Chapter 1 – Don't Panic.

Rei pushed her way through the crowds of people aligning the streets of Tokyo, the entire downtown area was filled with citizens cheering and celebrating. Holding a bag filled with groceries, the miko stumbled between elbows and backs until she reached the safe and empty park just outside the business area. Huffing and puffing, she walked annoyed through the green gardens, which much to her displeasure, was the long way back to the temple. As she made her way through, a strange situation transpired; a group of eight or ten policemen made a circle around an unknown object, not until one of them swung out his nightstick and began to beat down did Rei notice it was person. A sudden yearning to do something invaded the miko but it was useless, she could not act as citizen or as senshi and despite the burning sensation in her stomach, she continued her path, making a mental note to comment the brutality to her friends.

It was no surprise to see Ami carrying a book or two wherever it was that she went. But today she held no books at all, instead her hands held two things; a large suitcase and a sleeping bag tucked neatly under her arm. But most amazingly of all was not her lack of reading material or her over packed luggage; it was the out of character outfit that raised eyebrows on that sunny August morning. A puffy blue jacket sagged against her shoulders despite the thick sweater clinging against her body; her large cargo pants hid the fact that she wore brand new hiking boots, which even against the cement sidewalk made a loud, thumping noise.

Usagi dumped piles of clothes into her already full suitcase, mouth stuffed with a rice ball, she didn't even realize half of the garments she was packing were summer clothes. Smacking herself on the head, she quickly emptied the bulging bag and continued clumsily packing appropriate clothes. The blonde panicked as she heard her mother stomping up the stairs, surely the older woman had gotten fed up with her belated daughter. Usagi forced the clothing into the suitcase, jumped on it and with all her strength managed to snap it shut, with time to spare to look innocently at her mother as she entered the room.

The streets were filled with angry people, mainly young, as Makoto left her apartment building and eagerly pushed her way through the screaming and protesting crowd. Once out of the way she looked back and found the scene very odd and off-putting. The protesters were mostly college students and she even recognized two or three from her high school. They all held large anti-government signs, some wore black masks and threw rotten fruit at police who tried to calm the situation. Those that did not wear masks and did not throw fruit were holding all kinds of law books and they demanded something be done for the apparent injustice done by the government. The tall brunette shrugged to accommodate her backpack and continued her long walk to the temple.

Minako walked proudly up the stone steps of the Shinto shrine, positively sure she was the first to arrive. Behind her, Yuichiro heaved two very large, very flamboyant suitcases, which were completely inappropriate for the vacation she was about to take. The blonde arrived to the top and walked importantly into the sacred building, Yuichiro just barely able to catch up with her. Once inside she lazily threw herself on Rei's bed, having her luggage brought to her, she sweetly thanked the young, exhausted miko and asked him to let her know if someone showed up. Propping herself up against a pillow, Minako grabbed the first manga she saw and quickly broke into fits of laughter as she read. Her shrieking voice was loud enough for anyone outside to wonder who was being murdered just across the door.

"Oh god, I can't believe she's already here," sighed Rei as she put the grocery bags down and ran a hand through her long hair. Minako's loud chuckles blasted against the thick concrete walls of the temple.

"Rei? Is that you? What took so long?" the blonde asked condescendingly, her surprising punctuality made it's self-known.

"Well, I'm not sure if you noticed and frankly I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't, but the streets are filled with people, it's unbelievable. I don't think it was that big of a deal," said Rei walking into the room and sitting next to Minako.

The blonde sat up properly and put the book down, "You know how people are, anything to give their boring lives a little boost. My parents didn't even vote. They say it's going to be the same thing as before".

"Well I just hope he doesn't lower the crime rate too much or else we'll be out of a job"

"Better not let the rest hear that," said Minako before hearing the entrance door of the temple slide, "Speak of the devil. I wonder who it is".

Upon hearing loud thumping footsteps against the floor the two girls immediately thought of Makoto but their surprise came when a small, smiling Ami walked into the room. "Hey, I hope I'm not too late, it was kind of hard to get everything into my bag", the small girl said settling herself into a chair in the corner.

