory.

'Thanks Luke.' Both girls sang out sipping the liquid like it was their life support, then carried on dancing.

'How many last cups has she managed to get out of you Uncle Luke?' Jess asked looking up from the book he was pretending to read, whilst actually his attention was fully focused on Rory. Who was currently spinning round with her mum, laughing loudly.

'Shut up.' Luke replied gruffly. Going behind the counter.

'Jess I'm bored.' Shane sulked. Jess rolled his eyes and sighed, sometimes, no actually most of the time, Shane really bugged him. He looked over at Rory, she was never clingy, or annoying. She was smart and caring. She was everything Shane wasn't.

'So go find something to do.' Jess said looking back at his book.

'Can't you take me out? I wanna go see a movie or something. I hear they are playing Lord Of The Rings. We could go see that again.' Shane suggested, inspecting one of her nails.

'While the thought of seeing that awful movie again isn't entirely unappealing, I think I'll stay here.' Jess said sarcastically. He saw Rory's smile and smirked at her, as she continued dancing happily.

'Whatever. I'm out, will I see you tomorrow?' She asked.

'Well that depends, have you got eyes? Because really since you eat here now every morning, and we go to the same school and this town is what 2 miles total. I'd say there's a pretty good chance.' Jess was really getting annoyed. Shane just rolled her eyes, kissed him then walked out. Leaving Jess to go back to watching Rory dance around happily.

'I love her like this.' Jess said quietly. Not realising Luke was by his side again.

'Huh?' Luke said. Jess looked at him, then shook his head, he didn't want to admit to it, yet found the words slipping out.

'Like this, just happy and free, dancing with her mum with a cup of coffee in one hand, a cupcake in the other, and a book in her jacket pocket.' Jess sighed to himself, not going unnoticed by Luke. 'She's perfect like this.' He added before going upstairs.

a/n: So what do you think? One Shot? Or should I continue? If I get plenty of reviews saying to continue then I will. So please review. x