Rei quickly turned away and pretended to rearrange some already organized books but Minako was red in the face, two seconds away from bursting.


Small specks of spit flew across the room and were followed by a terrifying fit of laughter, the blonde tried to cover her convulsing mouth but found it impossible, instead she pointed an accusing finger at a shaken Ami and threw herself against the bed.

"What? I don't get it. Why is she laughing?" asked the blue haired girl, directing herself to Rei who was two seconds away from imitating Minako.

"Don't…jiji…don't…listen to her…jiji…she's…jiji…crazy…jiji" the miko managed to stutter before hiding her crimson face behind her hand.

"I'm…I'm sorry Ami…it's just…that outfit! What were you thinking!" the blonde managed to cough out as she wiped some small tears from her eyes.

Ami stared at them for a moment before looking down at herself thoroughly "What's the matter with it? We are going camping, no?" she said still looking puzzled.

Rei finally got her composure together and walked over to the smaller girl "You're right, we are going camping and it's the right thing to wear, it just looks…different on you. Come on, let's go into the living room and wait for the others," she said tapping Ami lightly on the shoulder before moving into the next room.

"Different? Whatever! It looks funny!" cried Minako as she followed the two girls.

They sat facing Rei's commonly unlit chimney, only used in the most crucial moments, and talked exclusively about the recent election. All three girls experienced unusual scenarios, past years had been blatantly boring compared to the bipolar reactions this term had caused. The miko, seated closely to Minako, reminded both girls take mental note of her experience in the park.

"The police must have been keeping order", whispered Ami with a worried voice.

Minako quickly turned to look at Rei who held an unconvincing look, "I don't think so, the guy looked like another protester, as much as they bawled they weren't being overly aggressive, I just think it was police violence"

The blonde patted the miko affectionately and smiled, "Listen, we're leaving the city for a month, by the time we get back this will be all an old story, let's have some fun! Even though Luna and Artemis are thinking we're training…jiji", giggled Minako as she pulled a tense yet grinning Rei into a hug.

Ami momentarily frowned which immediately turned into a large smile, "Fine. It's not our business anyway, as long as we return with everything in its right place", she said concerned and with a hint of embarrassment.

With a quick movement Minako detached herself from Rei's nervous body, "Ami! Calm down! It's been a wonderful year since we've had any problems! Stop sounding so…precautious! I'm just happy we have these vacations before our real life obligations begin, don't weigh on me new one's!" joked the blonde placing her arm along the sofa and her back considerably far from the the cushion so Rei could accommodate her arm there, which she did within seconds.

"Alright, I'll leave it alone", said Ami beaten, just as she spoke the entrance doors of the jinja slid and closed. All three girls turned to see Makoto standing there with a happy smile and both hands locked on her backpack.

"Sorry I'm late, there were a bunch of collage students and some from our classes forming a mob outside the apartments, seems the elections really broke some spirits, good thing I'm not the last", said the taller girl as she took a usual seat next to Ami and noticed their leader's absence.

Minako fidgeted in her seat, looking back and forth at Rei and the brunette, she quivered with excitement. "Hey Mako, see anything different with Ami?" she asked holding her mouth.

The brunette turned to look from top to bottom at the blushing girl, seeing no fault she turned to the blonde and shrugged.

Feeling flushed Rei got up and offered tea, meanwhile Minako nudged at ribs that were no longer there, undetermined she chuckled, "Don't you think Ami looks different?" she asked grinningly devilishly.

Once again Makoto examined Ami, instantly she caught on to the blonde's wicked plan. Turning to look at Minako vengefully, the brunette swiftly grabbed Ami's leg and lifted the pant to reveal a very professional hiking boot.

"Ami! These are great! They must have cost a fortune!" – Mako gazed triumphantly at the blonde- "these are more than perfect for our trip!"

The genius turned a crimson red as she heard this, a very subtle smirk invaded her face. The taller girl leaned over, her lower neck inches away from Ami's lips, inspected the apparently useful garments, hands sliding down gracefully over very thick textile and very appropriate plastic.

Rei came back with a tray filled with teacups and a small plate of cookies, she laid the tray on the table and sat next to a very disgruntled Minako. The four girls continued to discuss the strange incidents they faced during their trips to the temple. Almost all of them dismissed them as something too political for their taste, except for Ami who found it all very discomforting. Perhaps twenty or thirty minutes passed before Usagi's breath taken figure had crossed through the door; Rei eagerly reprimanded her.

"We've been waiting ages for you! The train leaves in thirty minutes! "

The two pig-tailed blonde dumped her luggage on the ground and glared, "First of all I'm half the city away from here, second of all the streets are jammed with people and lastly the train station is a ten minute walk from here so I'm actually twenty minutes early", she said victoriously plopping herself next to Ami.

Everyone except the miko giggled in unison, the raven-haired girl barely gave herself a pity chuckle before her usual stone serious face returned to it's normal position.

"Well, since we're early" – she grinned lightly at Usagi – "let's get going", said Rei hoisting her already prepared bag and leading the way towards their vacation. Either carrying on their backs or wheeling through the streets, the five girls took their luggage though blocks still filled with people rejoice full or as unhappy as can be. But no matter what the five friends were relieved to find a long and relaxing vacation after fighting youma, dying and reliving.

Exactly as predicted it took ten minutes to get to the train station. Strangely there were many families and lonely travelers trying to leave the city; it wasn't a work holiday or anything of the sort but it was still full. Even stranger were policemen demanding identifications or equivalent paperwork, thankfully Ami had advised to at least bring a passport just in case. The five girls were successfully boarded on the train, Minako and Rei in front of Makoto and Ami and much to her dismay, Usagi in the aisle seat next to them. The trip was uneventful, the blonde and priestess either conversed pacifically or discussed hilariously, the taller girl and the genius had small yet delicious conversations until a lonely Usagi interrupted Makoto with tedious talk to which Ami would turn around annoyed but unnoticed to read. Thankfully it was a short three-hour trip. After long talks and a tasty lunch (catered by Makoto) the girls finally arrived to a wonderfully deserted forest. They were not the only one's staying there, a few foreigners also stepped out and also glimmered passionately at the mountains and sounding river awaiting them. The two groups, one of five senshi and the other of seven with a guide, parted ways, each one towards a different path and along the narrow and calming the river. The girls walked anxiously with ranging hope of their newfound home, every step weighing on them as well as their backpacks.

"Rei! Where is this place?" – moaned Usagi as she dropped her luggage onto the dirty path – "We've been walking for days!" she complained.

Minako also dropped her luggage, "I wouldn't usually mind the walk" – huffed the blonde – "but I'm pretty tired too", she said looking at Ami who rested against a tree trunk, despite having her backpack carried by an eager looking Makoto.

The priestess smirked and silently pointed a little ways up the path; with squirming eyes they could see a small jinja and a burning fire moments away. Finally receiving momentum it took no longer than five minutes to arrive to their future home for the next month. They walked into a stone-carved temple; barely with three rooms, a bathroom, and a sparring room but most importantly of all a natural jacuzzi four steps away. A short walk away was the river filled with fresh salmon to cook everyday.

Rei immediately introduced herself to the priest taking care of the place, she invited him to stay but he courteously rejected and quickly left. Gladly, all the girls unpacked their things, of coarse all of them in one cold room. Who slept with who wasn't hard to decipher; orange and red together as well as blue and green together; the fifth wheel pink in-between vertically, at least that's how the sleeping bags were arranged.

Once all five girls had settled down they stepped outside and wondered what was next. Rei immediately received four expectant looks. The miko arched an eyebrow then sighed, "I think we should try some fishing, although we have food for the next week it'll be better to get the hang of it, Mako-chan?" she said smiling at the surprised brunette.

"Right. Ami? Want to help me get the gear?" asked Makoto leading the way into the jinja, the genius walking in step behind her.

Minako gently nudged Rei on the side, "Do you have some cupid project on the side you haven't told me about?" she whispered mischievously.

"Hey! Whatever happens between them is none of our business"

The blonde chuckled under her breath, "And what about what happens between us?" she pressured.

Rei's entire face grew red, "I don't know what you mean"- slowly she turned away – "I'm going to…help with the stuff" she stuttered walking towards Makoto and Ami who had quickly returned. Minako stood grinning.

Since there were only three fishing rods the five girls decided to share. They walked excitedly towards the roaring river. Setting down packs and supplies, the girls settled over the riverbank and began to practice throwing their lines towards the fierce rapids.

Makoto was the first to catch something, a medium sized salmon, which she considered appropriate to cook and eat that evening. Although left alone, Usagi was next to reel in some food; a small feeble salmon that flew over her head as she yanked it out of the water. Rei was a little sore since she hadn't caught anything despite Minako's excited cheers; in the end the miko congratulated her leader and announced that the small catch was perfect for their feast.

While Minako had her turn at fishing, Ami tried heartedly to impress the taller girl standing behind her. After launching some failed lines that drabbled hopelessly against the current, the blue haired girl finally felt tension against her rod. With a spontaneous yelp, Ami jumped excitedly towards Makoto who took the chance and wrapped her arms around the genius's waste and pulled her back.

"What do I do? What do I do?" laughed Ami as she tugged hard against the strong water and the tingling sensation around her stomach.

The brunette holding her laughed harder, "Just…jiji…just don't let go!" she cried pulling her face into the Ami's hair which smelled incredible.

"You'd better not let go", said the smaller girl seriously before turning her head into the taller girl's, her breathe silently whistled against the Makoto's neck, her blue eyes penetrated green one's. Ami cracked a smile; the brunette grinned back and with little effort yanked the light body in her arms. Both girls soared back; a very large and delicious looking fish flew above them sending flecks of cold water all around. The two girls thumped onto the fresh grass behind them, even the fishing rod landed quite far away. It took moments before anyone moved. Ami, breathing heavily but exhilarated, turned to face Makoto who laid below her, they both smiled and blushed, the proximity and racing hearts too much to handle.

"Did you like it?" asked the brunette after long and intense seconds.

"Yes, I like it," answered the smaller girl in a daze, her body melting into Makoto's. She quickly realized her current position and lightly hoisted herself up. Turning a crimson red, Ami looked down at the taller girl's face and nervously untangled her expression and her legs from the body under.

"Woo! Looks like you two are a perfect match!" hollered Minako unabashed, two forceful hands quickly covered her mouth and pulled her back. Rei pulled the blonde into a tight embrace, both girls instantly falling down and happily wrestled each other.

Usagi turned her head in one direction and another, scratching her head she sighed, "What's going on? I don't get it".

"Nothing Usagi, Minako is just being silly" assured Ami as she got up and lingered around pretending to search for her catch, willingly she ignored Makoto who lay against her elbows and grinned.

Having composed themselves and gathered all their dinner, the girls walked back to the jinja, although uncomfortably embarrassed the blue haired genius chatted happily with the brunette who encouraged the tension free situation. Upon arrival, Rei and Minako scurried off to find the grill, leaving Makoto, Ami and Usagi to fetch the vegetables and spices to turn into a hopefully delicious sauce. Everyone worked hard; Makoto and Rei grilled the fish, Ami and Minako cut the greens and Usagi tried to mix the oregano and cream successfully. With deceiving changes the brunette managed to transform uneven vegetables and a gooey sauce into gourmet food. With plastic plates and cutlery the five friends sat on stones around a strong fire, provided from no other then the raven-haired girl.

Before they could begin eating, Minako quickly jumped up almost emptying her plate onto the ground, she quickly shoved her meal into Rei's already full hands and ran into to their home for the next month. The four girls sat bewildered waiting for a some incredible surprise or at least a silly outfit from the blonde, instead the girl returned holding a bottle of white wine.

"Oh Mina-chan, you didn't…" sighed Ami.

The blonde giggled as she approached the fire holding the bottle and five plastic cups stacked in one hand, "Come on, it's just one bottle. Besides, I read fish goes well with white wine! Let's toast to our first night!" she said filling the cups with liquid.

Receiving each a recipient, the girls smiled and raised their drinks in unison. Thrusting plastic against plastic they drank, almost all of them cringed feeling the hot alcohol against their throats.

"Mina, where did you get this?" asked Usagi taking a slower sip.

"From my parent's secret stash, they won't notice since they're never around. I brought one more but that's for the last day we're here," announced Minako proudly.

Makoto ate some fish and took a sip of her wine "It was a good choice" – she licked her lips- "this is very tasty, I'll have to remember that when I open my own restaurant" she said taking in the combination of flavors.

"Don't count on Mina-chan eating there because of your food, she'll just ask for bottles of wine!" teased Rei behind a fork filled with salmon.

Usagi howled with laughter and winked evilly at the miko. Makoto and Ami looked at each other amused. It took an awkward moment before anything happened.

Minako shifted towards Rei who sat next to her, "Hey! I brought the wine so we could share a nice moment together! Besides, I'd rather be fat than an alcoholic!" she cried excitedly before throwing herself on the girl beside her. Luckily only small portions of food flew around them, the two girls once again wrestled as they did at the lake. The miko, completely embarrassed, let herself be taken over by the blonde who proclaimed her victory several times although she kept instigating a further battle.

The friendly match lasted only a few minutes but the insistent laughter lasted at least for an hour. With the fire dying out and the five girls worn out, they left the mess to be cleaned the next morning. They got into their pajamas and brushed their teeth, one by one they scrambled into sleeping bags after a long session of teasing and silly conversation.

Long after Usagi had fallen asleep, Minako and Rei disputed stubbornly but obviously just as excuse to look at each other. Meanwhile Makoto and Ami pretended to ignore each other, the brunette laid on her back with her eyes staring at the ceiling and the blue-haired girl read the same page repeatedly of her book.

With an unfamiliar dose of alcohol in her system and the romantic sound of the lake whistling behind her, Makoto turned her body towards Ami and boyishly grinned " Listen, I'm going to sleep but if it gets really cold I guess…" – she shifted nervously before her proposal, the idea sounding better in her head than out loud – "I thought maybe we could…cuddle together?" she asked instantly, her pale anxious skin turned into a red embarrassed tone.

Ami discretely had one eye away from her book. Both cheeks flustered were hidden behind a thick cover and many pages. "Okay, maybe" she answered flatly, her concentration quickly fixed back onto words she couldn't understand and had no intention of doing so. Feeling tense, the genius glanced quickly towards the body beside her. The brunette had instantly fallen asleep; she lay on her back, both eyes firmly closed and yet her arms fell loosely at her sides, fully inviting a foreign body.

The girl fit into a tight blue sleeping bag craned her neck to see black and blonde hair entangled across from her. The enamored bickering between Rei and Minako ended with both girls holding hands and their faces moments away from kissing. Usagi slept completely unnoticed except for her growing snores, each minute the pitch escalated further and further.

With many thoughts in her head, Ami turned to face a dry gray wall on her left. Trying to fall asleep the only sound she could hear, despite the odango head's permanent snores, were the slow and subtle breathes of the girl next to her. Images of calculations and medical information could not keep the unstill girl's heart from colliding against her chest, fearing for her sanity she inched her way towards Makoto who, sound asleep, held posture ready for an embrace.

The blue-haired girl began by opening her sleeping bag and cautiously placing her body against the taller girl's, detecting no threat, Ami lifted herself slowly until her head was on Makoto`s chest and her hand carefully placed on the brunette's tight stomach. For a moment everything seemed fine, the genius relaxed and settled into her new position, momentarily unaware that a hand was sliding on her back and onto her arm. Ami lightly jumped before noticing the person she hung onto was looking at her.

Makoto smiled widely before rolling her eyes "Finally…" she whispered tugging the smaller girl into her arms. They held each other all night. Neither slept but neither minded.